The Freebie Bin 2.0!

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by Rufino & Lyle Fvhn
Mod 2


Freebie Bin 2.0


Perhaps you fell in love with that design when you first saw it, but you still haven't found a place for it after months of searching and need to let it go. Maybe you designed something years ago that really isn't as great for you as you thought it was. Or maybe you just really need to clean out some space in your folders! No matter what the case, you want that character moved out to someone who can love them more. That's where this thread might come in handy!


  • You may not resell or trade anything that you receive for free from this thread.
  • Freebies only in this thread- that includes first come first serve (fcfs), write to adopt (wta), draw to adopt (dta) raffles and more.
  • You may not conduct or advertise sales or trades in this thread.
  • DTA art must be of the character that is being given away! You cannot ask someone to draw your personal characters in exchange for a "freebie". That is an art trade, and it is not allowed here.
  • The person giving the freebies has the final say on who gets it- do not harass them or complain if you don't like their choice.
  • Mass Claimers- please be considerate of others. If you have hundreds of unnamed characters with blank bios, give someone else a chance!

For a more thorough rundown on rules, Q&A, and other info, please visit the posts on the first page! Have fun!


penguinpal I already have a canine character whose entire story is that he chases the sun so I thought it would be cool to have the same thing but with the moon. Not a huge story but just fun characters to have

As for closed species...I guess Vukaans


got 2 wta characters here! please write your entries in the character comment section. you can enter for both, but can only win one of them

placeholder comments are ok! I'll remind placeholder comments to submit their entries 1 day before submissions end

both contests ends on 10/17, 11:59 PM pst

『♥ M I N T 』 Hanae

I originally planned for this design to be a companion for one of my characters. The idea fell through unfortunately. First to comment on Hana's character profile will get her. Please take care of her!




Hello! I was wondering if I could have Derya?

As far as plans go, I'd love to draw them for starters. I'm thinking of digging some old ideas back up, I remember having this cool idea for a pack and I'd love to try it again! Derya has a nice natural, yet unnatural type design? I think they'd fit really well into the idea I have of this pack. I imagine them being playful and imaginative, but prone to danger. Maybe they become friends with an enemy of this pack? That'd be cool-! I mean, probably bad, but cool! My favorite closed species are foolings! They're really cute, and have such nice lore to them, but they're really expensive. I'm never going to own one lol ;u; I do like looking at them though!


giving some freebies away, fcfs


Still have a few babs here-

Please write why you'd like them or what you'd use them for! Tag me here!


All Claimed!



May I have him? I'd love for him to interact with my other anthros!~


Tenshin Of course,you can either let me know who you want them to draw + the details or you can pm @DANIarts


Sorami gjvshchsn that’s such a weird unusual freebie lol. It was a gift for you, so don’t feel like u have to give back? But I mean yeah I’d love to get the art if you really want to give the chance to someone else,,

Edit: oh nvm alright