๐ŸŽ‚ Your characters' birthdays

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by fuelli

Similarly to another thread of mine, I recently did a list of most of my characters' birthdays, so I was wondering: how do you guys choose the birth date of your characters?

Personally, most of the time my OCs' birthdays are references to stuff, so it's not really hard to choose for me: for instance, if I associate an character to a book, their birthday will be the date said book was published. I also know that some people prefer use the date the OC was published/created to choose birthdays, or that others use astrology, or just pick a month and number that fits their character's personality! (:

I thought it could be interesting to share our ways of doing; maybe it will give some ideas or inspirations to some TH members who are struggling with choosing birth dates for their OCs!


I always do the day the character was made- Unless I make a bunch of characters on the same day. They can't all have the same birthday, after all!

oliver gardner blueegy

april 10th ! theyre a spring baby

Natasha A. Dimitrescu Freyanistic

Her birthday is on Halloween!

Oliver fettuwuccine

i almost never actually have birthdays lol but when i pick them I have 3 ways to decide

zodiac sign, even tho i dont believe in them for real people when you actually chose it, it can be used to say something abt the character.ย 

having them be born in their favourite season

plot convenience lol sometimes ill want a characters age to change during the story so ill pick a day thats at a good point during it

and i'll throw oliver into ic bc i did all 3 to make his birthday june 17 lol

๐Ÿ“ผQwincy ๐Ÿ“บ The_Comfy_Studio

Qwincy's b day is July 1st!

Alva endiria

Alva was born on June 6th

Because 06.06 ave satan โœŒ๏ธ too bad she wasn't born on a year ending with number 6 too

 Silver uwutuber

Feb 15th!

Chaos ThornShadow

I don't pick birthdays for a lot of my OCs except for my fursonas, who all have birthdays close to mine! Chaos (IC) specifically I picked based on astrology because I wanted his sun moon and rising all to be Aries (I'm a double Aries but Libra moon).

With regular characters I often just pick randomly, or decide based on whatever astrology stuff matches their personality (I don't really believe in it but it's fun and it's a good way to pick)


March 28th!