Complaints Board [IC]

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by  Cordelia fangmeat

thanks kavaro for letting me do this bless you

You all have complaints, don't you? Worries? Fears? Sadness? General negativity? About your life, your friends, your enemies, your writer (I'm not the only one whose been thrown in a situation I hate, right? We should give them a little hell now and then for what they do, even if it's just complaining about it) and whatever else? Well, here you go! We snagged permission for this board and everything! Don't make our efforts go in vain, rant and complain away! 

Some ground rules however - I know, a bore, but a necessary evil;

  1. No OOC complaining allowed! You writers have your board- so use it!
  2. Post IC! 
  3. Don't vague eachother. I mean, if your roleplayers know eachother and have consented to it, go for it! But keep it civil in here, this isn't a battleground and I am no referee. Take it to the PMs if you want a fistfight. 
  4. Black out triggering/sexual material for the sake of your fellow fictional beings and writers. Do that with the little two As next to the Font Sizes and check black for both. 
  5. No slurs! That's always a general rule of thumb though, right? I don't have to mother you all, do I? No, no I don't. 
  6. (optional) Have something that doesn't quite fit here? Head on over here to spill your thoughts! Nucille has a board up and running just for you.

Well.. that's it! Go forth in bitterness and tears and.. whatever. Just post.

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Umbris galaxycreations

"I've bought so many problems with me,I hope my fiance's parents think of me as apart of their family."

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 Jacqueline fangmeat


 Spark Papes

"I'm glad I got a new body to inhabit and all, but why do I have to look like a recolor. And not even a good one at that???? Why this."

"I just want to eat cookies in peace but now even consuming something gets me drunk and then there's people that look at me and scream "OH MY GOD A SHINY PIKACHU""

"I'M NOT A SHINY PIKACHU???? I want to cry."

Ouray Nerau Isoprene

It was my birthday the other day, but I couldn't celebrate it because I'm dead and only exist as an abstract soul memory in the subconscious of some guy I reincarnated into! Total bummer! I miss the days of smuggling cake into Zhirael's place to celebrate until he inevitably found us and tried to kill us... Good times, good times.

 Akiya fangmeat

[Internally she's heard screaming: "AM I DOING FUN WRONG??"]

 Yvalhaell Aurhovala Papes

"I know I have a tendency to flirt with people I'm attracted to, but in all honesty? I never expect it to go anywhere. Flirting is as far as I'll go, but other than that and the sex if they're the one to suggest it, well... as much as I want to be in a relationship and be loved by someone, I sometimes feel like it just won't happen. With the job I have really, that's sort of the only thing people will ever see me as. At least I decided to make it a point not to do my work outside of Arca. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it that way." He sighs a bit.

"...If we- I mean my group- ever wind up going to my hometown...... Gods damn it all, it's going to be nearly impossible to explain to my mother what I've been doing these past few years. I do miss home and I really want to go back someday but how do you even go about telling your mom what kind of work you've been doing while you were gone?! I know I'm not going to be able to dodge her questions!"

Captain Moebius Duressian

(Just a heads up for explicit reference to bodily functions and lewd content below)

why do i always get horny on my period FUCK

 Arcrix fangmeat


Yoshio EtherealPrince

I'd really love to ask my 'creator' or whatever they are why they felt the need to ruin my life. Like, c'mon, at least let me keep my son. jesus christ.

 Esme Papes

"People keep assuming Papes is actually my name??? No, it's not??? It's literally just a nickname that stuck with me everywhere I went. I can understand people getting surprised when they learn that's not my name, but why do they suddenly get confused when they learn my name's actually Esmeralda???? That's not even a weird name at all why y'all gotta be like that,"

"You know what though I'm so used to being called Papes by now that when someone actually uses my first name it feels weird. Fuck my life."

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Luna SuperStar2361

"...My birthday's in a few days, but... I'm worried that my writer won't do anything at all to celebrate... I still haven't forgotten about how she did nothing for my sister when it was her birthday... And I've heard that since then, there's been some other people whose birthday she also hasn't celebrated... And yes, each of those words links to a different person's profile, and she completely forgot about all of their birthdays."


"My writer calls me his son and talks about how much he loves me, but then turns around and calls me gross and a screw up and a failure and a loser. His excuse is that suffering builds character. God, he makes me wanna hate him."

"And another thing: Why do me and my siblings abide by our family's traditions? We've slowly been rebelling for a reason. I was born first, I'm the oldest. Not Ophelia. Me. I want her to quit treating me like a baby. I'm older than her!"