
The Astro, or properly known as Astrgo, are a reptilian species native to Nesidie. Standing five foot six inches on average, their most notable features are their ability to breathe fire and females possessing pouches. Their diets consist mostly of small mammals and berries, though they can digest much of the same foods as humans do.

Life stages

Egg - Eggs are laid serveral weeks after conception, hatching in about nine  months under normal circumstances. They're large and roundish, coming  in a variety of colors that often reflect the infant growing within. In  order to grow, they must be kept warm. The parents often keep them on  beds of heated stones, but constant contact with other Astrgo will also  do the trick. If they get too cold, they will go into a form of stasis.  This lasts until they're warmed again, sometimes being able to be in  stasis safely for several centuries.

Baby - For the first few years of life, Astrgo are almost entirely dependent  on their parents for everything. They're dumpy and compact, though  unlike humans they ae able to sit unsupported shortly after birth. They  remain in this stage of life until they're around five, the whole time  learning the essentials of being a living being. That is, lots of  potty-training, learning to talk, and learning to walk.

Child - From 5-12 years of age, Astrgo are consider in this stage. They don't  do much besides following adults and teenagers everywhere asking the  all-important question: 'Why?' They're into anything and everything,  constantly learning how the world works. And constantly hungry beyond  belief. These bad boys can fit so much food in them.

Teenager - From 13 to 18, Astrgo are considered teens. They spend this time  learning how to be adults. Which often results in them building  structures that don't do anything, much to the annoyance or amusement of  the adults around them. It's not uncommon to have a teenager trying to  climb a tree of built a fort to avoid their younger siblings simply  asking them more questions than they can handle.

Adult - Astrgo are in this stage until they hit the age of fifty. At this  point, they've mastered the art of attempted adulting and are ready for  the real thing. With mixed success. They spend most of their time  working various jobs and socializing. It's not uncommon for them to find  themselves partners, settling down to start their own families. They  tend to be very accepting of each other, though this doesn't mean that  disagreements don't happen. This is also the stage where they are able  to have children.

Elder - Age 50 and above, they have seen much of life and aren't bothered by much. Some even decide to keep working, while others choose to spend  their older years relaxing and passing on their knowledge. They know  they won't live forever, and most are at peace with that. Unfortunately  for younger Astrgo, this means lots of cheek pinching and comments on  how big they've grown.

Death - Around the age of  90-100 an Astrgo's body starts to rapidly deteriorate. These final  years are often filled with their family celebrating their  accomplishments and making sure they're comfortable and content. Their  passing is considered both a time of grief and also a time to celebrate  their life.



Design notes

- May be any colors.

- Only AFAB individuals have pouches(For holding eggs). AMAB individuals do not have pouches.

- Any traits are allowed as long as the species is still identifiable.