What idle animations would your OCs have?

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by Returnofmorningstar

Idle animations are movements/actions that video game characters have when they aren't being used. If your OCs were in a video game, what would their animations be?

 Camira Yzsekh

Delightful thread idea!

Camira would possibly lift her staff and bounce it lightly on her shoulder, turning it around and to her front at the third bounce to check the blade on the end.

 👻Crownie Doresuaan

Crownie would likely have two idle animations! Either fiddling with your chainsaw or scythe, or flapping your wings and playing with the halo...or simply scaring the nothing xD 

Hadlee Hooke CometTheMountainLion

Moves her hand out like she is showcasing a prize on the Price is Right.

Match lovebirdd

Rock back and forth with his hands hidden in his jean pockets

Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX

omg what a fun idea, I used to think about this all the time!!

Des would have the standard anime elbows up pose behind his head, maybe moving his hips just slightly every few seconds? And then he would most likely loop between that and then wink and do the "come here" gesture with his finger! 

Basil (Human) Warrck

Basil would be sittin there scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Endlessly 

Buzz Shadowzim777

Pretty much a animated version of this.

Where Buzz would be jumping up and down while Cackle would have his arms swinging softly.

Korihas InvalidOS

His tails probably move constantly, kinda similar to Ninetales' idle pose in Pokemon Stadium. He'd occasionally form a bit of ice in the air that would linger for a bit before disappearing.

Marco Taeya

Marco would put his hands in his pockets and do a variety of scratching his neck, looking around and awkwardly kicking dirt.

Behemoth Apokalypsa

She would occasionally shake her head similar to how a horse does (hopefully you understand what I mean-) she might also twitch one of her ears from time to time. She would also constantly be lightly swaying her tail back and forth.

 Tea [Sona] 🌼🖤 Tearavynn

She'd probably scuff at the ground with her paws, sniff the air and look around a bunch lol

. Jasper Tobias 🐍 . mrjuice

ive been waiting for this moment for 2 frame animations (fighter games etc)41110054_G4nfIGwFrotgv8q.gif41110031_QAyFr31j7lpqBux.gif


✦ — l a z a r u s . banjohymns

i literally made an animation of it once!