pros and cons of having ur oc as a roommate

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by lophiusdragon

this is basically a roommate version of the "pros and cons of dating ur oc" thread

so what are the pros and cons of having ur oc as a roommate?

are they an ideal roommate?

also oh no i got the ic glitch

Sirix Imorb


  • All the baked goods you could ever want
  • Always makes you the best tea when you're sick
  • You get free clothes if you're willing to model for her
  • Your fridge is full of jars and you can't identify what's in them
  • Occasional demon summons
  • Purple hair everywhere
$70 Wispi_Copperhead

- Always cares about another's well-being
- Great listener
- Crafty and creative (mostly with decorations)

- Heavily emotional 
- Clumsy with beverages
- Can and will fill the entire room with butterflies 

 🪐Lunaris🪐 Nashatia


  • she loves to cook and bake
  • is a bit of a neat freak
  • will decorate the house/apartment for holidays

  • skulls, crystals and candles everywhere
  • collects snakes (she takes very good care of them)
  • shes a bit lazy

Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX


-might let you use some of his drugs from his stash
-you can keep as much stuff with him as you want, he'll never snitch no matter what kind of questionable items you bring back and he can't be f*cked to organize any of it
-he's... sexy? I GUESS?


- HE'S SO LAZY he never cleans or organizes anything unless it gets really bad! Crushed monster cans are a common sight...
- Spends way too much time in the bathroom
- He's loud. Like, really loud. No matter what he's doing
- Basically never sleeps and is always awake (or just coming home) at ungodly hours of the night

Basil (Human) Warrck

Enjoys organization
Believes a "clean house is a clean mind"
He gets stuff done when it needs to be done
Can cook - enjoys it, even

Kinda awkward
Doesn't like people getting in the way of his routine
Has a child



willing to kill and or hide a body

snack on hand at all times

robo arm help moves things

got your back


is way to willing to kill or hide a body like its a joke please don’t kill them!

quiet and sneaky

may accidently hit/kick you due to trauma and feels super bad about it

you have to deal with her big ass Titan and her significant others in some way.

Katsuo rui_blui

Pros? Clean, doesn't bother you, pretty polite

Cons? He'll scratch up all the furniture.

Oliver Nowheresville


Won't bother you much, spends a lot of time in his room/on the couch playing video games
Is usually okay sharing his food
(depending on what you're comfortable with) casually physically affectionate

Pretty supportive friend y'know


Stays up til late at night
might take some of your food
makes pasta at random times
often won't do chores (lacks the motivation to do so)
leaves his stuff (chip bags, soda, etc.) everywhere.
HEXA 🍷 crowbonez


☆ can cook pretty well and will ask you to taste test her cooking ☆ will listen to you rant at 3am and give you good advice ☆ keeps things clean, from doing the dishes to getting rid of dead bodies


☆ has a scent of cinnamon following her at all times, if you don't like cinnamon you will hate it there ☆ comes back late at night and probably bumps into furniture in the dark to avoid turning the light on ☆ is friends with contract killers, kind of a red flag tbh

 Yu Zhang Wei (Grandfather) pandaAWAKE


• If you are hurt, you will have your own private doctor

• There is food on the table everyday

• He will prob tell others how well behavied you are

• Is obbessed with cleaning


• He likes to experiment with new drugs

• He will nag, nag and nag, why are you not married, why dont you have a better job. WHY! 

• He will never tell you, how well behavied you are

• He will judge you, he will stare and judge. He will also judge you with his words xD 

🤡Jeopardy🤡 moss_meat


  • you will never be short on baked goods. Jeopardy loves to bake!
  • you will ALWAYS be laughing. He’s hilarious!

  • Always has random people over
  • LOUD
  • stinky
 Tart Pastry 🥐🍓 powdery

he will cook for you

but he doesnt stop cooking 😭

Riff galaxycreations

-Will invite you out for food
-Will teach you how to skateboard and surf

-Also out trying to find out who he is
-Under surveillance of company that experimented on Riff