Ask 5 Questions to the Above Person's OC!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by isopods

I've seen a couple of threads where people can ask OCs questions.  However, I thought it might be interesting if those questions covered more of the character's development without having to post multiple times to receive multiple questions. 


Rules and Guidelines

  1. Please comment in-character.  The character you post as will be the next character to be asked five questions.
  2. Once your character is asked the questions from the next poster, please edit your initial comment to answer the questions.
  3. Please ask questions that contribute, at least somewhat, to the character's development.  
  4. Please read the character's profile and the person's profile before asking any questions.
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♡ | EXE Quintrell iiantixsocial

Claim ramyune

1. So uh.. does the name "Isolde" mean anything?
2. Is there a specific event or inspiration that sparked your interest in composing?
3. Is there a particular emotion or theme that you often try to convey through your compositions?
4. Is there a symbolic reason behind your choice of the Greek toga-inspired gown for your concert performances?
5. How do you deal with creative blocks or challenges in the composing process?

Answers to questions below:

1. can regenerate your limbs? Thats so cool! Do you feel anything when that happens? Does it hurt or something?
"Yeah, eheh.. it is cool, I guess. But uh.. it doesn't hurt or anythin', it's more like this weird tingly feeling."

2. Ok, sorry if this is a personal one, but...what does dying feel like? You can die and just...come back after all, right?
"It's kinda hard to explain. If I were to like get shot in the heart and die instantaneously, the impact of the shot is huge then there's this flash bang of white and then everything goes black."

"Now if it's a slow death, like blood loss, it's incredibly slow and hurts a lot. Imagine the pain being way worse than normal, like 50x more painful than what most people might feel. You slowly start to black out as your body repeatedly tries to aid itself to keep you alive. Every breath you make, your lungs hurt like hell, and you can physically feel your heart tear and rip itself. It's excruciating. Your body is sending signals, screaming in pain. Every second feels like an eternity, the pain is just relentless. Every moment feels like it lasts forever."

"When I'm in the period of "death" it's like I'm in this black empty void and I feel numb everywhere. My body is outlined in white and I could see my soul start to regenerate. Once my soul is fully regenerated, I just-.. wake up from where I died at."

(Hopefully that answers that haha)

3. ...You have an addiction to killing people??? O-oh my...what do you get out of this???
"Killing just.. helps me cope with stuff. I've never had good coping mechanisms, so killing is one of the ways I deal with stress or emotions. It also gives me this rush of serotonin. I wish I didn't have an addiction, though. I don't like it and I regret it every time I do it."

4. Do you sometimes miss your old family? Or your creators, whatever you call them...
"I have a very very blurry memory when it comes to my 'old family', so there isn't really anything to 'miss." All I remember is growing up with my brother Virus with one of the scientists, Dr. Alphys as a parental figure. I don't even know if we have actual parents."

5. To end this on a...not so morbid note, do you have a favorite plushie?
"Oh! My favourite is my shark one! He doesn't really have a name, though. I'm bad at naming things, hehe.."
Sally Altwin Powermetalwind

Claim iiantixsocial

1. can regenerate your limbs? Thats so cool! Do you feel anything when that happens? Does it hurt or something?

2. Ok, sorry if this is a personal one, but...what does dying feel like? You can die and just...come back after all, right?

3. have an addiction to /killing people/??? O-oh my...what do you get out of this???

4. Do you sometimes miss your old family? Or your creators, whatever you call them...

5. To end this on a...not so morbid note, do you have a favorite plushie?

(I tried wording the questions as if shes asking them, hope I got that right)

Zanzibar MeowMeow422


1. How and where did she got Oblivion? Streets, shelter, etc

2. With her eccentric personality, I'm a bit surprised she's so... not wants to harm others so to speak. Any reason?

3. Is she a water half-full or half-empty kinda gal?

4. Is her hair naturally like that? Or because of her magic?

5. Previously, how was she supposed to die?


1. He uses aliases to avoid bad people going after the people he cares about. In fact, it has become a requirement for all law enforcement, regardless if officials and rank.

2. His heart stone acts similar to the Soul Gems in Madoka Magica. Except his heart can't be tainted. It stores his soul/ life and he could die if it's damaged or too far from him. He doesn't know this tho

3. No humans, but anthros exist. As for that particular aspect, imagine a really tall stranger walks past you and just pets your head for some reason. You'd be disturbed wouldn't you?

4. Black and espresso. Doesn't like lattes and cream or milk. Occasionally adds a small bit of sugar

5. Plenty of times. From criminals who were too cocky for their own good, and victims/ witnesses who have secrets they'd rather keep.



- why doesn’t he want to reveal his true name? Is it a mystery or does he want to stay anonymous? (Since it said in the bio IF that is his true name to avoid some sort of confusion)

- how does a heart stone work and what does it actually do?

- if there are humans in the world he lives in, does he mind being pet by others or no?

- it says in his bio that he likes coffee, what kind does he and does not like?

- did he ever had to deal with dishonest and/or arrogant people a few times or many times?


NEXT PERSON: if you don’t want to do Kong-Rey, you can do Galveston


Here are your answers dandikix

1: why and how did he get his hands on an alcoholic drink at such a young age?

Kong-Rey one day was playing around with one of his toys in the living room, his parents weren't present because they were at a restaurant that serves fancy cuisines of sorts. While he was playing around, his wild imagination lead him to the kitchen cabinet as a hideout of sorts (he was pretending to be a space pirate villain by himself) that was where he found the drink on a shelf where he could reach it, he thought it was just a bottle of sparkling water so he took it, found a way to open it and drank the entire thing. He had no knowledge on alcoholic drinks because his parents never told him about it (because they hated him)

2: we know he knows how to draw, but what artstyle and medium does he draw in?

He draws traditionally, he has no desire for digital art, he just likes the feeling of paper. His artstyle is something similar to the 80s anime style but not fully. But he usually draws his ideal type of women. Sometimes Roxanne.... and himself or friends.

3: is there any significance to his reocuring motifs of night, stars and the moon?

Starry night skies are usually the colors purple or black in media.. the reason why he likes motifs such as these it's because he likes the night. He likes to look at the moon when he is in the mood.

4: what does his wife think about his spicy fanfics and art?

at first she was weirded out when she learned the existence of his fanfics and art days after the cruise, but she's ok with it since it's what she'd expect from someone like Kong-Rey. As long as it isn't hurting anyone, it's a ok with Wipha. She loves Kong-Rey regardless of what he does and what he decides to do. She thinks that he's very talented at drawing.

5: from where and why did he learn to do makeup?

Throughout his childhood, he would sometimes see his mother use makeup, seeing this would make 10 year old Kong-Rey sometimes steal his mother's makeup and brushes to school and get permission from girls in said school so he can apply makeup onto them.

Crow dandikix

1: why and how did he get his hands on an alcoholic drink at such a young age?

2: we know he knows how to draw, but what artstyle and medium does he draw in?

3: is there any significance to his reocuring motifs of night, stars and the moon?

4: what does his wife think about his spicy fanfics and art?

5: from where and why did he learn to do makeup?


1: "Sire? Soul? What- Nevermind, I'm just as much of a person as these that have been born. Everything is but extension of our planet's impulse of magic, and every living beings is the same at core regardless of how they've been brought into this world"
--Magic aka bioelectricity produced by life activity of the planet he lives on is what brings life and magic into every creature, it is what souls of all living beings on his home planet are made from so yes, he does have a soul. 

2: "Again with that sire bullshit? Dude i dont know what the fuck is that. Sigh.. But yes, my life depends on my body`s ability to produce and conduct magic, or how you call it "qi", impulse. It's the same as a born one`s brain and muscles, as long as magic runs through one`s body, they live. I don't have any of the cool born one insides, but my whole body functions basically the same, its just that the impulses are less organised and it's more risky for me to use magic. And no, i would not collapse and die if i go somewhere without magic, my core does a pretty good job at producing enough impulse from food that i will stay alive, but i would explode if i would try to use any spells without any extra magic from the atmosphere I could use"
--The magic he functions on is basically eldrich space monster's brain electricity (same as the rest of creatures on his planet yeah) it maintains his body the same way as the bioelectricity does for our bodies, carrying impulses to keep us moving. He can absolutely leave the planet, he will still have enough natural electricity produced by the magical artifact stuck in his chest that acts like a battery and is powered by anything nutritious so he just has to eat a few times a day and he'll be fine. The way to cut him off from his magic sustain source is, as you may have already guessed, is to pull out the magical artifact in his chest that was what brought him to life in the first place. He will pretty much imideatly go into a sort of battery saving mode, it is very important and you must not attempt to revive him before retrieving the core and placing it back. The core does serve as the main storage of memories, therefore personality and pretty much everything that makes him who he is, but the magic distributed across his body is no less important, if it runs out he will die as the artifact turned memory core will reject any  body that doesnt have at least a remanence of it's own life magic. There are ways to go around it, but will result in severe memory loss and are considered forbidden forms of magic.

3: "Oh i dont know, maybe we're like this cause adults like you are annoying as fuck"
--Impossible endginess came to Crow kinda naturally, but influence from a variety of people, both real and fictional that he wants to be like without really understanding what actually makes them cool is absolutely there too. 

4: "I- What, you wanna argue, huh?! Well try me bitch I never fucking back down you piece of shit"
--Absolutely, my guy can not stay away from verbal fights with people older and smarter than him and has never actually won one. Some of them defenetily live rent free in his head as cringe memories that dont let you sleep dfjgdg

5: "I'm an unborn that can use magic, it kinda automatically makes me a warlock. I don't really serve any master, and the contract i have was signed when i was "born", it being with the magic artifact that was used to give me life i guess. It's kinda like having a contract with a higher spirit? Not really but it's the closest thig i could think of. It's not really alive in a sense but it keeps me alive and allows me to use magic and in exchange i give it more power and knowledge, which actually in the end benefits me too.... I dunno its kinda a symbiotic relationship more than a servitude."
-- Unborn warlocks are different from regular ones! There is no being, it's just that the artifact they've been born through were so powerful many consider the artifact to be alive, though that is not the case, simply being an illusion created by people to sort of cope i guess with the fact that something inanimate can hold so much power. Usually unborns are unable to use magic, as it is all being used to keep them alive, but unborns made from something so powerful like Crow was can do it, because the magic they have exceeds far beyond what they need for survival.

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Viksa Dinlos

Faelrix Sorry for the possible duplicates, the linked tab is hidden.

1.  It says they know a lot of skills, but masters none. What the skill or talent is the most important for them and what it would take them to try to be better at it? What stops them?

2. Is she aware of her inability to form connections or care? How does it make her feel or does she perhaps act differently if she know about it? Is any of it a facade?

3. What happened to the monk after Hwa was gone? (Also I was very sad to notice the adult years weren't written down. )

4.  What he thinks of his fame, reputation? What if anything he'd be willing to do to change that?

5. So, what does the future hold? What they dream of? Is there any plans for them?

Few small extra questions just for funsies:

What has been the strangest yet, the most surprising food they've tried? Did they get a recipe?

The little knick knack's he likes to collect, what is the most important? Or are they all just stuff.

What type of people she's intrigued by? 

Would mimic the animals if someone asked?

Does Soso have pet names?

Edit: Answers! Thank you very much!!

1. If the opportunity to study a user of dark magic arose, even if it meant hurting them (like subduing them or any side effects of studying), but his knowledge of the arts grew exponentially, would he take that chance?

"If they consent, I could.  The only way to keep doing what I do is to have a clean conscience, otherwise power and curses would easily corrupt the unstable mind. If they wouldn't or couldn't consent, then I'd leave it alone."

2. Would Viksa ever decide to stop, or at least pause, his travels and settle down? Is his mindset so set in stone that the thought of doing such a thing would be unacceptable?

"Uh... well, never say never, right?  I 'd need a change of scenery every now and then but why not for a good reason, someone, maybe, or a whole family. Or at the latest when I retire. My creaky bones would need way more softer lifestyle."

3. How close was he to his mentor, exactly? Was he a good person and role model? Were there things Viksa despised about them, but praised others?

"Not close at all. I'm too lazy to sit in the lectures so learning as an apprentice was far better option for me. My mentor was quick and efficient teacher but wanted to keep her distance and our relationship strictly professional. I admire her for that. Was she a good role model, though? I'm not sure. Yes, I'd think so. I didn't really know her at all outside of being a mentor. She was little bit hungry for attention which is something I rather avoid but I'd hardly call it despising.

4. What is his opinion of his mother? What about his siblings, or at least the ones he does know?

"My mother did the bare minimum but I can hardly blame her considering the circumstances. I haven't seen her in years, I'm not even sure if she's still around. I've kept in touch with couple of my siblings, mainly Altan, whose really my brother and my sister Esther who I was closest to growing up. The three of us have grown closer now in out adult years, which is actually very nice. Makes me wonder if we should've try to get to know each other earlier."

5. If caught in a situation where magic was unable to save him/help him, what's his fall back plan? Slight of hand, speech, does he know how to use a weapon or self-defense?

"I guess I'd perish. I mean I hope not, but I have very little skills outside of magic. I can shoot I think. Maybe. But the most likely I'd try sneak out of the situation."

Bonus question! Do his eyes have anything to do with his heritage/innate magical prowess?

"Their color is somewhat strange but I'd rather point a finger to my mysterious gene pool for that."

If IC bores you, you can also ask questions from Eli, Echo or Mina (Even mix and match, if it's allowed in the thread). Also feel free to explore the tabs if there's any.

 Jericho Wey _Deadweight_

Questions for Viksa!

1. If the opportunity to study a user of dark magic arose, even if it meant hurting them (like subduing them or any side effects of studying), but his knowledge of the arts grew exponentially, would he take that chance?

2. Would Viksa ever decide to stop, or at least pause, his travels and settle down? Is his mindset so set in stone that the thought of doing such a thing would be unacceptable?

3. How close was he to his mentor, exactly? Was he a good person and role model? Were there things Viksa despised about them, but praised others?

4. What is his opinion of his mother? What about his siblings, or at least the ones he does know?

5. If caught in a situation where magic was unable to save him/help him, what's his fall back plan? Slight of hand, speech, does he know how to use a weapon or self-defense?

Bonus question! Do his eyes have anything to do with his heritage/innate magical prowess? 

@ np, please ping me!

I loved these questions!! <3

1 - Being truly alone. That stems all from his younger brother, Ezekiel, who is his last living family. Immediate family, anyway. Despite everything he's seen, all the horrible things he's done and seen done, nothing scares him more than the day he loses his brother. He often doubts he could live on if his brother fell before him, and sometimes hopes he'll meet his end before him.

2 - From the Walled City of Jericho in the Bible! In his lore, it started as a jest from more experienced contractors, but as he proved himself, it became a badge of honor. Jericho prefers going by it over his birth name simply because of anonymity, or at least a semblance of it. To him, Jericho also sounds cooler and more intimidating anyway!

3 - After his first contract with the PMC, the one described in his bio, he took a liking to participating in these fights. For one, they keep him humble; he never walks away uninjured, and reminds him that he is not immortal and can die just as easily as everyone else. Two, it helps keep his skills sharp and his pain tolerance high. On the plus side, it helps him vent frustrations and such too!

4 - From his job! After showing an innate understanding of firearms, he was put through an extensive and expensive program in gunsmithing and ammunition manufacturing, as well as real-world experience in arms deals and training other armed forces. 

5 - Other than constant night terrors, not really. He's got very good at hiding it, and even when the cup runneth over, so to speak, he is unmoving in his demeanor. In such cases he starts cracking, he prefers his alone time, allowing himself to either focus on his work or hobbies. If you're close to him, it would be obvious things are bothering him, but on the job, he's a reliable professional and never one to back down or break.

Julian ‘July’ Carrington PaxCeasesToExist

claim _Deadweight_ !

1 - What is it that he fears?

2 - Where does the name Jericho come from, and why does he go by that rather than Tilant? 

3 - How did he get into underground fights/ing? What happened?

4 - Where did Jericho learn how to modify and/or make guns?

5 - Does Jericho ever show his regret or guilt ?

--- Answers to tpbm! vv

- He enjoys reading Mysteries most, but pretty much everything but romance or thrillers,,, he tends to write Mysteries and dystopian , so yes and no?
- Yep, unfortunately,, he definitely needs a better sleep schedule smh
- He does! Especially because of everything he has to deal with, he would much prefer go back to just being a writer
- July probably tends to use his right paw more than his left paw most of the time, even though its pretty much the exact same with either
- A bit out of fear because he has convinced himself they are angry pure evil demons or smth and a bit out of the fact he thinks they look weird and gets bad vibes from them

Aster Blapii

Claim! writing em! PaxCeasesToExist

  1. Does he have a favorite genre when it comes to writing and reading? Are they different from each other of the same genres?
  2. Based off this image; does he often stay up late writing?
  3. Does he find himself wanting to return back to his life of just being a writer instead of now being in the situation he’s been pulled into?
  4. He’s ambidextrous, does he kinda have a preference over which hand to use depending on the situation? Maybe he tends to write with one hand over the other? Or like, is his penmanship different depending on which hand he writes with? Although I’m not sure if that defeats the purpose of being ambidextrous,,,
  5. Does he dislikes snakes out of fear, or is it that he just doesn’t like them too much?
 Mary Valentine Blonda4

Claim Blapii !

1. Does Aster have a favorite sword fighting style?

2. What does Aster like most about Layla?

3. What is Aster's worst cooking disaster?

4. How does Aster feel about her wings giving away her emotions?

5. What happened between her and Celeste to cause the seemingly mutual hate? 


1. What was Mary's favorite odd-job from her time on the streets?

She really loved working as a dish washer for a small mom and pop diner. The old woman would let her sneak a plate of food on days she had nothing to eat. Would have probably stayed there if the new owner the business was sold to wasn't such an asshole.

2. Does she have a favorite or least favorite aspect of her magical girl form's appearance?

Favorite aspect would have to be the jacket, Mary thinks it looks cool. Least favorite would probably be the eyes, it was extremely overwhelming when she transformed for the first time and suddenly had 20+ different POVs at once without even having time to process a monster turning into a bracelet. She's learned to control them all to look kinda all in the same direction, but still needs to stay still a moment to look in any other direction that isn't where her main eyes are.

3. Does she regret entering the alley that night?

If she had room to think about regret, she probably would. Unfortunately, her brain has latched onto the mystery in front of her and she wants to figure out what's going on, even if it drives her insane.

4. What's the weirdest interaction she's had as a delivery girl/weirdest thing she's delivered?

Weirdest interaction was probably with a customer stoned out of their mind. The dude kept acting like he had completely forgotten how earth works, tried to pay Mary after receiving the package, settled on giving her a bottle of salad dressing from the fridge when she refused money, and ended the interaction by saying “Thank you gift angel”.

5. Does she plan to make ANY moves on Cherry? Getting her number perhaps?

Due to events in [REDACTED], Mary is apprehensive about making moves on another woman. This is not helped by the fact she is the most oblivious woman on the planet, and thinks Cherry's flirting is just her being friendly. Not even god could help this woman realize it's flirting.

♛ Ezra Lamanie llrreverence

☆ Claim Blonda4 c:

1. What was Mary's favorite odd-job from her time on the streets?
2. Does she have a favorite or least favorite aspect of her magical girl form's appearance?
3. Does she regret entering the alley that night?
4. What's the weirdest interaction she's had as a delivery girl/weirdest thing she's delivered?
5. Does she plan to make ANY moves on Mary? Getting her number perhaps?

answers o7

1. Q). I'm curious, what exactly does bloodbending as an ability entail? What are its limitations?
     A). Ezra hasn't fully explored the extent of their bloodbending and doesn't plan to. As far as they're aware, it helps them make weapons and helps them fight. As for withdrawing the blood they make back into their body, they have to be within a grabbing range to even think about doing it, which is why on the field they're heavily armored.

2. Q). Additionally, what is something that could get them to outwardly express their emotions? A moment of high stress, or them choosing to be open?
     A). Most likely, they'd only be willing to express emotions outwardly in front of those they trust, namely Veer and, if he's lucky, Themis. Since they see emotions as a vulnerability, they show them in front of people they know wont use it against them, so they're willing to be open around them... when they're not entirely encompassed in their work. Though high stress certainly makes him emote, even that's internal.

3. Q). ...How much of a certified dumbass are they?
     A). Don't get me wrong, you have to be pretty smart to make the things they do, and yet. I'd give them a 7 out of 10 on the goober scale. They time and time again forget that heat is hot- also the whole surgery on themselves thing? Ballsy, but damn if it ain't stupid. Also when you consider their fighting style is flinging themselves and a massive hammer around all willy nilly, you question how they aren't in a casket.

4. Q). If there is something they could change, what would that be?
     A). Ezra's answer would be the exact same as everyone else that's in the main cast; which is Willow and Terran in body bags. Outside of that, though, I think they'd change the outcome of what happened back when they were 12. Since they can't, though, they want to start a family someday instead. They'll be damned if their bloodline- one so well known throughout the islands -dies with them.

4. Q). What is their world like, actually? What is Prij’oka, among others? Why were they embroiled in war?
     A). To put a long story short; Signy was appointed Goddess of War due to her sheer strength, which she rarely taps into, as she much prefers using words to resolve things. Terran deemed her unfit, and growing an ego the size of the planet overtime led him to thinking. "I know, I'll beat her at her own game, then I'll be the strongest." Thus far it has not worked and he's frankly an idiot. (I hate him)

    As for Prij'oka, it's Terrans land, one island out of 4 that is in an eternal Spring. A majority of those who still live there are practically working under him. It's no surprise that his own species, one he created to live on his land, have migrated to Urynho, which is Alizeh's turf. They would've gone elsewhere; as Alizeh is the laziest of the gods, but her laziness and unprofessionalism made it much easier to get there undetected.

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 Alois SymeSynth


1. I'm curious, what exactly does bloodbending as an ability entail? What are its limitations?
2. Additionally, what is something that could get them to outwardly express their emotions? A moment of high stress, or them choosing to be open?
3. ...How much of a certified dumbass are they?
4. If there is something they could change, what would that be?
5. What is their world like, actually? What is Prij’oka, among others? Why were they embroiled in war?

NP: Please ping me! Also, you're free to pick any of my other characters here!

  • It's essentially the result of his nature as a paradox. He's actively fighting against reality, is the simplest way to put it. A good part of this is also self-inflicted, as he more or less refuses to just accept how things are.
  • Well, he does default to something amicable and polite. Someone you could get along with, yet simultaneously forgettable. Most of the time, he chooses to be a simple face in the crowd.
  • Meta-aware is the best answer for this. He pretty much can break the fourth wall whenever. Whether he chooses to utilise all of this knowledge is the question.
  • A twisted sense of sympathy, I suppose. He does kind of "relate" to those who are unhappy and suffering, especially if they are aware of the bad hand that had been dealt towards them. Powerful beings, he tends to see more as some privileged class with a silver spoon that ought to be dislodged.
  • The urges are something akin to a twisted curiosity. He's a bit like a cat in that respect: sometimes he just likes to play with the things and hunt them, so to speak. He does hold back, but he has a "prey drive", if you can call it that.