[Suggestion] Shared Character Tabs

Posted 5 years, 22 hours ago by Axtwyt

So, I just discovered how to make tabs and I realized while making a tab for a pairing of my characters, there was no option to make the tab shared between the two characters. As I understand it, I would need to have two separate versions of the same tab on both characters, which means if I needed to edit it, I'd have to edit two pages instead of one. If it were possible to share a tab between characters, you'd be able to edit the same tab for both and allow a link between the two characters directly through the tab.

PC ParadiseLost


With the current settings I make the character page as a "hub" of sorts and then make the tabs for the characters individually to accomplish the same thing, as you can see on my profile page for Pollux and Castor. But this would be quite nice to have.



It would be cool to have shared tabs so one can have it as a relationship tracker of two characters or more and stuff! Would be very useful, truly.


+1 !!


+1 Def needed, for relationships.




+1 yes I would L O V E this ;W;


+1 p l e a s e



We need this-



It'd also be really nice if this could work with two characters owned by different users! I have a tab that's just for a character fusion and my friend and i don't really sync up with how we update them, so it'd be hella useful if we could do that 


+1, This would be a great feature! I was actually just complaining to a friend earlier today how much I wish I could share a tab between two characters haha


fgkhjflkjh +1

I'd love this especially for like character combos or Steven Universe fusions


+1, alivening this thread lol


+1 I need this. I currently just work with the two different tabs on each one but grrrr it’s so annoying 


+1 This sounds like a dream feature omg.  Imagine how useful this would be for relationships and family dynamics!