Yell about things you like (2.0)

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by Kogami

The original thread was deleted, and it was my favourite thread to read because everyone's post was so wholesome...

So yeah, yell about stuff you like all you want. Even if its an essay, all caps lock or just three words of [inTERNAL SCREAMING.] The only rule I would add is do not post anything NSFW or controversial. 

Have fun o7


Bendy and the Ink Machine is basically a 1960s cartoon version of Portal


ESSAY GUSHING TIME which is a copypaste from the original ver of this thread since I,,,,,,, want this archived:

I'm just........gonna gush about my favorite creator (and inspiration) of all time, Kuratani Tomoya.

So uh, he basically created the manga counterpart for Crash B-Daman which is widely infamous that both the manga and anime adaptation is wildly different from each other, with exceptions like some characters and the basic premise, hahah.

You see...for being a kids toys-based franchise, he can't do much other than drawing the comic for promotional materials back during 2006. That was 13 years ago, yes. 

....But even today, he still love his characters from this whole series; he never missed drawing for any of the characters' birthdays and willing to answer any fans' question regarding the series' canon or whatnot, sometimes to even make a short, free comic of it posted on his blog. (I actually sent a few questions too, despite my rusty Japanese skills lol...) He even does some artworks that doesn't contribute much to the plot, but just for casualty and fun (and more contents of this discontinued series, haha)

Recently, a fan asked if he would publish an unofficial, self-published book regarding this series...but he declined, saying he didn't have the rights to do so (mostly because the whole series/franchise are not even his own property and strongly tied to a toys company, haha) but at the bright side, he's still allowed to do non-profit short stories for his characters, and upload them free-to-view on his blog....

I....just adore that he's that dedicated on his characters (that isn't even 100% his own property) even after 13 years. For such an obscure series that's almost considered the worst sub-franchise entry in the whole B-Daman franchise...he's still happy to draw them again and again, even to include suggestions from fans. 

Literally my goal as a creator... No matter how many flaws your series or characters have, your heart is still a part of it and I can't ever forget that....


AHH WHOLESOME i love this thread!!!!

im love warframe so heckin much Aaaaaaaaa.
ALSO ITS SUNNY OUT TODAY AND I FELT MY INNER GARDENER SPIRIT ARISE FROM MY DEPRESSED PRISON.... PLEASE i want to tend to plants again... fall and winter are so bad for me bc i cant handle the cold and rain but thE SUN IS BACK!!!! IM PLANT




ffffrick I love the new remake of Dororo so much............

and I'm back on my saiyuki blast bullshit again I NEED TO GO REREAD FROM THE BEGINNING NOW 
and also maybe check out Ibbun, I have no idea what it is (haven't checked in on saiyuki in a few years)




OP are u inviting us to infodump here bc if so I hope you're ready to get a whole essay on Sounds at some point after I get some sleep

But 4 now: I sure do love speech & music & the mechanics behind them 👀

+*~noises is my passion~*+




k so i watched The Magicians and damn queliot is such a good ship i’m 100% into it


                                             V O L T R O N       A N D        S H E - R A


I love MY CAT


Arthur Pendragon came to me in FGO... all is good in the world.