[MOBILE] Site Update Issues

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by admin

Is mobile your primary method of using TH?

374 Votes Yes - iPhone
523 Votes Yes - Android
9 Votes Yes - Other Phone OS
23 Votes Yes - Table (windows)
195 Votes Yes - iPad
15 Votes Yes - Other (please comment in thread!)
362 Votes No

Hello mobile TH users! In an effort to consolodate mobile issues and make it easier for us to deal with, please submit all your issues to this thread.

Known Issues:

  • Scrolling Issues
  • General WYSIWG problems

Mobile TH is very wonky right now. We're sorry for the trouble and will work hard to fix it.


The main issue I'm having is the manager pages, it's a pain to scroll though because of the click and drag system. IDK if that's part of the scroll problem or if it's entirely different though


iPhone user here! Whenever i type descriptions on anything, my view gets sent to the top of the page while I’m typing. I can still type, but its very frustrating that I can’t see what I’m typing. Not sure if this is a mobile thing though


I’m not sure if it’s just me being dumb but any time I edit links or HTML on the forums from a mobile device (Apple phone and iPad) it somehow breaks the link despite being visually the same code?


Same issue as others, when I try to edit code on mobile it won't let me select, paste, or if it does let me select it selects the entire page (as in, from the Toyhouse menu bar to the credits at the bottom of the entire page) 

I've found if I'm extremely clever/careful with character manager I can scroll if I get my phone to register touching the very edge of the screen but it's hit or miss and I still have to drag it quickly to make the page move more than a fraction of a character box, otherwise I WILL get stuck selecting/unable to scroll. 


I noticed now i can select, cut, and copy in the non-wysiwyg mobile editor (and some other stuff like find) by clicking on the box with 3 dots on it, but i still cant paste stuff in the editor. I click the paste button over and over but it stays blank.

[Samsung android user, tested it on firefox and samsung internet.]


Same issue as FlippingPancake. Can't paste anything into the non-wysiwyg mobile editor. In fact it causes crashing if I attempt to do so.


I never use toyhouse on mobile, it sucks I only use it on the go.


same as most other people here, I can’t copy, paste, select or anything with WYSIWYG disabled. except the option to doesn’t even show up for me. it’s one of the main reasons I don’t use codes. it also doesn’t let me actually see what I’m doing when I backspace stuff, it goes to the top of my screen instead of where I am backspacing things.

(I am on iPad toyhouse!!)


I don't use mobile that much but when using WYSIWYG Enabled on my phone, I only have the option to bold text, italicize text, add links and images and that's it?? But on PC I can underline, strike through, make the text bigger or smaller and way more.  I do have these options on my Ipad so maybe it's just an Android thing?