The Digimon Thread

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by Caine

Another fandom focused thread since I figured it's probably a series nostalgic enough to get people talking & I get the feeling there are people out there whose OC interest / character design hobby started from making their own digimon and whatnot! 

You're free to talk about whatever honestly and talk with other people freely, but here are some stuff you can reply with if you need some sort of guideline for starters:

- How did you get into the series?

- Your favourite memories about it? 

- Favourite anime/games?

- Favourite digimons? 

- Did the series influence your art/character creation/characters in any way?

- Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?  

And here are a few tiny rules to keep things nice:

  • This is not a thread where to discuss whether Digimon is better or worse than Pokemon or any other similar concept series! It's alright to have a preference but let's not bring other fandoms here, alright? 
  • If you want to talk about spoilers, make sure to use the spoiler function or blacked out text!
  • Respect other people's opinions and avoid getting into arguments (and if you do, move it to DMs!)
  • Don't be a meanie 
If things for whatever reason are starting to get heated up I'll give a public warning 

I have only watched Digimon tamers and like only one or two episodes of the other one.  I didn't actually have TV growing up but this show was the only one I was able to watch when it came on and got all excited when I caught the next episode playing.  This is because I found it while at my grandma's who did have a TV.  

I remember taking some of my toys and deciding which ones could evolve into each other and making all these digimon up and memorizing these complicated names for them.  Sadly I can't remember any of them except on I think was called Hissmon.  Which was a snake, creative I know.


How did you get into the series?

I'm a 90s kid so it was literally impossible not to see Digimon everywhere! Initially I thought of it as a Pokemon clone as most kids probably did (even though Digimon actually stared out as a "tamagochi for boys") and wasn't interested until mum heard about it from some other mum whose kid was obsessed with Digimon. She recorded me the episode 4 on VHS as a surprise and after I watched I was doomed and so was my mum because now she would have to explain me things like what does 666 mean. Also my parents didn't really buy me any merch aside from two tailmon plushies because I Loved her (I always loved cats) and one metalgarurumon action figure because I also loved him a lot. I also got a lot of stickers and the sticker book but that was about it!! In Finland we had this digimon soda I only get to taste from a sample and I swear it was like the nectar of gods to me at age 4 and honestly? I wish they still sold them 

Your favourite memories about it? 

God the whole vandemon arc of adventure had some real feel kickers and I can't listen to bolero without crying a little. Same for angemon vs devimon I was 4 and I was SO emotional and I think it's still my fave part because the hyping up for that moment was so good. Also I used to play digimon a lot with other boys and we had our own storylines haha and I loved those, Digimon was the most narrative-heavy show for me at that time that it really influenced me and my outdoor games and is probably a huge reason to why I got into storytelling and oc making!!  

Favourite anime/games?

I have only seen seasons 1-3 and I prefer adventure because nostalgia but I'm looking forward to rewatching tamers!! I had a pretty bad opinion of it because I hated the Finnish dub and I was an edgy 14-year-old who hated they went to a different direction. But knowing better now I have a feeling I'll love it now as an adult!

I'm super enjoying Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth like it's honestly one of my fave games now? It's so fun and so character focused and it just makes me smile a lot also I finally got Lucemon after so much grinding... the ritual is complete......... Oh and I also played a bit of the first digimon world as a kid & also that one pixel fighting game? 

Favourite digimons? 

I HAVE TONS but Gabumon would be my number one pick for a partner I love the evolution line + I have always had a soft spot for gabumons as a whole? Also loved the adventure one. Lucemon is my sort of fave but too op to pick for a partner lmao and the lore is a bit eehh in the anime I personally just enjoy the game take on them as in I can just. have several lucemons in one canon y'nknow. Also tailmon line, renmon line and terriermon + kokomon lines are big faves!! Honestly I love more digimon than I feel neutral about haha  


Hello Digimon thread!

How did you get into the series?
It aired on local television when I was a kid, so I spent my weekends watching it, weekends well spent!

Your favourite memories about it?
Imagining Digimon scenarios in my head... which Digimon could be my partner Digimon and how I would adventure with it. Also playing Digimon with my friends where we'd just imagine ourselves with Digimon! And! Designing my own Digimon FHDHSGSGS I want my Guilmon

Favourite anime/games?
Digimon Adventure 2, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier

Favourite digimons?
Tailmon, Hawkmon, Gabumon, Guilmon, Renamon, Patamon, Seadramon, I'll take any of them as a Digimon Partner (will... edit this later because I love too many Digimons to rememeber them all in one post 😂😭)

Did the series influence your art/character creation/characters in any way?
Didn't make OCs until recent but it definitely sparked my interest in monster design. I think it helped to balance out my drawing foundations too; I drew monsters before moving to anime-influenced styles and human characters, so I ended up drawing both.

Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?
Yes! Digimon merchandise in shops! And playing the Digimon games released back then, I didn't get it progress much in the games though because I didn't understand much of the instructions 囧rz



AH. DIGIMON.... Probably my absolute favourite among the "monster" subgenre in hobbyani

And yes for reference "hobby anime" aka hobbyani is what JP fandom calls these younger male-targeted anime; they're usually split by three categories that is 1) monsters 2) TCG 3) toys, with certain of them being overlapped....that said. I've said the preface so lets go.

- How did you get into the series?

Back when I was like 5 years old, its one of the animes that's aired on local TV that I eventually got into it since I watch nothing but cartoons hahah. Later my late dad bought some CDs of its episodes (oh boy remember when CDs with cartoons was still relevant) from like? the first until the 10th episode? and it was all in Indonesian dub ahah. I mean I actually prefer it over the Malaysian dub At some point my parents only bought Pokemon and Digimon CDs for us to watch that I was known in the family for being the one thats obsessed with both of them ahah so thats literally how I got into it, I guess

- Your favourite memories about it? 


  • Did I mention that my parents remembers me as the one thats obsessed with Digimon (and Pokemon) the most? Yes I did.
  • And to continue my obsession with Digimon when I was 5, I even had Digimon 02 and Tamers CDs in CHINESE dub despite I don't understand a single word but. It's hard to catch up with every episodes on TV. So.
  • EVERY Malaysians had this childhood at some point and its collecting these Digimon 02 sticker books. Except, my situation is quite funny because my mom owns 87623725637 copies of the books?? And finished quite a number of them?? We sent a few copies as you could win cool prizes such as a vacation trip, bicycle or Digivices. I did won two Digivices! One was the green one that belonged to Takeru and another was this one. I really want to find these treasures again...
    • (The same company also made Digimon Tamers and Bakuten Shoot Beyblade sticker books and we had collected a few stickers at some point but its quite rarer to find the sticker packs compared to the 02 ones-)
  • I sometimes go to my cousin's house to play this certain Digimon game on PS2. I think it was Digimon Rumble Arena.
  • Ah yes my Digimon walkie-talkies...Not only its one of my treasured toys but I remember actually using (playing) these with my twin sis and we basically hide in different rooms and communicate like secret agents ajhdghadgdha good times (Also during last week, my mom actually asked about giving them away to our cousins and obviously I didn't let her but I'm surprised she still remember the toys lol)
  • When I was in the 4th grade, I also brought Digimon comics to school and that was the only time where my (male) classmates would interact with me because they wanted to read it ahdhadfhaf
  • Around 2014 or 2015 I once binged Digimon Adventures in two weeks. The few times I had that much energy to finish a 50+ episodes anime.
  • EDIT: Uhhhhhh I cried multiple times watching Adventures and the War Game movie

- Favourite anime/games?

Okay I'm not the kind that sticks to one particular season but the first one is very popular for obvious reason.....It made me cry and the writing?? Super good. But 02 wasn't bad either and I frankly liked the concept a lot despite I know 02 had some flaws hahah

Digimon Tamers though, while I don't remember the first half of the series I did have the CDs for the finale so I remember those the most and it was. Pure depression.

In short; mostly the first three seasons since I haven't gone that far in the other ones though I did watch the first few episodes of Savers, Xross War and App Monsters. Will anything make me cry harder than Adventures and Tamers though :')

- Favourite digimons?

Gabumon is my son and I will protect him from EVIL. Okay also Guilmon is the best protag Digimon and Angemon?? Very beautiful. 

- Did the series influence your art/character creation/characters in any way?

Well- My style/designs are very hobbyani influenced; it does serves a lot of inspiration, not only back then, but even today. 8') It's one of the best things I liked since childhood that it plays a lot of roles in my creativity in general haha

Also considering the premise of my story is mostly Kids Dealing with Depression(tm), I find Digimon as the biggest and best example of kids/general-audience anime (or media) writing that touch on even the most darkest aspect but still make it realistic and relatable despite their main cast are all kids hahah so thats also the biggest influence/inspiration it plays? Maybe?

- Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?

Uhh its definitely one of the most popular anime here back then that even people who grew up as someone who isn't into anime had watched Digimon at some point. The popularity of Digimon did died for a while because our place only aired up until Tamers, but then?? Around 2009 or 2010 a subscription-only channel aired Digimon Adventures, 02 and (for the first time) Savers so its popularity kinda lived again for a moment 8'D It's definitely not as popular now when back then you could find even the tiniest Digimon bootleg merch on a local supermarket but its legacy still live until today

Particular memories are pretty much the fact I didn't think much about the writings or dynamics when I was younger and only see it as another hobbyani, but then when I rewatched it as it re-aired in 2009/2010...oh boy, things sure changed a lot that I fully became a Digimon person since then :'D

Okay this went longer than I thought LOL I love oversharing on my fav things?? Okay. Okay.


Kogami I remember those CDs... sometimes they came with special cards and stickers in them too. I think our teachers at school bought sweets with stickers as rewards for students who behaved well too.. omg it's been ages...  I also remember being salty because someone got a shiny Angewomon card (are those considered CD tokutens 🤣🤣🤣)


- How did you get into the series?

Found it on Netflix a few years back.

- Your favourite memories about it? 

Season 2! Just... all of it. It was nice seeing the original Digidestined older and it gave me the idea of "oh shoot more digidestined" and yeah

- Favourite anime/games?

Again, season 2.

- Favourite digimons? 

Kotemon, if only because of my OC (who is a digidestined)

- Did the series influence your art/character creation/characters in any way?

aaa not really? except my digimon oc

- Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?  

nah didn't know it existed probably, i was too smol


Parfaits OH those weren't a thing for us because all of the Indonesian/Chinese dub CDs were piratedah yes the old time when pirated CDs were sold in public so we never had such tokutens :'D (That seemed wild though for even teachers to own and hand them out?? lol) Though yeah the only popular collectibles we had were the sticker book lmao


Aaahhh yep nostalgiaaaa :') 

- How did you get into the series?

Well I remember when I was like 8 I thought it was dumb bc "Pokemon ripoff", then like a year later I came across it on TV and decided "why not"...became hooked. Pretty sure it was season 3 that I watched all the way through? It was the one with Guilmon/Terriermon/Renamon

I started on season 4 then like a third of the way through my mom decided to make me quit watching it for some reason :'o 

Though I did manage to convince my parents to get me and my brother World Dusk and Dawn that Christmas and I still play Dusk to this day :D

- Your favourite memories about it? 

Honestly just... Playing World Dusk throughout the years. I've had it for nearly 12 years now and I still play it. My Digimon have kinda grown up with me as I still have my first save and they bring back so many good memories ^^

- Favourite anime/games?

World Dusk is honestly one of my favorite games ever, even if it is riding almost entirely on nostalgia :') Grinding and training is so relaxing even after all these years

Also season 3 because I was obsessed with it and it's how I first learned about the series

- Favourite digimons? 

Lekismon is my #1 fave 🌕

I also like Flamedramon and Gabumon a lot :D

So yeah... I'm not a diehard fan by any means... But I do thoroughly enjoy the parts of the series I have experienced :)


Digimon is my favourite thing in the entire world next to Pokemon and Warcraft! I got into it when they first aired it in the UK. Been a huge fan ever since. I have a nice collection of merch going but all my old figures broke from being played with... since I was a kid. My prized possessions are the original orange Digivice and the 15th anniversary one.

Oh yea fav digimon is either Devidramon or Gaiomon. 

I also sometimes play the mmo.


- Your favourite memories about it? 
The music, I also really liked the movies as a kid.

- Favourite anime/games?
Probably Adventure 1&2 and then Tamers, but I'm the only one in my friend group that's seen Tamers, so it's not as high up.

- Favourite digimons? 
Tentomon of course! And Wormmon. Izzy and Ken are also both the characters I liked the most, haha.

- Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?  
I'm gonna be honest, I was 10 in 2000 and at that time, most anime was just becoming a Thing in my part of the world. Digimon was lumped together with Pokemon, Zoids, and Monster Rancher when I was a kid, so all three were kind of a blur. If you liked one you liked the rest lol. 


aaa it's so interesting to see how the country where people are from has influenced their Digimon experience, especially in the 00s! In Finland we apparently only got Digimon VHS cassettes and they only covered the Devimon and Etemon arcs and the rest were never shown anywhere else but on TV as the dubbing group changed from Agapio Racing Team to Werne. And, like, in my case in particular we had no official VHSes we literally had to record everything from the TV because my parents couldn't afford the official ones, and talking to some others around my age a lot of families did the same! The Finnish digimon experience is when you're absent and your parent/guardian needs to record an episode but forgets and then you cry for like an hour at this level of betrayal. 

Also I'm so happy to see most people seem to like Gabumon :') < 3 

EDIT: Also fun fact Finland only got the seasons 1-3! I was 4 when Adventure started and around idk 7? when 02 started, and when Tamers was airing I was alrady 14 so there was a HUGE gap between 02 and Tamers here