General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


I can see what you're getting at, but in this case it is literally not that deep

Rarer Traits are made specifically to:

1) Price higher

2) Make the purchaser feel special for getting a species with rare traits

3) An incentive for others to not miss out on species with traits they like that may not appear later/or are hard to get

4) Lore is just another means to sell a product if it's for closed species. 

It's not mandatory, it's just there to raise interest/give reason to random traits that may feel weird to add to the species without reason. Suddenly slapping big paws on a species known for being tiny might come off as strange to others, which is why lore also partially exists--to sort of help explain why so that it's not random. Of course, you could always say "idk i just wanted to" but I'd imagine it wouldn't work out well for most people.

Although I've been out of touch with closed species community for a good while aside from the cs my friend makes, afaik, no closed species owner forces you to follow lore at all, they're just here to sell a design, and customers are there to buy them. CS creators don't think super hard on the fictional culture because...they really don't have to? It's YOUR character to do what YOU want with them. Once you buy that character, you can do whatever the hell you want as long as it's within the creator's DESIGN t.o.s. They own the species design but anything written/lorewise is yours to do what you wish unless the creator says otherwise, but I've never ever seen anyone make anyone follow lore. 

Edit: Also please do correct me if I am wrong about the latter half of this statement. Like I said, I'm out of touch with CS nowadays so I have no idea if lore is something that is actually enforced now or not.


The only thing I'll say on the above posts/discussion is it's VERY important to look into something before calling it racist/facist/any other strong term. Like others have said, most CS lore has nothing to do with traits or exists to explain why some have a trait. Before jumping to conclusions about a CS, read deeper and be 100% sure it's actually problematic.

new peeve: people with a big superiority complex. Especially if it's over something inconsequential like a hobby, shit they own, art, idc. Just because they have or do something, doesn't give them a free pass to be a dick & start gatekeeping smh.


Seconding what Sabyrr is saying; that is... entirely different. 

You're allowed to be weirded out by whatever, that's a you problem, not mine. I'm just saying that, cs creators do not have these intents when making species, and that's a given, but you are being incredibly accusatory with your tone which can mislead others. You are using heavy implications for something that is absolutely not the case. 

EDIT: Also i'm done posting this for this conversation, i don't have the energy to spend on it. ✌️