❤ What does your OC's heart look like?

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 25 days ago) by sivanhe

Please actually read through this before you post. I've gotten a few anatomy descriptions instead of this concept, and it's really annoying because it's obvious they didn't read through. I'm not going to point fingers, but please take your time to read instead of just posting right away.

So, I came up with this little concept here:


And it's got me wondering: what would your OCs' hearts look like? What colour/s would it be, would it have any damage, stuff like that :]
You can either draw it out, or just describe what it would look like! I just thought this would be fun :]

EDIT: I'm loving the ideas you guys are coming up with! Y'all are so creative <3

Tarus ArtisticTiger

Tarus’s heart would probably be a light red color spotted with black and grey. Music notes and black goop would cover it. As he ages it becomes paler weaker until he dies. This would take some time since Tarus’s species live pretty long. 

Okuya Ka'hana KamiKoi

I think peach pink

Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

a light blue with a shimmer to it; it's as if the morning skies reflect onto it. there seems to be some cuts and scratches on it, and a tiny crack at the top of it

⌛️ Nowhere ⌛️ Zvarricopter

A pale pink, though the color may change sporadically. It would look fuzzy, only in the roughest shape of a heart, and cracked up with strands entrapping it - almost holding it together.

Derrick Jane robot-star

something like this with metal plates and wires holding it togetherder.png

Heron Aarix

Olive drab, like his eyes, and weirdly long, like the rest of him. The upper curves have been cleanly excised so that it more closely resembles a shield, which has gotta be doing a number on the cardiac efficiency of his soul. They're still there, they're just dead. The light which remains is bright and unrelenting as a police torch, but the unflattering khaki it casts doesn't exactly make for an appealing illuminatory arrangement. The scratches and dents visible amid the glare approximate the positions of some of his major scars--perhaps notably, the worst of it is in the dead sectors. The most striking takes the shape of what looks like two small, thin gashes forming a broken-but-continous line across the center light. When he's angry or scared, his glow dims ominously.

 Nathan J. Banks angiiePaniic

nathan's would look like it'd be strong - a powerful red tone with sharp, squared edges

but when his first wife died, the red become translucent and cracked down the middle, like stained glass - revealing an inner centre of soft gooey peach-pink

then when his daughter was taken from him, it cracked even more, creating a split down the centre - barely holding together at the point.
and now that soft inner heart is beginning to spill.

in the present day, maybe it'd have some gauze wrapped around it in some sort of desperate attempt to keep it together

but it never really works, and never really dulls the pain like he hoped it would.

it doesn't glow as much as it used to.


(its vv rare i digitally paint lmao so dont mind the messiness :''>)

Void CherryFanta

A dark pale shade of blue, with some spots of shattered rainbow and surrounded by darkness. tiny cracks can be seen in parts of the soul which will increase over time until it finally breaks.

Aidel FluffyFoxOfFate

Hm, probably would be a yellow/white color. Same as his eyes.

Circle Lilina

For his species, the lapagi, mage cores are the equivalent of hearts. I've never drawn a visual on what his mage core looks like, but in his bio, it's described as having a scar-like marking on it. I also imagine the core being red and heart-shaped, since he's charismatic.

Jellica Shadowzim777

Even though she doesn't need a heart, Jellica could always use her gummy body to synthesize one up. She can't help but give bits of her gummy heart away to people.

Something in the vein of this.


 Karnur Onychophora

Probobly a purple heart with a goofy ahh crack in it beacuse his mother died aaaa </33

Gray Allard graystreet003

Gray's would be a shinning red, but it's mixed with a lightened tone of yellow to it. Pure