♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)


Robbie i’m actually totally on board with you; for the many years i’ve been creating ocs and have been on the internet with them i’ve never taken any interest in adopting others’ designs/having others make designs for me or trade designs with me

i guess this is because for me personally i take pride in creating character designs for myself every time i create new characters and thinking “i made this character all by myself” plus there’s so many unique parts to my world where when another creator or designer is invoked, i no longer feel that sense of pride or uniqueness; this goes for pretty much everything else that’s big on toyhouse, including open/closed species, customs, character trade/sale/adopts, since using closed/open species also takes away from the uniqueness i feel in my own ocs in a way

i simply see toyhouse as a place to store my characters’ art and lore and information and stuff, and i’ve pretty much always seen it as a place, with the bonus additions being having others appreciate my characters in my story with subscribers, and through showing my characters off, and through art trades and stuff with others (all of this is just my personal view for myself and i have absolutely no issue with others who partake in character adopt/trade/custom culture and open/closed species culture!)

v i agree; well i guess it’s just that i’m a very picky eater in a lot of ways and i pretty much only eat cheese pizza


I hate pepperoni pizza.. there something new I guess


Robbie, I am part of this too. We are definitely the minority, TH is mainly used for adopts and stuff in comparison to just the artistic side. I heavily notice this.. just by using the site and forums.

It's also why any of the pop-designer copy paste four billion dollar adopt stuff is so uninteresting to me in every way. Or adopts in general. Whenever I follow someone because I enjoy their art and ocs and I notice they post adopts often, I always disable notifications because it's so out of my interest field. Adopts always have this "adopt vibe" I don't really care about. e.g. adopt base, symmetrical art, copy paste color, no personality (not writing). 

So like.. yeah if you're not into that, it does feel a little meh to me at least. There are definitely people who are the same, and it's nice to see. It's literally noticeable by taking a look at thier characters for just a second. It's a completely different vibe compared to people who are heavily into the market.


I'm on the same boat with the adopt stuff. I love taking pride in what I make, there is no doubt about that. The thought of having someone else's work now for me to do whatever I want with makes me feel weird. I didn't make this character, it isn't mine. I'm also very picky about my designs so that's also a big part of it. They disinterest me, along with things like open/closed species, customs, stuff like that. I have nothing against them though, people can like what they like. I just don't find interest in these


i don't know if i can be in this conversation? knowing i bought like, 5+ designs from the same kind-of-popular designer? i'm more of a middle ground. while massivily adopting characters just for the sake of consumerism and only buying it to resell it (or the designer is popular) for 200+ bucks is a bit too extreme for me, folks who buy adopts normally once in a while just do it bc the design fits their characters in some way or you just like the art and wanna support the artist. some artists do really put effort on their designs, add some lore, or sometimes you just KNOW the personality would fit your oc headworld or sona preference...then yeah! for me it's a 50/50. even though i design stuff myself, sometimes having stuff from other people makes me happy because i not only supported someone, i got a cool looking OC for me and for personal enjoy. it's a win win situation, in that sense.

i'm still super against some adopt toyhouse trends to be honest, after all i'm kind of a black sheep in the community by never reselling my bought characters after a month-ish or so. i do not do that thing. if i do resell a character of mine that was originally an adopt, it would probably be minimun in 1-2 years LOL. and that's highly unlikely. like i never do things like "EO while i connect" because...i already connected! before bidding i think to myself...how this character would be in my profile? would they have lore? if so, how it would be? it's honestly pretty cool, but i can understand people who don't want to get into it or just don't understand it, because trust me i was the same. years ago if you told my past self i bought multiple adopts above 40$...i would be so angry! LMFAO


Loosely jumping off of what DeweyFisher said on the last page , I definitely agree with that post but especially when it comes to the classic rock community. Idk maybe I’ve just had an unusually bad experience with younger fans but for me it’s always been:

Older people: aww, I loved (blank) when I was your age!

Younger people: if you listen to any band that’s not the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, or AC/DC, your music taste sucks

Okay, a little exaggerated on the second one but you know what I mean (maybe…). I feel like the usual stereotype of older people is that they’re all music elitists but tbh I see that waaay more with younger people. I’m mostly talking about classic bands/musicians that, for one reason or another, aren’t “cool” anymore but this extends to other kinds of music too. So many people are just relentless and it makes me not excited to meet young classic rock fans anymore. Meanwhile with older folks I’ve faced a lot less judgement and way more genuine interest into what I like as opposed to “let me recommend you songs for an hour”.

Now that I think about it I think a lot of it comes from younger people being told over and over that they have “good music taste” which makes them feel like they have the right to judge what other people listen to. And tbh I think the phrase “good music taste” is kind of goofy, music is subjective anyways. And this is coming from someone who gets told that I have it by non-classic rock fans a lot. Which… thanks? But there’s no such thing imo.


god i really wanted to but i cant get myself to like kinitopet. the game's aesthetics are pretty spot on, i like the mascot, the minigames, little detail that was the secret ending...but the plot overall felt so mixed and i dont get its premise. it really felt like "boo, be scared!" more than a background behind it, SPECIALLY the 3D parts that had that door png thing. idk maybe i missed the point and there wasnt supossed to be lore heavy and it was just a silly mascot game to jumpscare you and thats it...but it still feels so empty. fandom does good content though.


Wingspan on that last point, I'm pretty sure a lot of the reason younger fans of anything tend to be more elitist is because of a mix of feeling like they have to prove they're a real fan w/good taste overlapping with the "I gotta bury everything cringe about me" phase (it's why I try to give the benefit of the doubt even if it gets on my nerves). Plus at least in the early-mid 2010's, there were a lot of memes in those that would toss around the same rhetoric, or things like "Kids don't know how to use a music cassette! Humanity is ruined!" I remember taking that too seriously when I was into retro games as a tween, so no surprise to me other kids are still internalizing that today (or like you said, misinterpreting "you have good taste" as something you have to prove to everyone)

It's pretty common in a lot of retro/classic media communities unfortunately. Though at least I see less of the aforementioned memes these days


Is it bad that I just find some sequels unnecessary as ever? Like some movies are just better off being standalone media and not have it be this massive, convoluted marvel cinematic universe-type mess that just destroys the story it had set in stone with every new iteration or installment that releases.

Don't get me wrong, some franchises have sequels that have worked, but the thing is that when a franchise has reached a point where you think it's going to be the last sequel, they just slap you in the face and whip out a FOURTH sequel (it's usually a fourth sequel that just kills a franchise for some reason really) that just ruins the story it had set up in the last three movies. 

Some movies are just better off with two sequels and some are just better off being ONE movie.


^ literally kung fu panda 4...sigh. the worst of it, it's not even a bad BAD movie, like i watched it. it just didn't look like a kung fu panda sequel.


🚨 (lowkey kinda hate-filled but whatever. You’ve been warned lmfao) 🚨

I REALLY don’t like English V-Tubers… especially the “professional” ones. I just can’t stand most of their “personalities” and their fake ass voices. Most of them are either overly sexual for no reason or try to act all cutesy but just come off as annoying and insufferable. Everything about them is manufactured as hell and I just don’t enjoy watching or hearing about them whatsoever. I especially dislike “shxtou” or whatever the fuck his name is because he’s just annoying and a pain in the ass to listen to. You’re a grown ass man; why are you making V-Tuber thirst traps. PLEEEAAASEE move out of your parent’s basement and find something to do with your life and do something that positively contributes to society. 

A lot of the indie ones are significantly better than the ones signed with some sort of agency, and they actually have plenty of potential and personality. 


Begging people to stop saying "Dead chat". It's so annoying. It's not funny and it doesn't encourage a conversation.