What songs do you HATE?

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Glowstickknight

I know we all have our favorites, but what songs can you not stand hearing? What are you sick of? Or what have you never liked?


Almost every song in the hyperpop genre esp GMFU, all the songs blend together at some point I'm sorry they're literally so AUGHH to my ears . I'll listen to party rockers or happyhardcore instead 😭😭😭


Not a song, and I’m not sure if it’s a sample or just a common type of beat but just cannot stand this one kind of beat that uses a synth hi-hat(?); I usually hear it from Insta / YT reels and from other people’s phones when they’re loud enough for me to hear, but regardless it gets so annoying hearing the same short beat over and over again 


...Pretty much just name a Christmas song with vocals and I dislike it. They're all annoying. 


holiday time you know what that means! i will never forgive pentatonix for the torment they put me through when i worked retail in the months of november-december


Any Olivia Rodrigo song (I'm sorry) 


ANY country, it just pisses me off no idea why

ANYTHING BY taylor swift I cannot stand this lady, no idea why but something about her just kinda ticks me off


honestly i hate music that's obnoxiously happy, examples: the OST of pkmn scarlet/violet (with the exception of area zero) and Christmas music.

Most games i play don't have obnoxiously happy music, it's only Pokemon scarlet/violet that do this (outside of area zero) and i hate it


This is stupid as hell but Avenues by Drive45 pisses me off so bad. I think most of the song is alright fine but that damn section from 1:20 - 1:40 is the most annoying sound in the world and it just ruins the entire song for me. And I have a high tolerance for "annoying sounds" considering I actively enjoy this horrible part from Ambergris by King Gizzard (timestamped at 3:25)


life goes on and on and shut up oh my god its been 3 years why r u still up on tiktok

also that japanese loli song with the girl dancing, like i was eh with it at first until i realized what it meant


Wait is little darkie that one dude that played the “how many times r u gonna ignore the signs because ignoring the slurs (which some people would lip sing them on TikTok despite not being able to reclaim those slurs???? And call u sensitive for not waiting to lip sing a goddamn slur) that’s a good song, I’m so upset man can’t have SHIT in Detroit. (I would listen to the clean version though because idk hearing a bunch of slurs left and right in a song even if the singer can reclaim them makes me uncomfortable 😭)

Man can’t have SHIT in Detroit (people are so wack nowadays like fucking hell)

But if you want another song I’m getting sick of it would probably be Doja’s Paint The Town Red. Bleh :/


Any song made by Conan Gray. Those songs are for white women who think they are unique

I also do not see the appeal of MCR. Welcome to The Black Parade is nowhere near as good as everyone says it is