✨Tentative WTA Giveaway [closed!] ✨

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Waltz

Entries are closed now! Thank you again so much to everyone who entered. I'll be going over these, and responding to everyone by the end of the weekend!

Hello friendos! I'm feeling rather illish today, so trying something fun to pump up my spirits!

I will be entertaining WTA (write-to-adopt) entries on a number of my characters! If you don't know, this means that you write a story for the character, or talk about what you'll do with them, their role in a story, etc, and if I like it, they're yours for free!

Here are the characters that will be available for entry!:

Boop | 2 | 3 | 4

Rules / Guidelines

  • All entries must be posted in this thread. Do not leave them as comments on the character (unless they are in my normal WTA section) - I will delete any comments left on the characters themselves. Do not PM me your entry, either - I want to keep track of everything together!
  • Write as much or as little as you like, in any format you like! This will be judged on quality/interest however, not quantity. Show me your best creativity, and wow me! I want any character I give away to go to a better home than I've given them.
  • Enter for as many as you like! Be sure to specify the character(s) by link, though, for sake of clarity.
  • Please do not write things like "they will be one of my mains and I will draw them every day;" it's not realistic and we both know that won't happen! I don't care how often a character gets "used" so long as they're cherished.
  • Please do not reuse any of the names or story elements I've already given characters, unless it's a generic element; I may reuse the stories even after the designs are gone.
  • Any characters who are given away are to be treated as gifts - they cannot be traded or resold after! Only gifted forward or given back to me. If I find you trying to trade or sell a character I've gifted you, you will be blocked (unless the designer's ToS expressly allows trading gifts).
  • This event will be open for two weeks, until September 7, 23:59 US Eastern time. I will make my selections at that time. (Edit: Given how many seriously awesome entries there are so far, I may close judging on some of these a little bit early, depending on the numbers! I won't be closing any before 8/31 though, so please take your time!)
  • I reserve the right not to give away any characters for whom there are no compelling entries - sorry!
  • If you are not selected, it's nothing personal! Please do not pester others who receive a character however.
  • If there's a character you absolutely want, please feel free to offer $$/trades for them also, and I'll tell you if they're available for such!
Thanks for checking this out, and best of luck to all who choose to enter! <3

Thank you!



(this character is too cute I can't I like em) 

Name - William 

nickname - Wrecked/ Wreck

Background - His parents left him behind in a small shack next to the old bay gutter, not because they wanted to but because they wanted to keep him safe from the last human raider group that was targetting his kind. He didn't want to be alone and cried for days but stayed in hiding just like they told him to. He passed out and almost died but there was a man who found him and kept him safe. He grew up being taught how to tinker with things and over time took over the old tinker shop from the old man when he passed. He makes all sorts of machines and one day Shean approached him to join his underground "shop" Will being Will he decided to join under one condition, He could kill the first human that walked through the doors because of his parent's loss. 

Personality - He's actually a pretty hyper guy who bounces everywhere and is always working on something no matter what, he has something made for everything. Need something to tell you when you're being too mean? Easy he gots you, Need something to help you with running faster? He's got you. Just don't expect it to be what you think it'll be. He has many walls up and doesn't really know how to interact with other people so he's scared of rejection and people's judgment. He's kinda clingy in his own way to Shean. 

Hobbies - He of course likes tinkering but he dabbles in art...it' not great but he tries . 

Likes - He loves things to pick apart, music and arts but...lol he's isn't the best

Dislikes -  He hates people who hurt fish, he hates humans and he doesn't like cake

Use - I have this comic where monsters and fantasy beasts won the last World war finally and made the humans mostly extinct. The whole comic is based on the view and character Shean ( https://toyhou.se/1972963.shean ) and how he's saved and keeping a human girl safe (ish) from the rest of the monster populous. You character would fit right into the underground shop Shean is apart of. 


Gonna enter for this gal: https://toyhou.se/1815837.acacia

(I can also offer anyone here for her (except Murphy or William): https://toyhou.se/YPestis/characters/folder:251932)

Name: Henrietta Whiting.

Nickname: Hetta.

Age: 18.

Birthday: October 21st.

Height: 5'0"

Voice Claim: Melissa Disney.

Hetta was a normal human girl once. Or at least that's what her mother, Lucie, wanted everyone to think. The truth was that a medical condition had left Lucie unable to bear children, and yet she was desperate to be a parent. Depending on how you looked at it, it was either a blessing or a curse that Lucie also happened to be a practising witch. Medical science had failed her, but perhaps magic would not. A few special herbs, some whispered words, the light of the full moon shining down above...

Lucie became pregnant. Friends and family called it a miracle but her husband, Conrad, who did not know of her magic, was suspicious. And those suspicions only grew when Hetta was born with striking red eyes and skin as pale and smooth as porcelain. She was a beautiful girl but there always seemed to be something off about her. She just...didn't fit in. She shunned the attention of the other kids at school, preferring to simply sit on her own and watch them go about their business. And shadows seemed drawn to her, looming over her wherever she went.

As she grew older her beauty only increased, but the strange vibes she gave off kept others away. One day her golden locks were suddenly a soft baby pink and Hetta had no explanation for it, though she consistently denied that she'd dyed it. Conrad was becoming more and more concerned about his daughter, insisting to Lucie that something was wrong. But Lucie refused to accept it. Hetta was her miracle child, after all. But the girl was changing, and it wasn't just through the effects of puberty.

She began wearing beanie hats and long skirts and was trimming her nails with increasing frequency. She refused to partake in swimming classes at school and became more and more withdrawn. One day, during an argument, Lucie yanked the hat from Hetta's head and was shocked and horrified to discover two striped horns growing from her daughter's skull. Worse yet, hiding beneath the long skirt was a thin tail ending in a pointed tip. She cut her nails so often because they had begun to grow into sharp little claws.

Lucie had wanted to make a baby but somewhere along the line things had gone very, very wrong. Hetta was growing not into a beautiful young woman but a demon.

"I know you want me to be a normal girl, Mama", Hetta said tearfully. "So that's what I've tried to be".

Her words left Lucie heartbroken. She pulled her daughter into a tight hug and both of them wept for several minutes. While she was willing to accept Hetta as she truly was, Conrad was not and he did not take the news well. In the following divorce Lucie packed up and moved away and took Hetta with her. They ended up at the town of Estleford, where the supernatural and the natural lived side by side and Hetta would be much more welcome. Now able to be herself, she is developing into a cheeky and fun-loving girl, both head strong and stubborn and always up for an adventure. For now, life is good.


Offering on: https://toyhou.se/1048990.ganache

Name: Hazelnut, or Hazel for short // OR // Mocha, Moki by friends
Age: 27
Birthday: October 11th
Zodiac: Libra(Sun), Capricorn(Moon), Pisces (Rising)

General Description: Has a prevalent ambiance of hazelnut coffee and rainy afternoons spent inside. Warm in demeanor, but cool in presence. He’s not one to make a fuss, but that doesn’t mean he lacks taste. No, if anything he just understand the implications of inconveniencing people for his own benefit. Shy isn’t what you’d call him, but insinuating he’s outgoing would be overkill.

Personality: He’s quiet, to the point of being almost aloof. He just doesn’t normally have much to say. On shared interests he’ll speak (softly) for hours on the subject. He’s humble without being self demeaning. Not one to boast, he tries to give others their spotlight, and works his magic form behind the scenes. This is true even in cases where he may be more knowledgeable on the subject. While this is his default a majority of the time, he has a good handle on his boundaries and won’t be mistreated. His voice can be surprisingly harsh and direct in contrast to his normally soft spoken self. If anything, this duality tends to make people more inclined to listen to him.

Job: Works at a bookstore and Cafe that only opens in the evenings. He mostly works the register and assists people with finding books. Sometimes takes over to make coffee when someone calls out. Autumn (https://toyhou.se/1512148.autumn-ash) is a frequent customer, due to the cafes soup and bread bowls.

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, that’s definitely one… And what better place to do it than his job? Outside of work he actually really enjoys gardening. Something about the smell of wet dirt and green leaves gives him immense comfort. When he’s not planting, watching movies, or working on some sort of mechanical model, he enjoys walks in the forest near the cafe.

Abilities: He can levitate small objects. This helps when organizing books or rearranging things.

World: A quaint place with a city that caters to all walks of life. Mostly peaceful, there’s something for everyone. Magic isn’t as uncommon as one would expect, and it’s normal to see it in everyday use. The main part of the city allows for anything you can dream of shop wise. On the outskirts where Mocha’s store is located, you tend to find more magic oriented places than anything.

Also does he happen to have a buy out price? >_>;;
I also can offer art: https://www.deviantart.com/l3ombyx
Or anyone here: https://toyhou.se/l3ombyx/characters/folder:519825


@ypestis You have a few who I adore a lot, actually! Unfortunately that gal was gifted to me, so I can only gift her forward, but I'll be sure to give your entry good consideration, thank you! (Let me know if there was anyone else you happened to be interested in, though, some are tradable!)

@l3ombyx Wow, your art and characters are gorgeous!! He actually does have a buyout of $35, though I would also be willing to do $25 + this girl, if you were interested, or that trade + art? (He'd also come with this girl included, if you'd like her o/)


Which ones were you interested in? I liked these babs of yours: 





Thank you~! Oh if you'd accept art I would love to go that route! I wouldn't mind doing a thigh up for him + Nina, if that's okay with you! What character would you like me to draw? c: As for Mimalo, I don't know if I'd use her too much, so I wouldn't want her to go to waste. QwQ


@ypestis Those three are all tradeable! I was particularly interested in these three:


@l3ombyx That would be perfectly fine! I'll go ahead and mark him pending for you, and I'll PM you the details in just a few! <3


Awesome! I'll look forward to it! I'll put Nina on hold as well. c:


@joyd You've got some super cute ones but I didn't see anyone who I could use, unfortunately. I'd love to see what you write, though! <3

(And it looks like some of your gallery links are broken, might want to make sure that the images don't need to be regen'd or anything!)


I'd be happy to trade Haydn and Ryder for Magic and Lula!