Post your current desktop or phone wallpaper!

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Kogami

I recall seeing this kind of thread in several forums I've joined but have yet to find one here? Let me know if it does exist somewhere!

Rules, kinda:

  • Feel free to post anytime you change the wallpaper of your phone or desktop as long as you don't spam the thread
  • You're also free to censor some stuff for privacy!
  • Add some context? Like why you choose the wallpaper, where did it come from, etc
  • If it's an artwork that isn't yours, (e.g. any fanarts or non-commercialized artworks) please credit the original artist with link to their profile or the artwork's link! You don't need to include any links if it's just any form of officially commercialized artwork or screenshots of a series/game, especially mainstream ones.
    • Do not post the wallpaper if you cannot find the original source to the artwork! Crediting with "sources unknown", "credits to the original artist (without any links)" or giving a reposted/mirrored link is not allowed either! (Google reverse image or SauceNAO is your friend for tracking back sources!) At least please name the artist if the artwork's source is not available.
  • Keep it PG-13 (meaning no NSFW), put under a spoiler if it's mildly suggestive or have contents that aren't for everyone (e.g. mild gore or blood, implied depression or self harm, etc)

Hopefully that's clear enough! o7



My current background I got for donating a couple of dollars to Wooden Overcoats season 2. It's super cute so I'm not planning on changing it anytime soon (it doesn't really have that weird stripy texture, that's just my cheap phone being weird)


wallpapers by tsukumizu yuu (desktop) and Raddishes (phone)


tkmiz has been my art insp while I really adore the sentimental feeling of tile stinky rado made



This is a promotional illust by Kisa Yuu for the Hatsune Miku x Music Café collab that is happening right now in Akihabara ;;v;; It's also my icon everywhere because... I love it so much... I wish I could go to the café because they're giving out/selling some really cool merch with this illustration, as well as another one by the same artist, and I want..... all...... of....... it..............

Johnna Crow TheStrayCat

My phone's wallpaper is a piece of art by my friend Ahliera of my girl Johnna Crow <3



under spoilers because l o n g screenshots

Right now using one of the wallpapers from 2yr because I think it looks coolio with my monitor setup (Model/tower by )


and my phone wallpaper was supposed to be a placeholder until i found or made a better one but it's she (had to move some icons to get a good-ish screenshot though because I like this doodle it grew on me after a while)



My home screen (A pic of one of my guinea pigs)

I would censor, but my city name is fairly common


My lock screen (art by yours truly)


My desktop background is just this. I don't feel like screenshotting and uploading to imgur a third time.



 I have the messiest desktop I have ever seen. actually calling it "messy" is a lie bc that implies there was ever supposed to be any semblence of order. its just pure unbridled chaos, ft my fav image of all time


I have it here


My lockscreen is sal + larry from Sally Face ((lost the artist!)) and my wallpaper is a picture of my girlfriend :”O



Yuhki Kamatani art from Shounen Note!! I really love this one and it's one of the rare big color illustrations I could find of Vladimir in particular.
Anyway I owe my life to Yuhki Kamatani please go read their works they're all delightful and deal with a lot of LGBT+ stuff too

(Icons hidden)

akskaks i just changed my phone homescreen, wont post for personal reasons but im so in love!!!

my little cousin had her 4th birthday last weekend and my aunt hired an actress and an actor to perform the beauty and the beast!! and then my cousin interrupted the play in the middle of it because she wanted to give them some candy and it was the cutest thing ever!!! the photographer at the party got a picture of that exact moment and it’s now my forever homescreen ;;v;;


Hi I’m Garnet I’m too lazy to take and upload a screenshot and my favorite characters are the ones nobody else likes lmao



This has been my phone/iPad wallpaper for years because I just. Love Fi so much y’all. Plus Wind Walker was my first Zelda so it’s just perfect for me??? Shame the link in the description leads nowhere and the artist’s DA has been dead for so long, would have liked to buy that phone case :’)