My memory is... quite poor, and I have trouble remembering to go through the multi-step process of getting to a world's page to get notifications for it, so having the world's notifications show up in the top bar of the main site with threads and such would do wonders for my ability to run one. Even if all world notifications are along the lines of "[world] has activity!" and I have to then click to the world in question, it's better than accidentally letting, like, a join request sit for a month.

Apologies if this was suggested before, I didn't see a similar thread when I looked.


It really seems like something that was overlooked? Support from me as well.


+1. I don't use the feature except to sort ocs but I think this would be a good idea.


+1 definitely a feature I would use, I made a thread but it got buried.  I run worlds to organize my various different projects and information for them, and I have a lot so having to manually check each one is rather time consuming.


+1 so this doesn’t get buried.. the flower fiend world \\ community thing doesn’t give me any notifs, so I have to compulsively check if any planners have any ideas for something that isn’t in pms..


Just bumping this


Super +1.


+1 here too.


+1 Worlds on here is definitely a neglected feature; it would be nice for them to be more accessible. 


pleaaaaaseee. +1


I've seen people mention world notifs working (at least on desktop) elsewhere; can I get a screenshot to verify that they're working?


I just got a bulletin notification for one of my worlds. I also can see the notif on mobile too. I'm using chrome on both.


I don't have a mobile screenschot atm, but can get one if needed. Haven't deleted the notification yet.