Post your current desktop or phone wallpaper!

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Kogami

I recall seeing this kind of thread in several forums I've joined but have yet to find one here? Let me know if it does exist somewhere!

Rules, kinda:

  • Feel free to post anytime you change the wallpaper of your phone or desktop as long as you don't spam the thread
  • You're also free to censor some stuff for privacy!
  • Add some context? Like why you choose the wallpaper, where did it come from, etc
  • If it's an artwork that isn't yours, (e.g. any fanarts or non-commercialized artworks) please credit the original artist with link to their profile or the artwork's link! You don't need to include any links if it's just any form of officially commercialized artwork or screenshots of a series/game, especially mainstream ones.
    • Do not post the wallpaper if you cannot find the original source to the artwork! Crediting with "sources unknown", "credits to the original artist (without any links)" or giving a reposted/mirrored link is not allowed either! (Google reverse image or SauceNAO is your friend for tracking back sources!) At least please name the artist if the artwork's source is not available.
  • Keep it PG-13 (meaning no NSFW), put under a spoiler if it's mildly suggestive or have contents that aren't for everyone (e.g. mild gore or blood, implied depression or self harm, etc)

Hopefully that's clear enough! o7



It's a commissioned piece of my OCs Lucien and Louis made by @circlejourney haha ♥



My current desktop. The art is by nx8d3 over on the Inspector Gadget Unlimited forums.






Both are things I drew lol. I like having my characters as my wallpaper. One day I'd like to draw a massive picture with all of my characters in it and use that, but that'd take forever lmao




My late kitty, Cosmas. I miss him. 😔

The empty space to the left of Google Drive is where I intended to place the icon for Happy Street but I've never transferred the game to the newer tablet...too afraid of losing my progress.

(I have another cat, BTW.)

And the second page:


Dropbox (writing) and Sony Sketch (drawing) see a lot of action. I have to use anWriter Free to create new HTML files since Dropbox doesn't support that (and the paid version of anWriter kept crashing). For the most part, if I can choose between an app or a website version, I choose the website (even on a tablet). Yahoo! Mail is there only because the site broke one night and I threw a fit. And YouTube, was always there, there's no escaping it. >_>


I just changed my phone background yesterday!! Its currently this super cute pic of my dog Jazzy and probably will be for a while <3


But my previous background (and still my lockscreen) is this SUPER unflattering pic of my uncle's cat on New Year's night after she found some catnip.




Art by me of my good boye Puppy

I keep most of my apps in folders bc I can see more of the wallpaper that way lol

Also I usually keep my phone wallpaper as my own art so if someone asks about my art or something I can just whip out my phone and be like "ta da look fren" 



oh yeah art by uh uh uh uh covertkirb

my phone wallpapaer is the same :3c.. ..


tigerhdwallpaper0308.jpgToo lazy to screencap my desktop but well I have the image on hand, and well yeah a fantastic tiger cause they so great.

EDIT: Ahaha whoops I already posted, and with a screencap... well I still love this tiger image so yee :p


k3XIFD7.jpghNyUFwJ.jpgdeku from bnha as my lockscreen and miles from into the spider-verse as my wallpaper!! i can't find the source for my lockscreen atm but my wallpaper is a screencap for the movie :'^) i lov them both sm