Show me characters who don't have hair for hair

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by Torio Kattenkvvaad

okay the title probably sounds weird, but what I mean is: characters who have hair-shaped stuff on their head but it's not actually hair. I love designs that have this and am curious to see more.

Torio here IC is an example, they have some kind of blood-like goop instead of hair (it's a thing that is fairly common for their (sub)species). Other examples of stuff instead of hair can be: fins, fire, water, clouds, slime, plants, anything goes as long as it's not actually hair ;3

Victoria Mr_Biscuits_532

hair looks weird on birds and I cannot be convinced otherwise

 Randall cryptidaer

Static goop?? when he's mad it has eyes

Dr.Nova 🦷 EmptyProxy

Toothpaste hair!

Liam the Cramorant Pinkapop

Does feather ponytail count? XD


technically theyre feathers 😎

Callie foldedstars

Callie has fire hair !

Honey spacessie

honey hair :3

Alana mysthalery

My fursona: cloud hair my beloved <3

 ðŸ’• Gaspar Hempus

He is literally fire...if that counts. 

Nautillica DJKeala


 Micaeus Verastophilis

Micaeus has ink hair : 3

 Castamira Funkchen_Sparky

Here hair is made of Crème brûlée~! Sweets witch

Prince Caspian tinfoilsoldiers

caspian has tentacles for hair :)

Ansari Al-Sarraf ohnobees

His hair is smoke