Where did your TH code come from!

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by TheStrayCat

I saw a topic recently derailing while on this subject, so I figured I'd put a place to share freely!

I got mine from FlightRising, from a kind person who PM'd me after I showed interest in buying one of their characters c: 


there was a deviantart journal a while ago that had a list of people giving away TH codes. I noted one and got a code


One of my favourite artist was so kind to give me one! I'm so grateful about it.


I drew some art for someone on Tumblr! 


I got mine from someone who was giving them away on DeviantArt 


I got it through a raffle on dA


Someone in a fb group had made a post giving them out, and I lept on!


Someone on dA that I don't even know offered it for free! I'm so thankful !


I remember contacting someone for it ages ago and getting it for free on dA! Don't remember if they had a journal up or if I saw they had a TH and tried my luck, it's been so long rip


A friend on DA gave it to me for free.


I got it from dA from someone! Don't remember if I paid points for it or not. Nothing more than 20 points tho.