Thoughts on "Dreamie folders"?

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Wingspan

How do you react to them? (hypothetical)

80 Votes I would love it, but probably not contact the person
19 Votes I would love it, and probably contact them on whether or not it's a keeper for me
122 Votes I would have neutral feelings on it
64 Votes I would dislike it, but probably not contact them or just tell them whether it's a keeper or not anyway
16 Votes I would dislike it, and probably criticize or cut ties with the person for it

Hey Toyhouse! I don't make too many forum threads, though I've been kinda curious about a topic I've seen brought up somewhat often with usually mixed perspectives on it. What are your thoughts on "dreamie folders"? Do you like seeing your characters added to them, or do you prefer people don't do that? You can also add your reasons as to why, I'd love to hear what you people think.


Anyway, I don't really plan on creating one myself in case you're wondering if that's why I made this. I guess trying to have my sights set on one character, let alone several, is just something I'm too lazy for wijofjioeg. If one of my characters ever got added to one, though, I might actually find it quite flattering honestly! Though I'd probably let the person know at some point if the design is something I'm keeping, just so they're aware. What would you do, though?


it never happened to me but i'd be flattered if it did honestly!

tho i also don't sell/trade characters (no shame on ppl who do ofc! it's just something that never appealed to me) so i'd probably shoot the person a polite dm thanking them but letting them know the character isn't going anywhere? idk i'd just like. feel bad if i knew someone was watching one of my oc's hoping i'll sell and i had to disappoint them haha ;;


Never happened to me, but would find it flattering and would be willing to brainstorm if someone needs inspiration using one of my characters. Ultimately, my issue would be more around being stalked and repeatedly asked to give my OC to someone else, but if someone puts them in a dreamie or 'want to have' folder, I see no reason to complain.


I have seen ppl with Dreamie folders put mine into them and I see it as a compliment! I would be flattered if my OCS is worth that much. My only issue is that if people actively try to offer for my OCS that are put into the folder and are not for trade/sale! But if they leave me alone, I'm just going to assume it is a compliment type thing :)

Edit: Oh yeah, as an alternative for Dreamie that is not Dreamie folders I do have an "Godly OCS" fav folder :")


I posted a response on a similar thread, but I guess I'll post one here too.

In all honesty, I don't care what people do with their folders or favorites, as it's really none of my business what they do. I've personally never had my characters added to a dreamy folder, so I can't say for sure how I'd react to it, but I'd probably flattered because out of all the terrible designs I have, someone would come along and actually see them as something nice? If that makes sense. I mean, obviously, I'd let them know the status of that character.

I only have problems if it's a character explicitly stated "NFS" and the individual keeps asking/offering for it.

But other than that, I feel people should stop trying to limit/eradicate dreamy folders altogether. Of course, people can have their opinions on them, but I personally believe it's not important, unless it's a literal problem and the person faving is stalking your characters or something. That's when the line has been crossed.


Discomforted. At most I have a fav folder for designs ufs/t, but I remove characters from there once they're unlisted. (I check the list every week or so)

The idea of someone wanting a design that's not marked as for offers feels weird, and I just quietly remove favs like that.

If theyre ufs/t then it doesn't bother me as much, but still feels off 


I like them for the most part. It's cool to feel like my art and designs are wanted. I get not wanting your characters on a shopping list, but if you trade a lot like me they can be useful for knowing who to go to. 

Though it does get awkward when the folder has a description like "I'll do ANYTHING to get these guys uwu" or if people start asking if I'll ever trade the character. Doesn't happen to me often though because I don't have any designs from "pop artists"

That said I don't have any dreamie folders because making one feels kinda... invasive? I don't want to step on anyone's toes


It’s a little disrespectful because I really love my OCs, and don’t plan of giving them away.
To put them in such.... it’s kinda creepy for me. Like, mmmm no thanks


imo even if it's just to show appreciation and the user has no intention of actually asking about trades, it's still kind of weird and discomfiting. like, if a friend came over to my house and saw my big widescreen TV and they said "wow I wish that TV was mine" instead of "cool TV" or "where'd you buy that TV, I'd love one like it", I'd be weirded out?? in the same vein a fav folder named "dreamie" has a way different vibe from a fav folder named "aesthetic" or "inspo" even if the user doesn't do anything concrete about it. 

with original characters there's also the aspect of like... most people will wipe all the personality and backstory and stuff that comes with a design when they buy it. so if someone wants my ocs... that means they just think the design looks good, and if given the chance to own it would probably erase all the work I put into that oc so they can do their own thing. but I'm a writer and that stuff is what I'm most proud of when it comes to my ocs, so it makes me feel a little snubbed. 

that said, it's obviously your right to do whatever you want with your favs and I don't have the energy to comb through people's folders when they fav my characters to see where they put them, so it's whatever. I'm not gonna hold a grudge over it or anything.


Personally i dont care tbh.
if people wanna put my characters in a dreamie folder i take it as a compliment and i know that most of my characters will not be traded or sold so im not worried. As long as they dont send unsolicited offers im cool with people liking my characters and calling them "dreamies"

Plus i dont go through peoples favs to see if someone put a character i owner they faved in a dreamie folder to begin with, im way to lazy for that. I will say that when i look through trade threads and see one of my characters in a dreamie folder im all like:


99% of my characters on TH are my own designs, so I usually just feel flattered if someone likes them enough to consider any of them a dreamie. As long as I don't get unsolicited offers I'm cool and most of the time won't even know if they're put in a dreamie folder in the first place - I usually just notice them by accident when I browse people's sales/trades that come with a wishlist attached. 

However, I absolutely sympathize with people who don't enjoy it: it can be super disheartening to see a character you have poured a lot of time, effort and love into is put on someone's shopping list, and/or they think they'd make a better owner to the character than their actual owner. There is a very personal aspect to characters among most creators, so it's easy to see why others waiting for you to part with the design is uncomfortable and kinda weird (especially if you're not in the adopt and trading circles). I feel private wishlists/dreamie folders are the best of both worlds most of the time, granted the person will not try to harass the current owner of their dreamie or in other way indicate they want the design unless the design is on sale/trade. 


With my dreamie folder I only put characters I 1: Know for a *Fact* that they are uft/ufo, if it even seems like a little bit that it isn’t I will not add it. 2: I feel that if I were to offer on it with my current art style and ability that I may actually be able to obtain it. Like I’m not just gonna add these super hq ocs I know I’m never gonna get. 3: I check on the ocs in my dreamie folder quite often, and if the have been adopted by someone else, or are pending, I will remove them from my dreamie folder and instead put them in my “Lovely Aesthetic” folder. 4: My “dreamie” list is really more of just ocs I’d like to offer on, and I guess you could say my goals, rather than just ocs that I can only dream about lmao.


I don't sell adoptables and I ain't giving out characters any time soon so I'd be confused by someone throwing one of my characters into a dreamie folder, but unless they were harassing me or I saw them stealing the character outright, I wouldn't care otherwise.