A List of Nice Things to Put on Character Profiles

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 2 years, 7 months ago) by -Alex-

Do you add things like ribbons to your profiles?

449 Votes Yeah.
131 Votes Nope.
744 Votes I haven't yet, but I want to someday.
129 Votes Not really a fan of ribbons, or anything.

Edit: I abandoned this list years ago. I sadly do not have the time or energy (or will, either...) to update this list. Sorry about that.

So, I like things like ribbons and other small stuff in my character's profile. So I'm gonna start gathering things you can add to your characters' profiles such as ribbons and other things.

Before I start, shout out to this page of resources by Unicore. It inspired me to make this lol. It's pretty nice.


Image Code for when you're not using WYSIWYG (it will link you to pages when you click on the image):
<a href="(link)"><img src="(image url)"></a>
(feel free to move the </a> to the end of the paragraph when you are using more than one image if you need to. But if I'm correct, it still needs it after the images)

To grab the image url:
Chrome (pc): Go over to an image, right-click and either select "Open Image In New Tab" (which will do as it says. You can get the url from the url bar; where you put in the links to websites) or "Copy Image Adress".

Feel free to suggest things to add on here!

Ribbon Sets:
(Please check the linked pages to know what they all mean)

Jamsbunnies' Ribbons
dd9ah1m-26767b3c-a882-45b6-84cd-a5379b35 dceznto-3af1ca70-9758-4f95-bbb8-d70aba77


Kittenkinq's Ribbons


Cinnabutt's Ribbons
__by_cinnabutt-daoh5ip.png __by_cinnabutt-daoh4kn.pngAlt. Color Examples:
daw1o7g-ab475567-4ecd-4240-b627-744cf508(Might need to resize the alt. colored ones)

RABBFERR's Ribbons
long_time_ownership_by_baconpandas-db4or strong_personal_connection_by_baconpanda lots_of_art_by_baconpandas-db4or8k.png(The sprites are from Pokemon)

MilaMilkchocolate's Ribbons
dd9gvsu-66f8346d-69c2-4328-bfbf-db117aa2 dd9gvsy-200074ce-c88c-43cf-b5d9-271db84e ddbfhvt-8a119624-739e-4a00-ae5a-c0727319

Cottean's Ribbons
3377313_awHXLjD7qxxpl2G.png 3377328_9A16Q5dnZSiytiW.png 3377311_m9gqFwa24BABl3p.png

K-9-Dog's Ribbons
expensive_ribbion_by_k_9_dog-dc35fyh.pngmost_faved_by_k_9_dog-dc35fxx.pnghuge_art_lover_ribbion_by_k_9_dog-dc35fy(I'd suggest adding these on their own paragraph)

Donut-Toast's Ribbons
15396491_hSKVy4evCuDA7pe.png 15396521_JiVuN9czZCkuGYI.png 15396551_lZpTDXdMfHkNgUC.png

ClSCO's Ribbons
dd70721-2351d237-27c5-4491-bebb-9563609b dd706v3-c5198c0c-4d5d-4b72-8a5c-284a3441 dd706x6-7214930c-3bf3-4384-a6bc-29366a73(1. They are traced. If that doesn't matter to you, feel free to use them. 2. There are ribbons for cis and heterosexual/straight. I assume these are more for when you want to add ribbons for any identity, not just LGBT+ identities)

@Slate's Ribbons
15993957_PZGTRqnrRtCkbRU.png15990850_E6q256LZvCSI3zc.png15994704_nf7aEmw9Z4bJ629.pngOrientation Ribbon Examples:
16206656_BfhgW8hsm8Vloe3.png16001640_PF9bqpOxtSWvSYI.png16001038_9MuJtOB5IAOPRpQ.pngIdentity Ribbon Examples:

@CoolKaius's Ribbons

@striders's Ribbons

@NovaTale's Flipnote Ribbons

@/healyons's Elemental Ribbons(?)


@/ClSCO's Aesthetic Ribbons

Single Ribbons
(Ribbons that don't have a set or anything of the sort)

Other Images you can Put on Their Profiles:
(Not exactly ribbons but are pretty much the same as ribbons)

(Some stuff from the games you can add to your profiles
Pokemon Types
FlyingIC.gif DragonIC.gif FireIC.gif(Obviously, these are from the Pokemon games. I found these on Bulbapedia. To find them, scroll down to the Type Chart. The links on the images themselves are to the actual types, as I can't grab the image itself)

Pokemon Icons
228.png 365.png 773.png(Obviously, these are from the Pokemon games. I chose Serebii.net because you can see all the forms' icons. Links go to the pokemon's pages)

Other Series/Fandoms:
Homestuck Resources
(Note that I'm not at all familiar with Homestuck. Any corrections will be really appreciated)
Aspect Icons...? Avatars? Symbols??? (told you that I don't know shit):

Gallery Images:
(Images you can add to your gallery)
"Please do not use as references" Image
16746243_ZYH6DoVso31AVyq.png(If you want to credit, please don't credit @NotDamien's account as you usually would; use the off-site artist option when you upload it to your gallery)

Pride/LGBTQ+ Stuff:
Pride Flag Pixel Bowties by Zukoukuyo
dd9bfqe-0a5d6525-5e17-4428-9c34-bf251e6cdd9bfg2-0d549b53-deea-471c-baa2-5f0292a3dd9bff8-1eabad13-841e-41b2-9832-aa00d34d(1. There's a bow for heterosexual/straight, but the creator states that they made it so straight characters won't be left out. 2. There are both versions of the lesbian flag. They were made because they didn't know what people would want more)

"Corrupted Rainbow" LGBTQ Flags by @breansprout

Image Codes:
Sticky Pagedoll Code
(Demo linked the page linked above)

@AviCode's F2U Graphics
(Images linked in the page above)

Profile Icon/Avatar/Pfp/Thumbnail/Etc Icon Borders/Frames:
(Frames you can put on your character's profile pictures/avatar)
(Mostly for use with this which will also be linked in the Pieces of Coding/Templates section)

@yata/@michaki's Icon Borders

@Luckyee's Thumbnail Borders

@Moongeist's Icon Templates
51vHKp4.pngnBjZsoq.pnguc7Nu1A.png(Some are f2u, others are p2u. They don't  seem to work with the css coding?)

Pieces of Coding/Templates:
(Things that you can add to your profiles that aren't exactly images; they are actual code)
(Reminder to not use WYSIWYG!)

@vomco's Image Thumbnail Borders
(Demo on the page linked above)
(Adds borders on your character's avatars/thumbnails/icon/pfps/etc.)
(CSS/Premium only)

Playlist Codes/Templates:
(Adds playlists to your profiles that either link to music or plays them)
@Lowkeywicked's Codes/Templates
(Demos in the page linked above)

@Strabi's Codes/Templates
15879681_wxZUGCVX3R0Z6OX.png(Demos in the page linked above)

Moodboard Codes/Templates:
@lowkeywicked's Moodboard Codes
(Demos on the page linked above)
(Has hover text you can use for credit)

More Moodboard Codes by @lowkeywicked:
(Demos on the page linked above)

@vomco's Moodboard Snippet
(Demo on the page linked above)
(Codes that are moodboards you can add images onto. Plus, hoverable texts that will tell you where they are from)

Calendar Codes/Templates:
(Adds calendars to your profile. But, warning; can be long as hell)
@a-brilliant-loser's Code/Template
12091819_wAOATox6s6cY5tS.png12091809_YNSief6fXQFUxjb.png12091773_YhjW0l5sNE7Wm8D.png(Demos and alternate versions are the page linked above)

@lirael's Code/Template
12476125_dljeVD5XsYqZ5BZ.png?1551530635(Demos, an alternate version, and images of the code/template in other site theme's are in the page linked above)

@subject404 Birthday Calendar
(Demo on the page linked above)

Image Galleries:
(For collections of images, and whatnot)

Inventory Code
(Demo on the page linked above)
(Adds a little inventory that uses pictures for the items)

[P2U!] Closet Space Code/Template
16012142_LKCVcxIbOQ8jVHc.png(Demo in the page linked above. Might not work that good if there are more than ten pieces of clothes(?)) 
(And another reminder that this is pay-to-use)

@AviCode's Thumbnail Gallery
(Demo in the page linked above. The title says it all; a mini-gallery with thumbnail previews)

@togedemaru's Polaroids Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has buttons that can scroll through them and buttons that link to the character's profile and to their gallery)

free counter
website counter
(Page view counters. Can do for each click or each unique visitors (or ips, I assume). There are many different options for looks and you can even choose how many digits are in the number. The counters above are for this thread; the top is for every click/view and the other is for unique visitors) (I admit that I put this in here even though I'm using WYSIWYG. ...I couldn't help myself...but they seem to work fine with it, although, don't use WYSIWYG and coding/templates at the same time)

Pagination Buttons Code
(Demo on the page linked above)
(Little pagination buttons for your pages)

Colo(u)r Palette Code
14830400_lAG1uPvov.png(Demo in the page linked above)

Sticky Pagedoll Code
(Demo linked the page linked above)

Pieces of Coding/Templates (that should be in their own tabs/etc):
(Things that you can add in tabs but not in the regular profile, but ya know, you can also throw them in the profiles if you wanna. Though, heads up; they are basically just profile templates and some flat-out are but can be used for other, less large(?) things such as for worldbuilding or planning things such as games (like in my case))
(Reminder to not use WYSIWYG!)

Image Galleries:
(For collections of images, and whatnot)

[P2U!] Closet Space Code/Template
16012142_LKCVcxIbOQ8jVHc.png(Demo in the page linked above. Might not work that good if there are more than ten pieces of clothes(?))
(And another reminder that this is pay-to-use)

@Vahellish's Inventory Code
(Demo on the page linked above. Adds a little inventory that uses pictures for the items)

@AviCode's Thumbnail Gallery
(Demo in the page linked above. The title says it all; a mini-gallery with thumbnail previews)

@togedemaru's Polaroids Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has buttons that can scroll through them and buttons that link to the character's profile and to their gallery)

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Codes:
(Wanna have little interactive stories or plan out stories for stuff (like I'm currently doing lol)? Then here ya go)

[SF2U!] @togedemaru's Mini-Visual Novel/Choose your Own Adventure Game Code/Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has pause screen where you can pause and see the characters and refresh buttons that won't refresh the page but the little cypa piece)
(Reminder that it's supporter-free-to-use; you need to donate to the creator, @togedemaru, to be able to use this and some other codes/templates)

@technibabble's Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Code
(Demo and alternate versions are in the page linked above)

@Strabi's RPG Code/Template
15618096_4P0rRKoEQMZ1jJh.png?1564502712(Demo in the page linked above. Has an inventory drop-down, in-site music player, and stats you can customize. Although, there's only one path you can use. Only one you can click through. But there is another version that has multi-path)
Multi-Path Narrative Version

[P2U!] @Moongeist's Chat Bubble Texts
(Demos linked in the page linked above)
(Both Primum only and it's pay-to-use!)

@Inteleon/@/Unicore's RPG Box
(Demo in the page linked above. Has a couple of customizable stats and a few options for text)

Relationship-Based Codes/Templates:
(For when you wanna put stuff down about your character's relationships, or something? I can't explain it too well)

@togedemaru's Lovestruck Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Not only is there relationship stuff in there, but also basic info stuff too)

@AviCode's Relationship Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for relationships. Includes playlist, thoughts on each other, and more)

@vomco's Relationship Tracker
(Demo in the page linked above. Includes playlist, stats, notes, and milestones)

@vomco's Lovers Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Includes basic info, playlist, stats, notes, and milestones)

World/Info-Based Templates
(For things like info for stories and worlds and such)

@/LivvyAh's House/Household Code/Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for when you got a household of characters, or something of the sort)

Family Tree Code
(Demo in the page linked above. It's a family tree. Although, it's recommended for more advanced TH code users; slots can be difficult to move)
Apparently removed?

@AviCode's Story Tabs Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for story info; synopsis, lore, characters, and terminology)

@AviCode's Species Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for putting info down for your species. I assume it's best to put in worlds, and such)

@celestiials/@ater's Series Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for putting info down for your series/story including about and characters)

@/cthulhucorp's [CSS] Story Breakdown
(Demo in the page linked above. Used to pretty much break down your story into sections, as the name suggests. Also has a side-scroll thing for a character list)
(Premium only! It's both an html and css template!)

@WindWaken's Willow Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Based on Zillow's home viewer. Has an overview section, owner info, image section, and more)

@AviCode's Worldbuilding Terminology Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has links you can click that will show you the words for the letter you clicked on plus back to top buttons on each section)

(Stuff to add in your folders)

@AviCode's Story Tabs Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for story info; synopsis, lore, characters, and terminology)

@/cthulhucorp's Folder Info Code
(Demo in the page linked above. Just a nice little simple piece of coding to put in folders)

@celestiials/@ater's Series Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Used for putting info down for your series/story including about and characters)

@/cthulhucorp's [CSS] Story Breakdown
(Demo in the page linked above. Used to pretty much break down your story into sections, as the name suggests. Also has a side-scroll thing for a character list)
(Premium only! It's both an html and css template!)

@TheDemonicArtist's Spooky Season Folder Template
(Demos in the page linked above. Can be customized to add more sections and such if I'm correct-)

@TheDemonicArtist's Universe Folder Code
Demos in the page linked above. Can be customized to add more sections and such)

@orchestrator's Folder Organizer Code
(Demo in the page linked above. There's even a tag section)

Quest Log Code/Template
(Demo in the page linked above)

Trading Card Code/Template
(Demo in the page linked above)

[CSS] Character Height Chart
(Demo in the page linked above)
(Premium only!; css code)

World Map
(Demo in the page linked above)

About The User Stuff:
(Basically, if you want to add stuff to your profile but they are more suited for character profiles than your actual profile page)

Roleplay Comfort:
(Codes you can use to list your preferences for roleplaying)

@a-brilliant-loser's Roleplay Comfort Template
(Demo linked in the page linked above. It's a scrolling one with many things like an 'about me', basics, romance, violence, and drama preferences sections)

@VairaSmythe's Roleplay Info Boxes Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has your usual roleplay info section and a worlds section)

@vomco's RP Comfort Meme
(Demo in the page linked above)

(Codes you can use to list your design preferences and such)

@VairaSmythe's Wishlist Boxes Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has sections for species, color palettes, themes, and misc.)

To-Do Lists:
(Art queues and to-do lists)

@VairaSmythe's To-Do Lists Templates
By Type
By Queue
(Demos in the pages linked above)

@AviCode's To-Do/Waiting For Templates
(Demos in the page linked above. Has both a to-do list and waiting for list, obviously. There's also a progress bar key thing)

Commission Pages:
(For putting info about your commissions on)

@vomco's Showcase Template
(Demo in the page linked above. Has a place for examples and prices/extra info, preferences, order form, and a to-do/waiting list among other things)

@AviCode's Terms Of Service Template
(Demo in the page linked above, has sections like Will Draw, Will Not Draw, General, Image Rights, and more)

Content Warning Code
(Demo in the page linked above. It's an alternate version of the content warning)


To anyone that sees this

I keep trying to add ribbons to my character profiles in the code editor (not WYSIWYG) but the majority of them just pull up half the image source as a link and not the ribbon....help.

Is there something I might be doing wrong?


I have it set to where if you right-click a ribbon's image and select "Open Link In New Tab", it should link to the page where the rest are linked. To get the image's url (in the url bar), right-click and select "Open Image In New Tab" or to directly copy the image url, "Copy Image Adress". I hope this helped you and I understood your problem correctly. (Not too sure what else you could mean)



That's what I did, it just wasn't working... I ended out figuring out that I kept leaving the parenthesis in the link bars and it worked after I took them out

However, it only opens up the picture in a new tab though.....


You're welcome and added.


I'm not sure how to add ribbons, is there an html for it? I'd like to display the meaning for it too, not just the ribbon. Thank you <3


These are nice. :0 Added.

I tried looking in the resources I favorited for something along those lines. Closest I got is the collapses shown here. Sorry I couldn't find much.


Oo! Thank you very much!


Sorry for not being too active on this thread. But I added something.
These. They're in the ribbons section. They super nice.


Hi again :,3 so my computer doesn't have a ''copy image address'' it just has a ''copy'' and that only copies the image itself. I wanted to add jamsbunnies' ribbons to my fursona's profile (Ginger) but it won't work. I also click "open in new tab" and it just opens the sta.sh file. I don't know what to do?



Uhh, someone who knows more than me may have to help you but I got two ideas:

A) You know the little "inspect" option when you right click? (this may only be a Chrome thing but oh well) You can access the image address of the wanted image from there.

B) Use another device.

Hope one of these helps :)



Oh darn, I don't have either ;o; (a chrome device or another device :,3)

I'll try using the google browser tho!


@/ClSCO has got another batch of ribbons here if you're still updating!