Thoughts on "Dreamie folders"?

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Wingspan

How do you react to them? (hypothetical)

80 Votes I would love it, but probably not contact the person
19 Votes I would love it, and probably contact them on whether or not it's a keeper for me
122 Votes I would have neutral feelings on it
64 Votes I would dislike it, but probably not contact them or just tell them whether it's a keeper or not anyway
16 Votes I would dislike it, and probably criticize or cut ties with the person for it

Hey Toyhouse! I don't make too many forum threads, though I've been kinda curious about a topic I've seen brought up somewhat often with usually mixed perspectives on it. What are your thoughts on "dreamie folders"? Do you like seeing your characters added to them, or do you prefer people don't do that? You can also add your reasons as to why, I'd love to hear what you people think.


Anyway, I don't really plan on creating one myself in case you're wondering if that's why I made this. I guess trying to have my sights set on one character, let alone several, is just something I'm too lazy for wijofjioeg. If one of my characters ever got added to one, though, I might actually find it quite flattering honestly! Though I'd probably let the person know at some point if the design is something I'm keeping, just so they're aware. What would you do, though?


I mean my friend called Bo a dreamie and despite the fact I'm ~never gonna give him up, never gonna let him down, never gonna ruuuunnn around and, desert him-~ it lowkey felt kinda good, cause like, hey that's so cool they like my character that I pour my love and soul into, that's so epic.

If someone called Juniper a dreamie however I'd be less happy because uhm- No. Not a chance.

Edit: in classic dumbass fashion I forgot to add my secondary little bit - that is to say my opinion on people putting OTHER people's characters in dreamie folders - I say it's fine as long as the person explicitly states it's okay, but if they say it's not or don't say anything, don't be a dick and say that it's a dreamie regardless.


I read through a few of these posts and saw some pretty interesting thoughts. As for the whole “possibly going to steal”, I totally get that. If an account that seemed somewhat fishy added one of my characters to a dreamie folder... yeah, I’d probably get a little worried, too. You kinda gotta wonder why someone who was about to steal a certain character would put it in a viewable folder, though, wouldn’t that make it easy to see which one they stole? That’s just me, though.

Anyway, most if not all of my characters are forever homed, so I’d probably get being kind of uncomfortable if someone added one to a dreamie folder. Though, kind of the same with people who have really strict rules against offering on non-UFO characters, there’s nothing wrong with telling them it’s forever homed. At least, as long as they don’t get mad at you eiwiejjejs. Anyway that’s just my thoughts, though.


Ngl I don’t mind it but I’m mixed about it? It honestly depends on the character 

Theres at least two characters that I don’t want people to refer to them as a dreamie-

One is an oc that I was attached as soon as I saw him and I worked hard to get him from the owner that was selling him

Another one was an oc that I got recently and they’re a cs, I have a lot of ideas for him and when I posted him someone referred to him as a dreamie and I had people dming me/commenting almost after purchasing asking me if they could have him after I wasn’t uninterested anymore- 

I understand that you want an oc (I’ve literally been there is genuinely no issue there) but its kinda made me uncomfortable? Especially with one oc because that community has people who tend to steal ocs

Overall- It depends on the oc for me tbh 


I have too much anxiety to feel flattered. I don't plan on trading away my characters so whenever I see a name I don't know that favorites someone, I tend to check their faves to make sure my OCs don't get thrown into a dreamy or inspiration folder, and if they do, I quietly remove the favorite. My folders are set up in such a messy manner that people have to do some roundabout things to browse around, and I've unlisted everyone (I think), so favorites are almost limited to followers only at this point. I can balance my serotonin and paranoia this way, haha. 


I don’t mind them only thing I ask is that folks respect my permahomed characters and do not attempt to offer on them... Or add my sonas to their dreamie folder because that’s a representation of me x.x


i totally get both arguments, but i still lean on the "doesn't like it" crowd :U

i think it's mostly because i prefer to keep faves as an "i like this oc" counter rather than "i'm bookmarking this oc to offer on later" counter (which is how i see dreamie folders). but yeah if i just happen to find my oc in a dreamie folder i just quietly remove the fave and move on, no point it calling out the person or whatever.

i know i keep talking about one bad instance where someone kept calling an oc of mine a dreamie and was super overbearing every time this topic comes up, but i do genuinely believe that was the start of me being actually annoyed w/ the whole "dreamie" thing. and also another instance a while back when i made my first sona, he got put into a dreamie folder and it was like. reeeaally weird to me esp since it's the sona i'm "most like" so it was just like. please don't kjsdhdjk

but yeah, since you can just quietly remove faves, i just do so and don't bother the person and that's it really


I usually don't mind them - I understand why others don't like them due to bad experiences and there have been a few cases where I've removed favourites of people I'm uncomfy with on my sonas cause it feels awful to have them want to own this reflection of myself?? But on the other hand whenever someone I think is cool adds one of my ocs to their dreamie folder I get super flattered haha 


I don't care if people do this or not really. I rather people not put any of my chars into 'dreamie' folders because the idea makes me uncomfy that they're just hoping I'll sell it, which feels off. But eeeh. Whatever really.


I don't get the concept of "dreamies" as individual specific characters that you want to somehow acquire from the person who owns them.  It makes sense to have a dream goal for a specific closed species or something like that.  But I don't see any reason to get your hopes up that some other person is going to sell a specific OC in the future.  It would be more productive to group your favorite not-yours characters into an inspiration folder instead.


i'd say i would get flattered if a character of mine was added to a dreamie folder (iffy if it's a sona or close character, since that would be uncomfortable), but unless i'm looking to sell the character itself, then they'll be staying with me! main problems i would have is if the person is insistent on trying to get the character, even if i've stated before that i have no plans on selling/giving them away.

otherwise, i don't really mind/see the point of those types of folders unless bookmarking adopts or smthing, as i don't see other peoples already homed characters as dreamies to me. those are just my two cents though, the option i chose in the poll doesn't actually represent what i think HKJHS


I lean towards not liking it, but overall I just really don't care as long as they don't message me asking for that character (unless the char is UFT ofc). I know I'll get really paranoid if I think too much about it, so I just don't think about it or check favorite folders haha.