🎂 Your characters' birthdays

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by fuelli

Similarly to another thread of mine, I recently did a list of most of my characters' birthdays, so I was wondering: how do you guys choose the birth date of your characters?

Personally, most of the time my OCs' birthdays are references to stuff, so it's not really hard to choose for me: for instance, if I associate an character to a book, their birthday will be the date said book was published. I also know that some people prefer use the date the OC was published/created to choose birthdays, or that others use astrology, or just pick a month and number that fits their character's personality! (:

I thought it could be interesting to share our ways of doing; maybe it will give some ideas or inspirations to some TH members who are struggling with choosing birth dates for their OCs!

Gray Allard graystreet003

Today is his birthday


Well i rarely have an ocs with birthdate but there he is September 3rd 😋

 Vourekas LangleyC

His birthday's 12.28 (same with an anime character that I've been obsessed with for many years

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

Robi is born on the 9th September 1701, same as his twin.


i usually choose bdays from the time i first drew them, or specific dates i think would match them! such as oct. 31st for a werewolf oc that happens to be a little dark and edgy hehe
but ill also base it off their color palettes or what season fits their vibe! i have an oc who has a warm autumn palette, so he ended up with a birthday in autumn :3
i also go by astrology stuff too <33


My mc ocs are the only bdays that i keep track of [i keep track of a few others, but i keep forgetting to add the others to my calander. i plan on using the date they were upladed to th as their bdays]. but the ones i have picked were all picked at random exept for rocky i made their bday the same as mine