what videogames would ur oc(s) play

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by lophiusdragon

what do u play on most?

9 Votes Microsoft (xbox series only)
47 Votes Nintendo
9 Votes sony
72 Votes computer/pc
6 Votes tablet/smartphone

if ur oc(s) dont already play videogames but were forced to play some games of their choosing, what would they play?

if ur oc(s) do play games what do they play?

some bonus qs if u want:

-what console(s) would they use and why?

-what consoles do they hate?

-what game(s) are they sick of hearing about? (examples of games ppl are sick of hearing of: fortnite, minecraft, halo, cod, overwatch, fnaf, undertale, etc)

-do they play a game that ppl are sick of hearing about? are they the type to not shut up about said game?

-do they care about graphics/art style/aesthetic? if they do, could it be a deal breaker even (ie i was interested in the game until i saw how it looked)?

-do they prefer to play on the big screen or do they prefer portable games? why?

Aspen Plant-Daddy

Any game in the fallout franchise or resident evil

Andrea LuluToro

Andrea would play the Fallout series thing or Red Dead Temptation 2 lol

Zerd Carodemi

TES series and DDLC is one of his favourite VNs!

Gray Allard graystreet003

Snake for Nokia

Vex eidollon

Bloodborne, Silent Hill series, and probably the Sims with tons of mods.

₀₁ Tai sharkimi

His all-time favorite is, of course, the Dark Souls series (hence, look at this hands-), then, a close second is Tomb Raider because of Lara (his lil straight crush hehe), but he also really enjoys Bloodborne, Resident Evil, Evil Within, Subnautica original, and Bellow Zero, Minecraft, Heroes: Might and Magic, Dark Forest, Long Dark, Dota, WoW, and others. 

He sometimes plays The Sims 2 to make everyone gay and watch the drama, or The Sims 4 to build houses (the only thing the game is really good for, oops). 

He is also really into a game created specifically for his universe, called "NOTH" (Name of the Hero) which is a game in a way similar to WoW for the multiplayer and rich lore, Dark Souls for the complex and almost endless possibilities for builds, and The Sims in regards to how easy it is to mod it or add your own custom content. Tai also learned how to code and most of his character's appearance is achieved thanks to his own mods and CC. 

Shio eishun29

Shio would be playing Tloz: Skyward Sword cause he love the sensation of moving a lot and flying... cause he's in comatase.. 🧍

Musica Pearson computerdarling

Musica is mostly a console gamer. He's a fan of anything shooter, but not really into battle royale. He also likes retro gaming occasionally with 3D platformer being his favorite from retro side of thing. Sometimes he'd play couch co-op with his friends as well. He doesn't really care about graphics and actually think that's dumb. He also doesn't care about RPG stuff

Igor kreizn

Igor does not know how technology works nor has he ever owned a piece of tech but if he did he would like the Nintendo DS and games based on cartoons like Tom and Jerry, Thomas the tank engine, etc. He would also like Ipads and would play random, mainly useless, games from the app store. He would not know how to play any of them and would definitely do it wrong but he'd have fun regardless. 


Punchout 100% before he got into the hired gun business he always wanted to be boxer

Dr. Trousers kreizn

He does not play games nor is he interested in it, but if he did, it would be Tetris. Simple and old-school.