
Lithimor are large, gentle, vaguely feline beasts. Known mainly for their incredible ability to bond with literally any living thing, they often stick to their perceived packmates for life. They are often tamed by ydarine, due to their strength and durability. Other beings often purchase or capture the cubs due to how easily they are tamed and trained.

Obligate carnivores, they hunt large game such as deer or bokkin. Tamed lithimor can be trained not to hunt their owners' livestock and even to herd or guard them. In the wild, they hunt in packs. Teams of up to five individuals work together to take down megafauna or tougher large mammals. And drag the kills back to the pack's den, often torn into smaller chunks.

They live for up to forty years, reaching full maturity at three years of age. They have a seven month gestation period, the females  giving birth to an average of four cubs. These cubs are blind and deaf for the first four months. Once they reach a year of age, they start trailing hunting teams, observing and learning.


Design rules

- These guys may have any colors, but tend towards duller shades(However, bright colors are allowed!)
- The fur may be any length and may be styled
- What is on the above sheet applies.