commision pet peeves?

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by Mochi

sorry to add to the string of pet peeve threads OTL. i just thought this would be a good place for people who buy commissions and who sell commissions to vent their frustrations. ill go first to break the ice.

when artists make you pay through friends and family, its soooo sketch. also when artist say theyll have your stuff done in one week...and never get back to you or do it way after a week. like its happened so many times and i feel like its a 'give me five minutes' type of thing. like just give me your real time frame, no need got give yourself a week if you know its not going to happen. 

you all have very valid points! im going to add another complaint of mine since no one has said it yet.

when people whitewash my ocs. sidif thats the main thing that annoys me. like their skin color is very clear in the ref, why make their skin lighter?

edit: nvm someone already said it lol

new rules: please dont be transphobic or racist, i cant believe i have to say this but seriously, what the heck


Being someone who offers commissions, one of my largest pet peeves regarding it is when the client is silent.
Like... come on.
I want to continue, I said X date, but you are impossible to contact.
I ain't gonna be able to keep to the date unless you get bloody back to me about X edits



Commission posts that have links to the examples instead of images. I tend to look at examples for quite some time before deciding if I'll commission people, so when it's links instead of images I don't have all examples in the same place to better consider which characters would look best in that style D: Please make it easier for me to throw money at youuuu


As the commissioner, its a major pet peeve of mine to be the one to contact the artist. They should be keeping up to date with their clients; the customer shouldn't have to be the one to initiate contact and make sure you're doing what they've paid you for. If the art is going to take longer than anticipated, don't just leave me hanging. I don't mind waiting one bit, as long as the artist lets me know they won't be able to finish for a little while.

When I take commissions however, its a little annoying to have to remind the person I'm drawing for to pay me. I usually accept payment after I've finished, and I send a watermarked piece; they get the full piece when they pay. More than once though I've had someone see the watermarked picture, thank me, and just bounce out. You haven't paid yet! This isn't even the full image! @-@


Adding onto what @ElithianFox said, it's also just as bad if the commission info straight up has no examples - no images or links, period - usually if the artist is just like "Scroll through my twitter/gallery to see if you like my art!". True, it takes just a few seconds to find their gallery and look through some examples but this could mean the difference between me commissioning an artist vs. not; if I have some comm posts up to look at, I will certainly consider the ones with embedded examples over the ones with no examples first! It's a very minor pet peeve but, still there lol.

Also agreed on lack of communication, especially if it feels like I have to hunt the artist down for news. This is exacerbated if I open their social media to contact them and find months upon months of personal art posted since I sent payment (while having received no updates myself).


A friend and I tend to joke around about this sort of thing all the time. But I do have a few (some people have already mentioned)

+pay after: usually I don't mind waiting to pay till after the drawing is completed. (I like it more tbh)The thing that annoys me is when the person takes an usually amount of time then shows up suddenly with the finished product. Like I understand that I should have set the money aside but if they take  months and suddenly show up out of the blue then things get annoying a bit ; v ;

+lack of communication: I hate it. Don't ghost people until the commissioner starts making a fuss about it. That's not how it should work ;;

+compensation for delayed artwork without actually meaning to deliver. I understand that life gets in the way. You can't avoid it. But don't say "I'll draw everyone a _____ for waiting!" And then never deliver the additional thing. If you can't do it I don't think it's smart to offer it because it's more work for you and people will probably waiting for you to deliver that. Just don't do it. (Like it just seems like a way to look good in front of your followers)

+not mentioning that perhaps you won't do the commissions in order: please tell people that things aren't done in order. Like state it on your commission info. :( if you do then I don't mind. (I just hope it gets done ; v ;

+WHEN THE EXAMPLES DON'T MATCH WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GET. it's happened to me so much... don't half ass it guys. That's so unfair.... 

Like I've bought "fullbody drawings with backgrounds" and I got a fucking fullbody sketch with no background. It was half assed. 

:) there was no effort put in a few past commissions I've bought it makes me angry


in terms of selling art: having to advertise for people on like 20+ threads before getting a hit with every other person upright ignoring my messages/post. a simple 'no thanks' wouldve been nice at least oof. 

alternatively, see: "its been over a day and i demand you finish my art"

i understand your frusturation if i said 'it will be done by x time' and i didnt fulfill that, but you have only waited a day! if youre just asking in general thats fine but barging into my dms with a passive aggressive message about it makes me not want to even reply until i finish your art, and then itll take even longer because ill avoid the website and messages entirely. it usually also only takes three days to a week unless i have an emergency. please consider NOT being overly cruel about writing me a simple question.

i also understand why you'd be wanting to ask with how many 'artists' just never do their stuff on other sites, but rest assured that i didn't forget and have likely just been sketching your oc to test how they look in my style. its not purposeful .


also artists that IGNORE YOUR MESSAGES FOR WEEKS AT A TIME. i had someone ignore my messages for FIVE MONTHS and only when i demanded a refund they made the art. really? like... i couldve written a PSA at that point tbh 


1. Back when I drew commissions of people’s anthro/furry/animal ocs, what really bothered me a lot was when people didn’t specify what species or gender their oc was. When it’s specified, it’s so much easier to get reference photos so the final drawing looks better. 

2. really small images or chibis as a reference photo. Like??? I can’t work with this image 

3. This is more a peeve directed to myself, but when I get a commission/commissioned for a fullbody and end getting a drawing/up drawing like no pose whatsoever (as in just standing.)

This is coming from experience of commissioning/commissions, but I’ve decided to halt my commissions for now. (They get too stressful and I need to get better at posing too)

EDIT: also, when people occasionally draw Corvus’s eyes as blue (they’re supposed to be purple lol) 


I hate when I can't tell from the initial sketch exactly how unfinished it is. Like, some anatomy is off, some details are incorrect, but is it just super sketchy to show me the idea? Should I correct them or would I look silly?

Then I end up having to ask for changes after the lineart is done and it's harder and I just feel bad about it. But artists' quality in these sketches varies so much I just can never tell.


as a seller please stop ghosting on me in middle of an order. it's okay if you changed your mind and don't want art from me anymore or whatever but tell. me. please.


A total lack of communication is my biggest. One artist vanished for 9 months without letting me know, and in the end I got the art I planned to buy from them for free, as they realized their mistake and did the whole piece without sending an approval sketch like the original plan was, but then you got another case where Someone takes my commission, refuses to communicate and just assumes I want a refund instead of waiting. That's probably not so bad, but they refused to ask what I wanted, and because of that, they also refunded me wrong, sending the money as a payment as if I was a business, causing Paypal to take hold of the money, and due to personal things at this time, I lost my money. A proper refund would have put the money back on the card I was using, and not been essentially stolen by paypal. The artist then opened commissions again not even 2 weeks later. A time I'd gladly have waited, if only they communicated. But now I have useless money I cannot get. The documents I need require travel time well outside what's possible for me due to health issues.