Show Me Your Trans / Gender Diverse OCs!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by Waltz

Edit: A whole two years of this amazing thread! Happy TDoV, everyone, and thank you for sharing all of your amazing characters! Looking forward to seeing many more <3

I could have sworn there was a thread like this already, but since I couldn't seem to dig one up, in honor of this year's Trans Day of Visibility I would love to see all of your OCs who identify as trans/nonbinary/gender-nonconforming/gender diverse/etc!

A couple necessary ground rules for the thread:

- All users are welcome to share here, regardless of your own gender identity, as long as your OCs fit the category, but always be respectful!
- Please use your best judgement, and be conscious and cautious of using terms that others may find offensive/sensitive, regardless of your personal stance on them
- Do not police other people's characters! If you think your character belongs here, they belong.
- Please keep the discussion PG-13/SFW!

And that's about all! Let's see your cute kids <3

 Emma Adams JayJem

I need more trans characters </3 Emma so far is my only one (that I have drawn), but I have ideas for many more. She transitioned very young but she's timid/scared of being found out, so her sisters are protective of her.

I also have these two nonbinary characters: Nan & Ever.  
Nan is agender, and Ever is genderfluid!

Hoping to make some many more hero charas with gender diversity as well! (Nan is kind of morally-grey). 


I have two!

Ciela, my main gal, is trans like myself, as she's a shameless self-insert of sorts.
Lian (still working on his profile) is my first and so far only genderfluid character.
I want to add more characters like this on my roster, but....writers' block XD


Meet Aaron! he's a trans male after transition :)


Ahh why not ♥

Here's my babies;

- Adrian , a Sumatran Rhino. Non-binary, usually goes by they/them, but is also ok with he/him.

- Sonny , I plan to make him a trans man once he gets a major revamp. 

- Gavreel , currently agender as me and my friend havent decided on what exactly to make them (tho we may just keep it this way).

- Winter , big non-binary baby. thats all i gotta say.

 Hope Gingasnap

Hope is nonbinary :) Their nickname (and actual name) is pretty feminine though. Usually goes by they/them or he/him. 


I'm trans so pretty much all of my characters are too lol, here are some examples!




Vladimir Jimenez Purnip

So there's Vladdy here, who's FtM. I made him for a Werewolf game a group of friends and I were supposedly going to start soon but life went haywire for a couple of players and I'm not sure when/if we're going to start. But I've started to use him in RPs to get a feel for him and he's very adorable and fun to play! He's a big pup. XD

I also had a Vampire the Masquerade character whose bio I never finished because well...the story behind that game still sours me to this day. But Heveli here is MtF. She's a trollish Gangrel I also enjoyed playing until that game went to hell.

Sadly, I don't have many trans characters at the moment. ;-; When they happen they just sorta happen.

 Quinn Caelan Caine

My roster has grown with a new trans character since the last time I posted. Here's Quinn and he's a trans man! 

Dr.Brian 🧠 EmptyProxy

Dr.Brian identifies as Genderfluid! They enjoy trying out various looks, both conforming and non-conforming. 


Cancer and Taurus are nb

Jax Is a trans guy

and Kam Is a trans lady