◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by Ventmod

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God my dudes I'm just...sad, k feel like a cry baby and a bit lonely and stupid and unskilled and mm


this fucker from last semester who tried to cheat off me is texting me again for some reason n keeps double texting like!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE IM  P I S S E D DONT TEXT ME AFTER NOT HAVING TALKED TO ME FOR ALMOST A YEAR JUST BC U NEED SOMETHING FFFFFFFFFFFFUCK YOU


My first day subbing and those darn kids got me sick on a three day weekend :'D


the last year or so i've found it so hard to cry 

sometimes all i need to do to release built up stress is just cry but if i'm lucky my eyes might get wet at most and i just end up feeling worse


god that was not very rock n roll of me 😬


putanginang tatay mamatay ka nalang wala ka namang din kwenta sa bahay


Whoops, a two paragraph, aggressive, "I hate you" rant about school-

I don't want to go back to school. Of course you'd think it's fine, you don't have to deal with overbearing teachers, useless classes and other students. My final year too, you think it's going to be relaxed? Shut up. The school thinks stress is fine and you should just ignore it. They're not going to help me, they're going to tell me I should be getting top grades until I eventually just fail, and then they'll tell me I could have gotten top grades and now I won't have a job and I'll die lonely and homeless. I know I probably won't, but that doesn't stop them. They think they have a good community, it's almost funny, yet I get things thrown at me for being in a toilet stall for more than a minute. I get harassed because. I get borderline sexually harassed and you STILL don't react. Not everyone has the confidence to tell a teacher. Open your eyes for once. And your rules too, you say their rules are strict and if you disobey just one tiny thing you'll get an after school hour detention. But yet you see the popular girls walking around in skirts about an inch long and a face full of makeup, because they kept disobeying so you gave up. Great. Yet you're always saying that people who don't follow the rules are punished.

Oh, and let's not forget you. You, you think you're important and everyone loves you, guess what, not even the TEACHERS like you. You're the head of school, right? Act like it. Stop giving everyone three hours of homework over summer and Christmas, two times meant to be for your FAMILY. You have a family too, right? You think it's fine because YOU'RE not affected by it, you probably sit and go on a fancy holiday as we're all getting stressed, when we could be having a good holiday, but instead we have to sit and fear what'll happen if we don't complete the homework. No wonder teenagers are scared of failure, if we fail once we'll never recover according to you. Where did you even come from? You just appeared one day, and now you're in the second highest spot in the school, changing everything and ruining everything. No one likes you. How can you be so oblivious? Are you okay with the fact that everyone below you despises you? Shouldn't you be giving a good example? You have 11 year olds under your control here. If you think it's okay to remind them that they'll be having 26+ exams in four years then you shouldn't be around children. You shouldn't be around children ANYWAY. I swear, if you ever left the school we would genuinely have a celebration.


i really want to scream so bad right now q __q


TBH I think being a grammar nazi for non English native speakers are shit.

Honestly sometimes it's hard to tolerate and keep be respectful for totally different opinion then me.

So, Don't give a fuck for them would be best action I can do.

I'd like to participate socializing more often. But sadly I'm a person of few words, very shy, dislike arguing, and easily get tired mentally after socializing.

And I have trouble with enjoy popular memes and jokes like these. Sometimes it's hard even tolerate of them.-> https://www.dictionary.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/birb-2.jpg , https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/037/338/2a1.png , https://www.inkedmag.com/.image/t_share/MTU5MDMyMDUxODc3OTQ3MTYw/meme-feat.jpg , https://i.imgur.com/UJk4NAu.png

Romantic relationship huh? I can't feel fucking romantic attraction from others at all.


whoop whoop here are the tears