what's with the hate around ocxcanon ships?

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by BDL

I understand that people have their own tastes in ships, but i can't seem to wrap my head around those who attack the oc's creator for it?


It's one of those things we all do in a cringe phase and grow out of and look back on like "haha how dumb".
Yet luckily most of us grow out of the mindset that it's dumb and just learn to enjoy things as they are.
Life's too short. Have fun.


I think it’s just people who has to grow up, like others prob are saying to.


I don't get the hate either, OC x canon shipping is harmless and doesn't have any impact on the original source material or anyone else's personal favourite ships. Go have fun with your favourite characters in your fictional sandbox, I promise you're allowed to!

Though I have noticed there's a weird double standard where the things people complain about or dislike in regards to OC x canon pairings are suddenly acceptable if it's a canon x canon pairing slapped together for the sake of smut. Has anyone else noticed this too?


They are extremely cringe, and I say it as someone with an ocxcanon ship.

It's also super annoying when you're looking for fanart and have to go through ocxcanon stuff. I have no idea why people post it, let alone tag it. I can't imagine it having any value for anyone who is not the owner of the oc.


I mean, people who would attack someone for that are pretty immature...

I personally am not a fan of ocxcannon, I dont do it for my characters and I'm not interested in reading about it or anything either. 

To me, it's weird because multiple people ship the same cannon chara to their oc and it means I have to chose in my head which ship is... I guess the cannon for my headcanon? Like it breaks the continuity if that makes sense. But that's a me issue and I dont talk about it unless specifically discussing this topic, which is rare.  People can ship canonxoc if they want. Doesn't hurt me (except hurting my brain if I think too much about the multitude of ships one cannon character has)

*I also tend to not to do more than one cannonxcannon ship with a character (ex: X and Y or X and Z) I'm weird


No fun allowed. Send tweet.

In all seriousness though, I definitely believe that people just don't get it, and just like a parent who discovered their kid has a hobby, must destroy it immediately. "I don't get it, therefore it's bad and you should be ashamed of it." I feel cringe culture also contributed to the demonization of it, if you will.

Life is too short, who even gives a damn if you ship your fan character with sonic as long as there's nothing harmful and you're just having fun? I know it took me plenty-a-breakdowns where I was too worried about the public perception until it hit me that you can just...

Have fun. And enjoy yourself.


There is no good reason for it really aside from the fact that it used to be frowned upon back then, and for the people who still think it’s “cringe“ today, they’re still stuck in that 2014-2017 phase of hating on every single thing imaginable. Cringe culture and content creators making extremely toxic videos about people making content they loved shaped our way of thinking. A lot of people are still stuck in that god awful era of “cringe” and it sucks

might be something totally diffrent, like peopel just not understanding it or just hating to get attention, but like, that’s what I’ve mostly picked up on it.

ngl im one to talk since I used to do it back then since I was dumb and would copy exactly what youtubers did, but since then I’ve matured and I learn to control myself and just dont care about what people draw. It ain’t hurting me so why should I make a big deal about it? If you make ocxcanon ships and it makes you happy, then keep doing what you love.


Iiiiiiii was in the rp community for so many years and saw this a lot. A lot of people think it's a self insert thing and get agitated about it. Long story short, the only people who get mad are the people who usually like the character paired with the oc and feel as if the oc is a threat for some reason or another. People hold onto canon characters really tightly and sometimes the oc can question their headcanons they made for the character. 

One reason why I made ocs was to get away from that very sentiment. I used to be so over protective of canon characters that I'd pretty much shit on people who shipped their ocs with them for no real reason. Liking a canon character felt like a huge competition of who was the most worthy of them and who was closest to them and could really understand them. It's honestly such a toxic thing and just bad on both sides. I prefer my ocs now and try not to get anywhere near Fandom these days. I'm sure the brainwashing and conditioning still remains there and I'm just too old to be living so meanly.


I've personally dealt with those who shamed others for OCxCC because they were insecure about not being able to let themselves enjoy it. Like everyone else has said above, if it really bothers someone that bad to where they start feeling the need to harass or threaten anybody, they're extremely immature and there's something else that's probably part of the problem.

I don't do OCxCC ships much anymore due to all the hate and even threats (because unfortunately some people think that's fun??) I got for it, aside from one ship. But even then, it's left it's mark already. I don't really care much now, but I do still have those thoughts that one of these days someone's going to come along and start it up all over again.

It's just sad people will think it's okay to bully (sometimes children) people over pixels and scribbles that aren't hurting anyone (unless the ship is actually toxic). That's when you know said bully is really lonely and looking for some form of attention. They don't know what the shipper could be going through personally, and a LOT of people tend to forget that other people have feeling and emotions as well.

But the reason I've done OCxCC whenever I could was to play around with the canon character's personality and character altogether, and develop how they'd interact with others outside of canon. Plus, also to escape the rough times I've had in my life, to cope with anxiety and depression. Thankfully, I was never the competitive type and it was really fun to see everyone else's art of their OCxCC with the same canon, because damn do people have some amazing art. 

The point is, do what you like! As long as the ship wouldn't be considered illegal, do whatever makes you happy and don't let other people ruin that.


i don't see anything wrong with them, but a lot of people find them annoying or weird. though i do have crushes on canon characters all the time (ahhahah-) i don't ship myself with them.