The Digimon Thread

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by Caine

Another fandom focused thread since I figured it's probably a series nostalgic enough to get people talking & I get the feeling there are people out there whose OC interest / character design hobby started from making their own digimon and whatnot! 

You're free to talk about whatever honestly and talk with other people freely, but here are some stuff you can reply with if you need some sort of guideline for starters:

- How did you get into the series?

- Your favourite memories about it? 

- Favourite anime/games?

- Favourite digimons? 

- Did the series influence your art/character creation/characters in any way?

- Do you remember the early 00s when Digimon was a big mainstream thing? Any particular memories about that time if this applies to you?  

And here are a few tiny rules to keep things nice:

  • This is not a thread where to discuss whether Digimon is better or worse than Pokemon or any other similar concept series! It's alright to have a preference but let's not bring other fandoms here, alright? 
  • If you want to talk about spoilers, make sure to use the spoiler function or blacked out text!
  • Respect other people's opinions and avoid getting into arguments (and if you do, move it to DMs!)
  • Don't be a meanie 
If things for whatever reason are starting to get heated up I'll give a public warning 

Alcor Yeah it's really a shame! The thing that peeves me the most is because the excuse they gave us for taking all that stuff away was so vague, so now all the rumors about copyright issues and what-have-you run rampant because they never gave us an answer that felt actually truthful :'/ 

I actually don't know much about the censorship in Digimon because as far as I'm aware the three seasons Finland got were all uncensored and taken from the original Japanese material. The only thing I know is that apparently in the US bastemon's design was tweaked to be less revealing which I guess is Fair because for a show marketed for children it did have the level of sex appeal I could see being an issue with people, but other than that I really don't know anything else! I had to google the sistermon case too and apparently in the EU we got the uncensored one?? Funnily though I enjoy Ciel's design a little more than Noir's but it's mostly a color preference haha 

But yeah I really like the fact it sometimes does tackle more sensitive issues and generally does pretty well with those too! I'm currently rewatching Adventure and now as an adult I'm really appreciating the heart of the family oriented narratives and how all the kids have super different families, and although not all of them have the best relationship to their parents they're still really loved and they become closer thanks to digimon. I just think it's really sweet and for a 90s series very interesting 


I started Digimon Links to fill the Digimon void in my heart.... I know Digimon doesn't have a "central" mobile game like PokeGo/FGO/FEH/Puyo Puyo Quest etc but this is the only one available in English at the moment so tfw. (I'll wait until I'm either bored enough to start Digimon ReArise or wait for its English ver lol I can't survive RPG games with my beginner JP skills jhagdhad)

From first impressions, it isn't as bad as most people said but my only complain is that it's purely a grinding hell and have 0 stories lol. Though I forgive that for now since my first gacha roll had three Gabumon lines-


When I'm free enough or bored with my current pile of unwatched anime, I'll start Digimon again from Adventures...and maybe continue the rest of the seasons too, ahaha. Tbh I'm highkey interested in Digimon Xros Wars because of the seiyuus like Minami Takayama (Taiki) and Junko Minagawa (Revolmon) but I know this was the series that almost killed Digimon so I don't know if its worth it ajhdghjaga (Though admittedly I've experienced liking series that are arguably the "worst" of a certain franchise so. Well.)

P.S. Should we create the first Digimon-related forum game like Choose a Pokémon for the character above you!  because I'm tempted lol

Edit: Also high echo to these praises about how Digimon handles with backstories and friendship man....They're very good....


I have so many Digimon feelings asdfghjkl.

- How did you get into the series?

I got into it when it first started airing on TV in the UK along with Pokemon.  I was hooked from the get go!  I remember having so many Digimon toys and I think I had all the Digivices at one point?  I wonder what happened to them, sob.

- Your favourite memories about it? 

Waiting a week between episodes and losing my mind about what was going to happen!  I remember when our TV would randomly break and I would miss an episode and it was always such a drama for me LOL.

I'm also pretty sure I made a ton of self-insert Digimon OCs and had tons of fun with them.

- Favourite anime/games?

Season 1 will always be close to my heart.  I didn't like Season 2 as much.  Season 3 is my all time favourite I think!  I haven't watched the later seasons as they didn't really air here.  I still unironically LOVE the English dub opening despite its general awfulness and I won't be stopped.  The season 4 english theme song absolutely slaps too, no question.

Game wise....I played Digimon Rumble Arena a lot as a kid!  I have really fond memories of it, because even my siblings who didn't really like Digimon could play it with me and have fun.  I also played a lot of Digimon World 3 and never beat it haha.  I also played one of the GBA games...Battle Spirit, I think?  That was really fun too.  I also bought Cyber Sleuth last year, but haven't really had time to play it because of university, but what I played I really liked?  I can't wait to build my dream team.

- Favourite digimons? 

Honestly, Wargreymon and Blackwargreymon will always be my number 1 faves (I'm pretty sure my self-insert OC always had one as her partner lmao).  Renamon (and her evolutionary line) is a close second and I'm really sad I can't search for fanart of her without encountering bad fetish art tbh.  Gatomon was another one I really liked.


Kogami I'm too busy to mod that thread myself, but I'd honestly LOVE it ;_; 

Also oh no Digimon Links looks really pretty? But god knows I have more than enough mobages already and I can barely keep up with them so I might just admire the cute sprite graphics from afar instead.

Also tori34 OH NO THE RENAMON ART it's the one digimon who has become the most infamous for all the NSFW artwork and it's a shame, I used to love the tamers renamon as a young teen and drew her a lot and oh man the amount of nasty I'd come across :'''))) Each on their own but Please keep it behind mature locks or something I'm begging you 


Oh man, I remember all of us kiddies on the school playground being so excited the first time Agumon became MetalGreymon in the original Adventure series. We were hyped. Game wise my first experience was with the original PSX game, which I still own and play from time to time to this day. And you best believe I was silently shrieking when that boi turned up in Next Order. That game was just full of nostalgia for me! My favourite games have to be the Cyber Sleuth series though. I love those games. 

The series definitely influenced me where OCs are concerned. I've been making my own digimon since I was a little kid but the one who's stuck with me is my lil Buckmon (see my avatar).

As for favourite digimon, Psychemon is a funky critter and I love him:



Did you guys play Digimon World Next Order on PS4 ?? 

How many people here have played original Digimon World on PS1?   I refer to that game as "the type of game a person plays if they like to torture themselves" haha but really I still have the disc and I only now notice it's stolen from block buster, like my cousin gave us these games when we were small and I never noticed. lmao

Anyway Digimon world on PS4 was so beautiful.. I know it was on handheld for Japan originally I guess. But my husband and I cherish it because it was basically everything awesome about Digimon world but BETTER. I mean they improved SO much while still keeping the original game play and same universe. I hope you all get to play it someday!

My favorite Digimon is Salamon but I also like Lopmon and Magnadramon

Anybody got digimon toys or plushies ?


I visited home some time back and as per request Kogami Parfait here are the digimon sketches from ages 7-9 I was able to find 




Also here are my Original Digimon(tm) do not steal the first one is called megamon apparently. I think I really got the spirit of digimon and its weird muscle dragons right (I'm pretty sure I was 8 or 9 when I drew these)



Here is a bonus koromon I drew at maybe 7? 8? I don't know but it's a mood



Caine THE ORIGINAL DIGIMON DO NOT STEAL IS REALLY GOOD I wonder how it'll look like if you revisit it as a proper Digimon design because That Would be Hella Cool

But ooh, artworks around the start of elementary schools are always so nostalgic ;_; And it's interesting seeing how your art have developed to what it is now!!

100/10 at that Koromon because me too


Agumon Nice username! And Psychemon > Belphemon is my partner on DMO haha. It's awesome as ever.


MY FRIEND AND I FINALLY FINISHED REWATCHING DIGIMON ADVENTURE and boy do I recommend watching Adventure again as an adult because there were so many subtle and not-so-subtle details I missed as a child. I'm a sucker for family feels and boy did Adventure deliver, the Vandemon arc really gives a good idea of what the families of the kids are like and how they reflect the way they behave (like why Yamato is insecure about himself or why Taichi is so leader-like or why Takeru hates conflict so much) and it's definitely my favourite arc in terms of writing and execution!! 

Also god I'm pretty sure as a kid I didn't see that Dark Masters arc episode where Taichi lays out his traumas about Hikari being sick or getting hurt (or at the very least I didn't remember it basically at all) and that one HURT me. Can't believe Digimon just came into my house and punched me right in the face like that?? 

Has anyone else revisited any Digimon series or episodes as older (given that they watched it as a kid)? And how was it for you to watch it now as older?