Why did you choose this name?

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Feufeu

Do you ever wondered why a character had that name? Or always wanted to explain why this character have this name? Well, you can explain here! 

For me, well... 

Nautilus's name came from a song called... well, Nautilus. Dunno, I though it was soundind sea-like- 

I choose the name of Aeris because it was soundind like Aero-stuff, aaand maybe because I've seen a video talking about Aeris of Final Fantasy. Who know.

So yeah, go ahead! 

Leni lordcanti

im len


another character- His true name is Raishi

Rai comes from Raijin, the thunder god of japanese mythology, which makes sense cause he has lightning powers and is also of royal descent which makes him pretty powerful.

Shi comes from 'Lion' in chinese. Raishi is the leader/captain of his pirates, kind of like how a male lion is the leader of its pride. and also i think lions match Raishi's ferocity in a fight.


Mairy is nicked name the "queen of hearts" which goes with the blood-red queen, mary.

Leshen was a joke between me and a friend. i love wendigos and my friend loves the witcher, he mentioned the leshen and I somehow got away with the name.

Covet sickmutt

Funny thing is I really didn't pick his name, someone in my discord server helped me name him!

Ariamon endiria

While in my story the origin of his name is explained, honestly I have no idea how this name popped out in my mind

even though I came up with it only a year ago, before 2020 his name was Orion

I've created a some kind of fictional language that is mean to be an old language used on my fictional island Halmaime (I started to work on it like 10 years ago but it's not developed that much) and there are some similar words to ariamon, but it's not an actual word, I'd say that ariamon just sounds quite halmaimean

my head was always full of weird words

Ariamon himself hates this name but I kinda like it, there's some irony about it

and it rhymes with cinnamon..

Eleczy NockeyNoo

i usually name my characters has foreign'n quirky names, they're sophistcated.

this is an example of this oc, he's from Hungary, so i have to look up a name in Hungarian, it takes a long time to find unique name with my idea, there's no real meaning behind the name

Singh | Fifth AllseeingDaydream

I actually chose singh because its one letter away from meaning lion in my country's languange! (singh -> singa = lion) and she's a lion shapeshifter hehe

Though it turns out singh *does* actually mean lion and i was like. YOOO

Lev lev1athan

Basically my family is Jewish and most of us went to Hebrew School which inspired the name idea since Leviathan is a sea monster from Jewish theology, plus I've always loved the name Leviathan ^^ Since his fur is primarily blue, I immediately thought of the sea lmao also he's part wolf part demon (fallen angel), I was like oooh Leviathan hehe (cuz Leviathan is a fallen angel) I pretty much just wrote the serpent as a furry that isn't slain by Yahweh B)) kinda boring tbh 

Goose remon


 Hew Draper Doresuaan

If you search for HIS name on the internet, you will understand why owo

Currently, most of my ocss have names inspired by real people or real "THINGS" (like...the moon, a food...XD)

Plaguebringer thisperson10

I got her name from the Plaguebringer Goliath from the Calamity Mod for Terraria (great mod btw). Although she’s still too similar to her inspiration… I’m thinking of a rename alongside a redesign.

Lady Kaleida Velvette_of_Kabu

IC: Because I like Kaleidoscopes, middle name because of my own first name since she's my fursona and surname because of my fave star

Nina because of a stray cat we feed in our backyard and same for Jina