No rules, no guidelines, just write.

I love when people get excited about their characters and just want to tell people about them. I wanna hear about your favorite characters and why. 

Plz comment and brag about your babes!


OK OK-- technically number one in my heart is my baby Daisy. She's just a ball of sunshine and probably my most cinnamonroll-est character I have. She's an eye witch! Meaning her magic is based around eyeballs and such-- funny because she herself is eyeless. But she can see still thanks to her mother's magic! I love her lots because she's the first original character I actually sat down and thought about it (i.e give her a personality and lore). She just started out as a simple drawing I meant to give to a classmate because they needed art from other students for their senior project and I ended up never submitting it xD. I tend to give some of my OCs attributes or just similarities of me on them. With Daisy she shares my body type, love for creepy cuteness (especially eye horror) and rpgs! I also adore her because she's the type of person I'd love to know irl. She's upbeat and optimistic, honestly having someone like that irl would be so pleasant. So I often find myself turning to her whenever I'm feeling stressed or down because she genuinely makes me happy. 

My edgy son Hyou is another fave character of mine. He's a warlock that specializes in ink magic! Even though his aesthetic is all edgy and he's pretty stoic and distant at first glace, I try to depict him as a typical teenager. Like, he still kids around with his friends. I didn't mean to, but he is heavily influenced by Twenty One Pilots lol. I have lots of love for him as I've had his character for a long time-- he was originally a Neopet of mine! And after, he was briefly a shiny Breloom gijinka haha. I am a slut for childhood friends becoming lovers so his love interest is his childhood friend Digi who is another fave character of mine! She's a technology witch with a short fuse lol. Like Hyou, I've had her concept for a long time-- she was also a Neopet and briefly a shiny Pachirisu gijnka. Not to mention her and Hyou are my favorite dere pairing, tsundere x kuudere respectively. Even though Hyou has a crush on Digi, he still messes around with her-- like he'll burp and Digi will say that's gross and he'll just lean over and blow in her face. Like Daisy, I gave Digi some thing we share which is that we both are good at math but hate that subject with a passion.

Freyja quickly shot her way into my heart-- like I never paid much attention to Dainties but they just grew on me up to the point where I just had to get one lol. She's my badass buff lesbian and I love her so much. She is literally the embodiment of my love for buff women, lots of animated buff/strong women served as inspirations to her. She also has that bad girl aesthetic going on which is one of my favorites haha. She has a girlfriend, who is owned by a friend of mine, who is also buff and beautiful. Together they co-own a gym called The Buff Rose <3. Freyja also part-times as a pole dancer at an adult club where her nickname there is the Crimson Leopard. I just-- love her so freakin' much, I need to draw and get more art of her haaaah.

//wheezes I have a few more favorites but I already wrote a blob of text so this will do for now xD 

Julia Wright/Henry Newman Cliodna

I don't have a single "favorite character of all time", far from it. Rather I get deeply obsessed with one character, then move on to the next when their relevant roleplay dies off. I still love them but the newcomer gets all the attention. Thus last year I would've answered this question with Nimue, the year before that with Hehlel or Xiaofan. I loved them all a LOT, I still do, just that their stories are over and I've moved on.

Right now I'm into Henry. I don't think he'll remain my favorite character, but he's got guts and he's a charmer. I got sick of roleplaying characters that get easily broken or traumatized - I wanted someone that can control their emotions, fight back and shoot a gun. He scratches that itch.

My main issue with him is that he exhibits characteristics I find extremely difficult to imagine or roleplay, so there's a massive gap between his reputation and how he actually acts in the game.  Flirting, lying and detecting lies are massive issues for me, I keep forgetting who's supposed to not know what and find it hard to think ahead on the kind of conclusions an NPC might draw from my words. I once got a an anxiety attack because my CHARACTER had to make a phone call in the middle of the night.

But that's still great because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and hopefully makes me better at handling such situations in real life and in future roleplays. Plus the guy is the FIRST thing ever to get me interested in World War 2. I wish I'd had a character like that back in high school - would've made retaining information for exams so much more easier. I love how - despite hiding it for obvious reasons - he's absolutely unapologetic about who he is. Doesn't feel guilty about his sexual orientation or for passing as male. Reckons that if this makes him mentally ill, then he doesn't want to be fixed, because being who he is makes him happy. He loves his job, he loves himself, he's got a person to confide in and genuinely thinks he's found a niche in life that works for him. 

In fact he's been an interesting psychological experiment, making me more aware on how I roleplay men and women differently. I'm fascinated by my own changing perceptions of this character. He started with the overarching idea of "female character pretends to be male, due to reasons pertaining to sexual orientation and societal leverage", and I'd refer to him with female or unisex pronouns and think of him in terms of a "woman trying to act masculine". After a couple of sessions, however, I realized that now I roleplay him as "male", think of him as "male", and that his assumed gender fits him so perfectly that I've started referring to him with male pronouns full-time. And it's a subtle but fascinating transformation for me. I'm kinda sure by now that he's transgender, though doesn't identify as  such due to the term not being introduced into the English language at the time (and the general concept being poorly documented in 1940's literature). I've just grown to feel like the motive for the persona of "Henry Newman" to exist runs way deeper than "I can flirt with ladies in public and hold a managing position".

Furthermore, I'm fond of the name he's chosen himself. Henry Newman. I can see "him" coming up with it on a dark autumn evening during "his" years attending RADA - picking the most likeable british bloke name possible. One that's both regal and non-intrusive, with a handsome ring to it. Then adding the surname as an in-joke, signifying him "newly" having taken on the role of a "man". And then the in-joke stuck and he just rolled with it because the name grew to be a part of who "his" male persona was.

Also, one of the most satisfying things about him is his interactions with Samson. This particular game master has a trademark type of NPC that keeps popping up in every one of her roleplays - the handsome, powerful male character whose defining characteristic is being a dick to the player characters. Samson's the newest incarnation of that trope - a demonhunter whose been set on an investigation with Henry to figure out why the amount of possession cases is increasing in London. In addition Henry's also spying on him, on behalf of the military. Samson treats people around him like absolute garbage and I get immense satisfaction out of tattling on him to Henry's superior. Just the fact that, without Samsons knowledge, every sexist remark, every show of aggression, every revelation of unlawful acts gets tallied up in Henry's mind and makes a huge difference in how he presents the demonhunter in his daily progress report.

The roleplay series has been going on for only about a month and I've already drawn him a ton of times, as evident from his character page. So the final thing I love about him, I guess, is how he gives me a legit excuse for creating lots of monochrome sepia-filtered images. He, Samson, the other player's character and the supernatural shenanigans they get up to have been a fantastic art muse for me.


chiliechii OMG all your characters are so so cute!! I love how you have connected these to yourself in some way, that is so fun. I like to do the same thing, all my characters are personifications of my emotions at the time I created them. <3 <3 I love your babes. Thanks for commenting their stories. Feel fee to comment some more if you'd like.


Earl Yesss, she is so gorgeous and i love all the art i saw of her on your profile too. Its fun to have that one character that you can try a little "risque" sometimes lol. I feel like sin when i draw nsfw stuff of my innocent characters too lol. ALso Yes. I love bragging about my babes, so i wanted to have a forum where other people could do the same. I couldn't find a forum like this, but like maybe there's another one somewhere. Anyway thanks for commenting!! feel free to comment some more anytime


Cliodna WOWOWOWOWY !! I am in love with Henry just by the way you talked about him. You have given so much thought to him and i can tely you have an awesome connection to him. I love it! Also just the concept. I don't think ive ever seen an oc set during the time of WW2 and so well planned out (historically accurate. I love history.) You have really put alot of effort into him and I love it. Thanks for commenting. 

(ALSO SAME. i usually get obsessed with my newest character for like a week and then move on a bit lol)


beautiful-madness I love BEN! i feel like him and my oc Six would be friends (if Ben has/ wants friends lol) But same i love villain characters, i always have pity on them like every time cus their backstories are usually always so dramatic and sad ughghghhg. And alot of them are cute or attractive in some why which adds another dimension of sympathy lol. But yea im digging Ben and his design IS cute. Thanks for sharing!!


Ohh boy. I love these kinds of threads. ;w;/

I'm not sure I can really say I have a favorite per say, but the two who usually spring to mind are...

Renne! She was one of the first characters I ever really put a lot of thought into, and thus is the one who has changed and grown the most over time. She is a noble on a journey to become the queen of her kingdom (which is what her story is about). She's a strong willed person who refuses to stay and be protected, and would rather fight alongside her men instead. Because of this she studied swordplay from a young age, and as someone who was born with the ability to wield Magic, she studied for that as well. Her design is something that changed a lot over the years, something that I struggled to settle on for a while. Renne is notoriously stubborn, and also holds firm to her beliefs. She didn't have too stand out of a personality or backstory at first, but now she's become a sarcastic, playful but courageous princess, who still has insecurities about her leadership ability. I especially enjoy writing her interactions with other characters, especially a certain someone...

And that would be Riy! He's another favorite of mine.  He's a character who I actually relate to a lot, and his design is something that, again gave me trouble for a long time. He's a youth studying to be a knight, and although he has been learning swordplay, he has confidence issues and thus has trouble taking praise (which is actually something I have at times, so I relate). He's pretty calm and composed at times, and around Renne he feels especially relaxed, not afraid to act freely. Of course it helps that he's known her for a while now. He's also got issues trusting those he doesn't know, and has a tough time opening up about things he's been through. Riy is loyal to those he is closest with, particularly Renne. He actually has developed romantic feelings for her, and so writing his awkwardness around Renne since realizing this has been a joy. Kind of adorable actually xD *slapped*

//falls over there are probably others I could mention but these two always come to mind first ;v;/


@BeeBearie Thanks!

He's not all that historically accurate to be honest. For example, the whole military protocol and how the army works is pretty much made up on the spot, since neither myself nor my game master know anything about war. Plus he did espionage work in Germany and I only realized how unrealistic it was that he never got caught once it was already too late to change his backstory around. I'll make it work though. :D On some level I try to make up for the big details by researching lots of small details, like the places he hangs out on his off-time or the kind of weaponry he's trained in. 

I'm really glad that he's gotten a pretty positive reception from people so far. XD I really enjoy drawing him and I'm genuinely interested in where the plot's heading.


My character Robi Tribal is actually meant to be my own personification, shaped by my likes and preferences. Or mainly just to be close to Zidane Tribal (I love Final Fantasy 9, im sowwy ;^;}

Because I like tech, he likes tech but takes it to a personal role as a Gunner, he's very well advanced despite the world he lives in but prefers to keep Gaia untouched. He only needs his gun and a spaceship, that's all.

I just love him because of how I managed to shape him in the end.


Cliodna ah yea, but some historical accuracy is better than none ya know lol


HeroofEnelios awhh they sound like they'd be cute together. I love writing awkward character romances lol. Thanks for commenting!

Mali KiddZone

My favorite character is actually Toast ! ! ! He caught my eye quite some time ago and I had been, quite frankly, stalking his listing in hopes that one day he would be available. His design is what originally caught my attention. He was so well designed, and every little detail just blew me away, and the back story to Toast, Previously named Geo, Was just phenomenal in it's creativity. I've condensed it in the version now in my listing of him. (I had to create a new listing because the original owner deleted their listing.) I found myself fantasizing about all of the beautiful art I could get of him, and all of the art I could create of him ! ! ! All of the writing I could do for him ! ! ! (Which is what I normally do with my characters.) Thinking up what I would call him, His personality, His interests. He just, Over joyed me. And a few days ago I noticed he was available ! ! ! My heart lept out of my throat and I actually made a withdrawal from my savings account just to buy him. ;x; Needless to say, He will never be leaving my ownership.


My favorite character is one I'm redrawing a character sheet for now! He's in my characters page as well.

He's an E.Human or Electrophorus Sapiens, a human capable of generating and storing huge electric blasts with body movement. They were developed to take down robotic combatants and compete with them until they were hunted into near extinction and became a mercenary race. My man's name is J. Shutrett or "The Captain" simply to the rest of the space crew characters I have. He likes to keep his first name a secret from them, but in all honesty it's a well known fact it's just Jamie. Jamie used to be a XO or executive officer... basically someone who was second in command to a company commander. Company commanders usually are in charge of around roughly 100 to 250 soldiers, and Jamie helped the one man in charge with every fiber of his being for years, basically running everything and making sure things went smoothly for around 125 men who were part of a planetary resistance front. Eventually he worked his way up to being a lieutenant general of the Hadron Movement because everyone ahead of him in place had died. The odds were stacked against them from the beginning though, and so in one final battle that ensured death of most of the combatants he supposedly died. Fast forwards two years and he awakens from cryogenic sleep on the burning remnants of a stolen, crashed spaceship after thawing out from the fire. The aliens that have stolen the ship consist of the other main characters, and I'll stop there.