purge & freebies (closed)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 5 months, 4 days ago) by _featherweather


idk when i'll reopen, but i'm leaving this up as it is for a bit

Purging & Freebies

back up and running-ish

All the information is below in the interactive code but here are the details in plain text!!

This is a huge Giveaway and trade thread. I just want to try and rehome as many babs as possible so any assistance is greatly appreciated. There are four tiers of designs:

  • Pink / Giveaway (same First Come, First Serve, one per person until the end in which case i'll probably start giving anything you mentioned you like)
  • Yellow / Likely Giveaway but Entertaining Offers (Everyone interested in these will give me pitches and/or offers, and I'll decide at some point by the end of the giveaway who gets it)
  • Blue / Entertaining Offers (Up for offers. I'm looking not for just offers, but also plans for the design. Possible chance that I might just give it to you)
  • Green / Very Tentative (I'm on the fence. Convince me why I should trade and why you want them. Slim but non zero chance that I might just give it to you)
How The Giveaway Works
  • Unlike my last giveaway, you just tell me what you're interested in by commenting here with your choice. Characters are designated by BG COLOR - #.  You can ask for multiple designs, but 0 guarantee you will get more than one. 
  • I generally process in reverse order (first come, first serve), especially for Pink designs. 
  • Some designs I'm only entertaining offers on! But what I take as offers is... uh... unusual to say the least! Please check below!
  • Please let me know ALL the designs you're interested in (preferably in order of most to least) because I want to rehome at least 40% of all the designs I have. You certainly might not get all the ones you're interested in, but telling me that helps me know who I should send stuff to at the end of the giveaway.
  • Want more than one design? Want a definite chance of getting them? If you show proof of backing either The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development last year or Fujocoded LLC now you automatically get one design in the Pink, Yellow or Blue tier. Feel free to show proof via DM instead of posting your offers as a comment.
Things I Want
  • Art of the babs who I both am definitely keeping and also probably using? 

    • so p much  yuu and mail jeevas, lol. other designs are good too those are just the two that's stick out as "will always take art of" lol
  • Fanart / fanfics of the series I'm into. It can be stuff you make or stuff you find so long as you have credits available. Share as many things as you're think the design's worth.

    • My S-Class Hunters, ORV, Ascendance of a Bookworm, My Hero Academia, Sk8, Debut or Die, and TriStamp seem to be my mains rn. Will also love Digimon Frontier stuff lmao
    • Yes this is subjective. I'll being weighing my enjoyment of whatever you send me vs the character you're asking for.
  • the only new designs i want are outfit designs (custom or pre-made) or custom myos or myo slots for  yuu. bonus points if i can purchase / get commercial use for the outfits.
  • for fanart, art of my OCs, or designs, if you're doing art (or paying for it in trade), it doesnt need to be done, just offer, show me your normal prices for what you're offering, and some samples!
  • you pay for a polca comm for me! that's prob an insta-winner ngl
  • song, book, and comic recommendations. maybe even switch game suggestions.
  • Literally if you can get me any Cat Operator by quacknear (or if there's any other artists who make similar designs) I'd probably sell a kidney or something. Or at least give you a bunch of designs. The only character types I want.
  • These stupid kids to go to a good home. Seriously. As said above, I'll probably giveaway a bunch of them without a trade or for you sharing neat art with me (or hell, if you're into ANY of those fandoms, talk to me about your fave headcanons).  



Hello!! Welcome to this little giveaway and trading shop!

The name of the game is to rehome as many designs as possible so when I start working on my wiki I don't have over two hundred pages to make.

Feel free to ask questions or click on the tiers to see what designs are up for offers and what I'm taking for them.

So! This is a bit unusual probably, but for the blue and greend designs especially, I'm more likely to trade for them. But not other designs (mostly)! I want them to go to a good home, so please provide not just what you're offering but also what you have planned for the design. Even if you're still up in the air, something as simple as "he looks really neat" would suffice.

  • Art of the babs who I both am definitely keeping and also probably using?
    • so p much  yuu and mail jeevas, lol. other designs are good too those are just the two that's stick out as "will always take art of" lol
  • Fanart / fanfics / headcanons of the series I'm into. It can be stuff you make or stuff you find so long as you have credits available. Share as many things as you're think the design's worth.
    • My S-Class Hunters, ORV, Ascendance of a Bookworm, My Hero Academia, Sk8, Debut or Die, and TriStamp seem to be my mains rn. Will also love Digimon Frontier stuff lmao. Maybe even Big 3 stuff, I'm in a nostalgic mood.
    • Yes this is subjective. I'll being weighing my enjoyment of whatever you send me vs the character you're asking for.
  • the only new designs i want are outfit designs (custom or pre-made) or custom myos or myo slots for  yuu. bonus points if i can purchase / get commercial use for the outfits.
  • for fanart, art of my OCs, or designs, if you're doing art (or paying for it in trade), it doesnt need to be done, just offer, show me your normal prices for what you're offering, and some samples!
  • you pay for a polca comm for me! that's prob an insta-winner ngl
  • song, book, and comic recommendations. maybe even switch game suggestions.
  • Literally if you can get me any Cat Operator by quacknear (or if there's any other artists who make similar designs) I'd probably sell a kidney or something. Or at least give you a bunch of designs. The only exception to my "I only want outfits and MYOs rules lololol)

Well, let me know what you're interested in!

If you show interest in a design, despite getting one already, and no one else makes an offer, there's a chance I might gift you extra!

To definitely secure a design though, there's a way! If you show proof of backing either The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development last year or Fujocoded LLC now you automatically get two designs in Pink or Yellow tiers, or at least one design in the Blue or Green tiers! (Possibly more, pending!) Feel free to show proof via DM instead of posting your offers as a comment.

Ah, sorry about that!

I'm not the best image editor in the world haha. You can view the character squares in a slightly larger format at Giveaway.

Please let me know if you want to see the full art of a design or know if there's more art / what kind there is and I'll accommodate!

The following designs have made it to their new homes!

  • Pink
    • 1
    • 3
    • 6
    • 7
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 13
    • 14
    • 16
    • 17
    • 18
    • 20
    • 21
    • 22
    • 23
    • 24
    • 25
    • 26
    • 29
    • 30
    • 31
    • 33
    • 34
    • 35
    • 36
    • 37
    • 40
    • 44
    • 45
    • 46
    • 47
    • 48
    • 52
    • 54
    • 55
    • 57
    • 58
    • 60
    • 61
    • 62
    • 63
    • 64
    • nothing else
  • Yellow
    • 1
    • 4
    • 5
    • 8
    • 10
    • nothing else
  • Blue
    • 2
    • 5
    • nothing else
  • Green
    • nothing else

So, like I said, this is a giveaway and trading shop!

If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask, either in thread, as a comment on my bulletin or a direct message to me.

Wonderful! Please designate your choice as a comment in thread, bulletin or direct message.

Make sure you designate which design by stating COLOR + Number. Thank you!

I hope you enjoy this design!

Pink / Free to Take


Designs that are ready to go to a new home, no questions asked.

They leave in a first come, first served basis!

Generally one per user, although users might find themselves gifted multiples later on in this giveaway :)

Good rule of thumb - provide a few designs you like, in order of preference! That way, if someone snagged a design ahead of you, there's options for me to send.


Yellow / Probably Giving Away


Designs that are probably going to be given away but possibly closer to the end of the giveaway.

Or maybe before that, who knows?

Feel free to amke offers on these designs as well!


Blue / Entertaining Offers


Designs that should probably be rehomed but I keep close for some reason.

They are more than likely up for trade offers but they might be given away as freebies :)

Pitch an offer and you might get lucky!


Green / Very Tentative


Generally, these are designs I have some ideas for but are up in the air. I'm on the fence on if I want to continue developing them or give them a better home.

Feel free to make offers! These are unlikely to just be given away but things happen!


Code by Aurorean


Anything on Zora (some tentative) for birb?


Moon_Bitch didn't see anyone I vibed with sorry  😔 


Maybe someone from here https://toyhou.se/XxWhiteRavenxX/characters/folder:522250 for this boy https://toyhou.se/11768085.custom-for-feather-weather? ^^


XxWhiteRavenxX  <3


_featherweather thank you so much, he's one of my fav designers, I'm crying! <3


You're welcome XxWhiteRavenxX!!


Hello, I would like to offer art for these characters: https://toyhou.se/7814834.-/7834054.cs-inkmate-raz https://toyhou.se/3187762.-cs-/4163334.-hanaby-rian https://toyhou.se/2033729.marie-hypno- I can deliver 6 pixel dolls Examples:https://sta.sh/219ajc73o0hb?edit=1


Cuahuitl, I would totes trade the inkmate and Marie design for art, but the hanaby I would prefer cash 😅


_featherweather I understand! I can make 3 pixel dolls for the other 2 characters if that's ok ^^


Cuahuitl ; sounds good to me! I'll jot a note down. Feel free to DM whenever your read with a list of character types you would (or wouldn't) like to do art for!

Tradeables ; thanks for the interest but I didn't see any designs that stood out for me! (But please check your main) 



I draw any type of characters! if you are still interested in the offer

Cuahuitl would these three be okay with you? https://toyhou.se/7822144.trine 


a couple of new designs added :)


updated since a bunch got rehomed~