pros and cons of having ur oc as a roommate

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by lophiusdragon

this is basically a roommate version of the "pros and cons of dating ur oc" thread

so what are the pros and cons of having ur oc as a roommate?

are they an ideal roommate?

also oh no i got the ic glitch

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

- Can fix your computer whenever it breaks.
- Will protect you from armed burglars.
- Don't have a PC, but want one, can build you a alien-spec PC that tops all the high end ones and will continue to keep it that way.
- You can pat his tail... if he allows it.
- Can essentially drive anything.

- Not very tidy, his workshops are usually strewn with prototypes and parts.
- Can't do everyday household tasks, quite lazy.
- Might get caught for having firearms kept in your closet.
- Dosen't understand the concepts of having a license for anything he usually has, that does

Maxime | $20 FrightFevers

- Very sociable and friendly!! Will totally be open to movie nights!! And midnight junk food runs!!
- Will throw parties!! (Which is a con if you're not a party person)
- Can take great care of plants/fish and will have your place looking like something out of a nature documentary
- Will totally cuddle upon request

- Will make a bowl of cereal and leave the box and milk out on the counter
- Will only clean up in dire circumstances, AKA when people are coming over and she doesn't want to come off as a slob
- Doesn't have any shame and will leave her unmentionables in odd places, most notably in the kitchen sink

The Painting 'Louis' EggSalt

+ Rather calm and level headed most of the time

+ Smart with math and history, could probably teach you a few things if you asked.

+ He's a painting so he won't eat your food, make a mess, or take up much space. It's almost like living alone!

+ Protective of the house, will try to ward off intruders for you.

- Oh my god stop moving through the different frames why are you everywhere. It's like a constant jumpscare.

- "Are you sure you should be doing that?" "Are you aware of the time it is right now?" ...ok _DAD_

Trying to have company over is awkward. "Hey guys my roommate is a painting, he might yell at you if he thinks you're stealing..."

- Hold up, a painting can't pay bills...





-Argues a lot



-Brags a lot

-Always finds a reason to get into an argument

-Never shuts up


-Can make spaghetti

Adrien Zag Ofthyena


- Clean bathroom, kitchen, living room, etc. He hates clutter

- He's rich. Every once in a while he'll lend you a $100 bill for driving him somewhere.


- He can't cook. Unless you want Subway every night, you have to cook.

- Not one for small talk, relatively quiet

 Dex AnonymousPumpkins


- will help you with your homework
- can fix your computer and update it
- has no drama to share because he's too reclusive to be a part of any drama
- very talkative and will ask you about your day


- very awkward and doesn't know when to shut up
- you better like computers because he talks about them all the time
- can't get a date and that makes him sad
- not the best at keeping the place clean

Gamma kohaku_dragon

- Doesn't mind doing all the chores
- Decent cook
- Will try really hard not to annoy you
- Will take care of you if you're ever injured or sick

- his collecting habits get out of hand sometimes and quickly start to fill up all available space in the room
- he's a wanted criminal so you might get dragged into his problems just by associating with him
- he'll try to fix everything himself first (and he's not very good at it)
- he sometimes brings home dangerous or illegal weapons/items that could easily kill you both if mishandled in some way

Agent Orange jichulichu

Pros : Respects you, doesn't care what you do as long as it doesn't bother her, quiet, is often out of the house, cleans up behind herself and others

Cons : Can and will blast heavy metal or rock music, goes to sleep at the wrong times, her weaponry might fill up your room, she'll probably light accidental fires with her tail


- doesn't touch anything unless she absolutely knows it's hers
- always there to help you if you need something
- the type of person who would get you your favorite food if you're in a downed mood
- incredibly supportive of things that make you happy
- pretty easy to convince to cook or wash dishes, doesn't complain much about it
- actually a pretty decent cook

- does not clean up her environment at all until it's unbearably bad
- absolutely a smoker, and not just of tobacco
- does not have a proper sense of danger
- tends to be away for long periods of time train hopping or trespassing somewhere
- has a hard time keeping jobs