[MOBILE] Site Update Issues

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by admin

Is mobile your primary method of using TH?

374 Votes Yes - iPhone
523 Votes Yes - Android
9 Votes Yes - Other Phone OS
23 Votes Yes - Table (windows)
195 Votes Yes - iPad
15 Votes Yes - Other (please comment in thread!)
362 Votes No

Hello mobile TH users! In an effort to consolodate mobile issues and make it easier for us to deal with, please submit all your issues to this thread.

Known Issues:

  • Scrolling Issues
  • General WYSIWG problems

Mobile TH is very wonky right now. We're sorry for the trouble and will work hard to fix it.


the code editor on mobile (iphone) is very hard to use... just selecting things and pasting in code is kind of a hassle to do on my phone. When I type anything it flings me to the top of the screen!! Impossible to type while also seeing it :(


Currently having troubles with images. Can't edit avatars, upload, or edit. Unsure if it's a problem on desktop or not.


help when i except tos on people’s profiles it boots me out onto my profile? whdiieieidieudu :(


I’m having issues with submitting avatars on my characters and centering text. I was trying to add an avatar on my TOS, but my photos won’t even open, and it tells me at the top with a red bar that in error occurred.
I was trying to center text with a link to my commission page on my bio, but even when I centered it, I uncentered it, refreshed, closed out, it wouldn’t center on the page


Hi um I’ve been trying to Pm my friend, and I’m not sure if it’s their device or mine (I use an iPhone 12, I think they’re on an android) but whenever they reply to a repeatedly back and forth replied message, it randomly adds a bunch of paragraph spacings in other paragraphs, adding more and more with each reply they send me, even when I try to delete the extra paragraph breaks when I reply. I disabled WYSIWYG to see what the coding is doing, and it just looks like this screenshot link 

Any ideas why it’s doing this? It’s my only way to contact them and ideas get lost if we have to keep remaking new pms :(

IMPORTANT EDIT: they sent me a new Pm and it had a lot of extra spaces (more than the last) without me replying, I can link them this thread to have them give more information if you’d like, the image of what it did now is here


when i make a comment it tells me owner field is required :[ 


The random characters section may need some more optimization 😅 (all but one character is from the same user)IMG-9945.png


pretty big issue here… i can’t view like, ANY images. anytime i click on an image, this happens:


also, all icons are completely gone. like the pencil icon for editing images, the plus sign next to upload image, etc…:



just happened out of nowhere. no idea now to fix it


tablet user mainly , organizing my characters is a huge hassle . there's no scroll option so once I drag an image in stuck where i put it . t_t