
Warning: This species is a parasitoid and may contain disturbing imagery, particularly in the lifecycle section. Please proceed with caution.

A species of unknown origin, they're relatively undiscovered. In fact, they exist under the noses of most other beings simply due to what they are. They claim to be natives of one of the planets under the Aspotan empire, though noone has confirmed this.

What sets them apart from everyone else is the fact that they are parasitoids. Their typical appearance is ball of fluff with four legs, which they use to move about and latch onto hosts. This process takes several years, with them slowly consuming the brain of their host only to rest in the skull.

They don't require a host to survive, as they can subsist on carrion and small animals. However, it's rare to see them without a host...if you see them at all.


Fluppers require a host body to reproduce. After around ten years, they've completely taken over and co-opted the internal organs of their host. In particular, they take over their host's reproductive system, only retaining the general functions. However the host would have reproduced is how the flupper will...at least superficially.

With most species with a sexual method of reproduction, those that seek to reproduce search for a partner with a compatible host. Those fluppers that are romantically involved will often coordinate take-overs so as to make the process simpler. Regardless, once impregnated, the 'mother' retains the resulting offspring(in the form of dozens of insect-like eggs) no matter if the host's species lays eggs or gives live birth. After about 3 months, the 'mother' abandons ship, leaving the host body as the eggs begin hatching. By this point the host body is quite bloated, more akin to a drowned corpse. The resulting larva eat their way out, leaving nothing but bone and inorganic material.

With parthenogenic species, the host body will be both 'mother' and 'father'. Otherwise the process is the same as above.

Fluppers are in their larval state, which resemble fat brown grubs, for about 2 decades. They scatter as soon as their 'mother's' host has been consumed, seeking out sources of carrion to feast upon.

A flupper themselves can potentially live for 500 years, some taking many hosts during this time. Others choose not to take a host at all. And still others choose only to have one host.



Design rules

These guys are open! They can be added to new designs free of charge. Adding them to an existing SY character requires a parasitic larva.
Hostless Fluppers are allowed!
Any colors/markings are allowed.
All traits can be combined.
The tail trait allows all animal tails.