Show me your gay characters! <3

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by LuciieSpirit

All my male characters are either gay or bi...

I have no idea why >.< I wondered who else has gay characters? I would love to see them!

Kaija manyface

i have SO SO SO many lesbians, but here's one!

Melelani 🎲 ghostfiish

Mel is my Bard in D&D! Very pan. Very ready to flirt.

Leon ch1mer1cal

i literally have 2 straight characters, but here is the original gay

i also have 3 other lesbians (Ashley, Lena, and Josephine)

everyone else is bi/pan/polysexual/aro/ace

Edward Varoski Zaten

majority of my characters are lgbt+ (lol only two of my characters are straight) but this fucker is the only gay one I have

Yuuto zinnia

i literally have 0 straight characters

ive already posted in the lesbian thread so heres yuuto ! he's a minor character and ive drawn him like twice but i love him. he's cool dad number 2...

Íris NoiteAzul

Pretty much all my OCs are gay/bi/pan, so here's a lesbian


I used to have sexuality tags but I finally removed them because they weren't really useful, so I'll try to list them here, rip me

(+ probably one or two other ones who are currently hidden because they are very wippy haha)


The majority of mine are gay, I have one that's pan sexual and others boarderline bi... But definitely more gay. 

William yulecat

I have a bunch but I'll start off with William here

Others include:
Cindi (Bi)
May (Lesbian)
Michael (Gay)
Santiago (Bi curious so I'm not sure if he really "counts")
Eventide (Lesbian)

 Draven copiedcity

hes a lizard who likes dudes


Heh, all of them??!!

To name a few:

Damien (bi)

Kevin (“happy”— Gay)

Kerani (Pan)

Kitty x Valerie (Lesbian)

Isabel and Nadia are also Pan