Art Trades Human/Feral/Anthro (Open)

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by TenMomentsTill

Open 2/4/20

-nekkidpi falt fullbody (sketched/waiting)

Howdy, I've been really craving some art trades of late.
Please note that it may take me a bit to finish my part due to work. I will provide WIPs, updates, and send PMs as I go though.
Trades do not have to be a straight across trade (i.e. fullbody for fullbody). 

Art Examples - TH gallery - dA gallery

Characters that I'm looking for art of LINK

Can Draw

Can Draw

- Humans
-Ferals (hooved animals I might not be able to do a fullbody)
-Old/ Older People
- Different Body Types
- Masculine / Feminine
- Gore / Horror
- Can do designs that have nudity, but won't do lewd posing or do in a chibi style

Offering/Looking For


All of it will be done digitally
o - Fullbodies
o - Halfbodies
o - Headshots
o - Chibis
o - Icons
o - Shaded or Flat colours
o - Willing to do backgrounds

Looking For 

o - Fullbodies
o - Halfbodies
o - Headshots
o - Chibis
o - Icons
o - Pixel Art
o - Watercolour and copic marker traditional art

Recent Art Examples / Past Trades



Your art is so awesome 0.0 if you’re interested I’d love to do an art trade with you? Some of my art is found here: X but I’m working on my style so it may be much different than that posts hah



I'd love to trade with you. Is there anything in specific you want to trade? Or would you prefer me to pick?


I’m happy if you picked what you’re looking for and you can chose what character of mine if you’d like? :3



How about we trade headshots? I really like the one's you are doing like this. Also, would it be okay if I drew Jupiter


Would you like to do one with me? My examples can be seen On my Main DeviantArt and my Alt DeviantArt.


- Taking to messages :3


Heyo nvn, i would like to do an art trade with you, Find some reference in my Da. Some draw are kinda old QwQ you can notice them for the signature.


Would you want to do an art trade with me? I wanna draw this boi:

this is my art style but It can change depending on my mood: 



Interested in a trade, if that's ok. Examples on my profile or here


Sorry for the late replies, I was sick and have just barely started feeling better.

Seishiyo I'd love to do an art trade with you. Do you have anything specific in mind that you want to trade? What character do you want me to draw? 

CoffeeMokkaccino I'd be down to do a trade. Is there anything in specific that you want to trade? Also what character do you want me to draw?

honey-fern I'd definitely love more art of Israfel. What kind of art are you interested in trading

Realitea Sure thing, what kind of art are you interested in trading? 


TenMomentsTill Sweeet. x3

MMmm would you be willing to draw my oc Booker and his horse Broken Prince? If you don't want to draw horses can you just draw booker. 

If your willing you can pick what your looking for sketch wise or line wise ect and the character(s) you wish me to draw.


Seishiyo I'm unable to see Broken Prince, it says "invalid character selected" so he might be set on private view. I might be able to draw him, but it depends on his build.


TenMomentsTill Sorry about that i thought i unlocked him. He should be visible now.



I don't think I'll be able to draw Broken Prince since I only have practice doing thicker built horses. But I will happily draw Booker for you. Would it be okay to do a shaded halfbody trade?


TenMomentsTill That's understandable. Sure i can do a shaded half body. Would you want a sketched or lined? Also is there a specific character you have in mind you want me to draw or would you like me to just pick one and surprise you?