Interact with a Hex Mage!

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago (Edited 19 days, 14 hours ago) by Argen Marcirez

I want to do some character building and I cannot figure a better way then to have this antique shop owning, super dramatic, hex crafting mage build character then to have him talk to other characters or answer questions.

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"Farming? Sounds exhausting... Is it really that laid-back and soothing?"

(He won't put it down if you give it to him be careful loooooool)

Argen Marcirez


"I mean...There isn't a grand adventure. You just inherit a farm and maintain it for a few 'years'...Or hours. Honestly I've only heard about this from Aurus' Friend so...If they like it I'm sure you will too."

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"I suppose I can give it a try..."

Thanatos tries the game.  He doesn't take it seriously at first , but then he gets hooked.

Argen Marcirez


"Soooo...Is there anything else I can get you?"

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"Oh... Right... Are there other games like this one?  Is there one about having pets?"

Argen Marcirez


"Are you trying to bleed me dry? Well anyway I suppose there might be? I dunno I don't really go through my game catalog too often."

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"Can I take a look?"

Argen Marcirez


"Sure my Draconic friend!"

Thanatos lophiusdragon

Thanatos takes a look.

"What is this... Animal crossing? Nintendogs? They look cute..."

Argen Marcirez


"Yeah they're for different systems though. I don't think I have a 'DS' anywhere or a 'Gamecube'."

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"I suppose that is enough looking at the games then... Do you have any 'victorian Gothic ' furniture?"

Argen Marcirez


"Hmmm...I think I may have just a few things?"

"Like this:"


"And this:"


Thanatos lophiusdragon

"I like both of them... I will take them... If you are interested I have alchemy/potion ingredients to exchange as well..."

(Warning they are cursed and terrifying)

Argen Marcirez


"Oh there's no need! The books are enough."

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"Ah... I see... Would you happen to have any decorations?  Such as sculptures and artworks?"