💬Weekly random discussion & chat thread: W15

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 24 days ago) by ChatMod

Hey everyone! To start off 2019, this account and thread was made so that we could get along and chat with fellow Toyhouse members here within a specific topic of the week! Inspired by the Weekly Show Me A Character thread, a really random question or topic will be given here and everyone is allowed to answer or contribute their experiences that fits within the weekly prompt. The weekly prompt can be anything, and by anything means it can range from your hobby to your favorite thing in Toyhouse! We will try to avoid anything too personal as well as a prompt that will encourage negativity.


  • Everyone's experiences and answer may be different and we respect that, but try not to vent too much.
  • This is a general, casual chat thread that everyone can join so no sensitive or NSFW contents allowed.
  • As we mentioned casual, you're free to share as short or long as you want regarding the weekly question. Also, it may be a "weekly" question but there is no deadline and answering any past questions from previous weeks are very welcomed.
  • Please PM the mod (in private) in case any issues happen.
Finally, let's all have fun and get to know each other, as well as making new friends!

Week 15: Tell us about your favorite and least favorite seasons, and why?

Past weeks' questions or discussions: 
  • Week 1: What have you accomplished in 2018?
  • Week 2: What are the things you want to learn, but unable to for certain reasons?
  • Week 3: What is your favorite local cuisine or food?
  • Week 4: What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
  • Week 5: What are your favorite ice cream flavors and/or toppings?
  • Week 6: What is the first website you check when you open your browser?
  • Week 7: What was your first console game?
  • Week 8: Do you have any allergies?
  • Week 9: Cold showers or hot showers?
  • Week 10: Are you currently saving money for anything?
  • Week 11: Are you currently collecting anything? 
  • Week 12: Tell us about your favorite genres!
  • Week 13: What do you eat on a daily basis?
  • Week 14: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Week 4: What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

Week 4: What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

(It's still week 3 here but who cares not me)

I usually tweet something about my dumb OC OTP on twitter lmao it's become kind of a habit and also makes me happy? I prefer to go to bed feeling nice and just raving about my OCs is a nice way to achieve that mindset. I used to read in the past but usually I fall asleep like instantly upon opening the book OR alternatively I stay up all night reading so it wasn't the best option for me, even though technically you shouldn't do anything with electronic device before bed.


the last thing i do before i go to sleep is talk abt OCs w/ my bf! we usually do it for like.. an hour before we decide to sleep? most of our character development comes from those chats (unless ofc it's like 1am, i'd rather sleep than chat in that case)


Hvjfnjsh I’m gonna ask y’all not to judge me too much on this but. I listen to this song. I’m not even a fan of the franchise that inspired it and never really have been, so it’s a bit embarrassing to talk about, but I’ve found since putting it in my Spotify for the concert last October (where Nathan played the non-acoustic version live) that it helps counter the sleep problems I’ve accrued since developing and eventually more or less fighting off insomnia in middle school, letting me fall asleep faster and more easily and wake up less often. Who would have thought a song based on a horror game I don’t even really like would be the thing to help me sleep at night? Lol


Usually I’m on my phone/iPad checking social media one last time. Then to fall asleep, I end up thinking about my characters a lot, haha


I set timers and listen to my character playlist. Sometimes, I listen to the Moenie and Kitchi album if I'm too tired of my playlist. Sometimes, I doodle too if my brain is very active ^^


I'd prob browse through my social media, or if this counts I'd cuddle up with my pillow and set up a scene in my head and think about that til I fall asleep lol 


Week 4: What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

I normally gather all the things I'll need in the night and make sure they are in arms reach so things like my, my laptop, phone, chargers, flashlight, a drink. I'll also check my cat's food and water supply because she sleeps in my room at night. [She likes having alone time away from the other cats. My room is her safe room. ^^] I tend to have a hard time falling alseep so I normally stay up long enough where I feel sleepy in my eyes. My mind doesn't stop thinking so its hard to fall asleep if I'm not tired. I'll watch youtube videos till I'm too tired or my minds calmed down. Somewhere in the middle of this I'll have my cat pop up wanting attention so I'll give her lots of pets and kisses. Actually thinking about it, I normally pet her and then roll over to fall asleep. [She'll crawl all over my pillows seeing if I'm actually "sleeping" lol] 

Week 5: What are your favorite ice cream flavors and/or toppings?

(Mod note: Don't mind really random ice breaker questions like this once in a while!)


I'm basic and mostly have vanilla as my go-to. Maybe with some crushed oreo or rainbow sprinkles on top, but I still prefer purely vanilla. Yam, mint, strawberry or yogurt is not bad either. Nothing will beat vanilla though. It is superior.

Also semi-related but we also have a place that sells gelato here and they're great because it doesn't make me feel sick from eating too much of them in one sitting lol. Wish it's more common here because they're significantly pricier than regular ice cream ahdgada 

P.S. I'd also love to try a Booza or Dondurma someday