
This page has depictions of fake gore. While said gore does not resemble actual organs, we feel it is best to warn ahead of time!

The Klashian are lizard-like creatures. They’re known for having short tempers, though this is not across the whole species. In general they live a nomadic existence. They don’t have hands, so they can’t build anything more advanced than a hole in the ground. Even so, they have developed speech and society. A few have settled down in towns, building warrens and vast underground cities.

While oft quarrelsome, they form close bonds and take great care of their families. This may be due to the fact that they only have 1-2 eggs every other year. A hatchling themselves looks bare, devoid of ears, tails, and other features. These young are deaf until closer to adulthood, when their traits begin to show. Their childhood lasts a good 20 years or so and they live for a good fifty years.

Klasian are typically monogamous, preferring one life-long partner over multiple. That being said, there are exceptions to that rule. They tend to not be particularly choosy over whether a partner is male, female, or identifies as something else, with same-sex couples having a tendency to adopt abandoned and orphaned hatchlings. Even a heterosexual couple may end up adopting young.

While rarely seen off their home planet Klasia, sometimes strange beings called caretakers grant them humanoid or anthropomorphic forms so as to complete a certain task or quest.

Life cycle + Anthro/humanoid form


These are not to scale.

Anatomy ref









Design rules

They have no color limitations.

Designs must have: A tail, a set of ears, noodle body with stubby legs, long lizard head with a nose horn(the lil bump on the official base).

The traitlists are only suggestioons. You may now do custom traits freely,

Seasonal traits are no longer limited to their listed time period.

While they may have an anthro or humanoid form, they need to have a feral form.