There's probably already a thread about this but IDC. Show me your all around sweet OCs that are just the epitome of goodness! I love me some mean and/or evil characters but I feel like having some wholesome kiddos is good for the soul lol. My girl Umi is as dumb as a bag of rocks but all she wants to do is make people smile and play her ukulele! 

 Melissa Jules

Why is she so wholesome? Why is she named Piña Colada? Who knows. Not me.


My first OC Zack is very UwU, even he doesn't look like it at first. 

yngvar virtanen hokkaiido

here's my guy! despite him being introverted and appearing a little cold most of the times, he's a BIG sweetheart. he wants to make people happy and will happily smother anyone in love and affection, especially his fans. he's generally a kind guy. he is the top UwU out of my oc's

 Iara wani

just look at her... she's everything to me...

Vera kowarii

wholesome bubbly sweetie is 100% uwu

 Hathor Kelina1080

She's been summoned 👀

Variel endiria

very uwu, very somft

Sankona Tyangerine

Sankona is very oblivious and loves making friends! She's very nice, but has no knowledge outside of her home! 

Dasyatu mossyrocks

U'Otamu may be a bloodbender but he's actually pretty sweet! He's very friendly, and rarely speaks except for squeaking. He's also incredibly cuddly, and has actually helped me through difficult times in my life!

Gizmo Bonkeroo PoundToundHound

Blessed thee with thine clown presence! (I cannot Shakespearean LMAO)

Paimiel milkywaytrain

this eyestrain baby is one of my sweetest OCs... he means exactly 0 harm