Posted 6 months, 19 days ago by kiexen

Welcome to this year's annual Starship Yena Secret Santa!

For anyone who may see this and be interested, but doesn't know what a secret santa is; basically you'll fill out the form I will provide below, then a little while later I will send you your assignment. You will then create art for the person to be posted at the end of the event! You can create as many as you'd like for your assigned person, but at minimum you must complete one finished piece. Finished is whatever that means for you; as long as you're not giving a quick, uncoloured headshot sketch in the hopes you'll get a shaded full body in return. Once you've finished at least your minimum piece, let me know and I'll mark you as complete! Also, don't tell anyone who your giftee is, or try to figure out who your gifter is!

Onto the timeline!

Submitting Applications: Nov. 18th-Nov. 25th.

Sending Out Assignments: Nov. 25th-Nov. 26th

Assignments Due: Dec. 20th

Posting: Dec. 24th-Dec. 25th

If, at any point, you find you cannot complete your assignment for any reason and need to drop out, let me know before the due date! I'll work on finding a pincher for your assignment. Relatedly, if you need an extension, that's okay too! Just send me a message. Or, if you need me to ask your giftee any questions for you!

You can message me either on discord or toyhou.se, both of which are under kiexen ! If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a DM! This is being crossposted between the SS Yena discord, and the SS Yena toyhou.se; the poll of applicants will be pulled from both. So, if you fill out the form on one version of this post, you do not need to fill it out on both!



character(s) you'd most want drawn:

secondary oc options:

do you have a preference on the tone of the work? e.g. unthemed art, winter vibes, holiday specific, etc?:

are you a humanoid, anthro, and/or animal artist?:

are you willing to be a pincher if needed?:

I believe that is all, but like I said, feel free to ask any questions!!