show me your masculine looking female characters!!

Posted 5 years, 20 days ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by Mist-Sterious

ive seen an abundance of feminine male characters (i love em!!)  but i dont see all that many masculine female characters even though they pretty dang cool!! id love to see your masculine girls :3!!

note: when i say female i mean a character who identifies as female,not the biological sex <3

rules are 

-basically just be a decent person (its easy to do and costs you nothing :D)

-please dont post the same character more than two times within 5 months

most recent edit: 01/10/20 

Bonnie Banjo yulecat

Bonnie babey!!

~Lee Crowne CanineKing

i still have to draw her more but she's basically the handsome, cool (and ripped) prince, but she doesn't realize that she's stealing girl's hearts :P

Mitsuki labratory

woof 😈

Anna Bahn Chocolate-Sama


 Valerie ruinedmedic

oh thats basically most of my characters oh geez

but ill just throw her in here for now

Nel Vidarokk, the Demon Feeder BandanaPirate

Is constantly being mistaken for a guy, it's happens every other day for her at this point--

 Tenzi hnai

People always mistake Tenzi for a boy 

Cygnus QuazarStar

I stg I've been pinged for Featherpaw like 3 times idk if ToyHouse is ok but I'm gonna try to break the curse by posting Cygnus

She definitely has some High Femme aspects with the jewellery and makeup but I think if you took that off everything else about her is pretty masculine. The stronk, the armour, the spikes, the honking big sword and strong desire to hit things with it. She's even somewhat misdirectedly over-masculine when you factor in her personailty: she grew up in a mercenary school so she kind of picked up some obnoxious dudebro traits that occasionally flare up (mostly to the detriment of nobody but herself, but also just being unnecessarily dominant like that wonderful picture my friend drew of her taking up way too much space in the hot springs)

 ☆ Lyric lonely-kaijuu

shes an older oc and i love her very much <3

Bao "Church" Korsithk

Church definitely falls under the category that I personally would consider to be masculine. they do not necessarily identify as a woman, but they don't really identify as anything. They tend to focus on work first and their gender identity second. It's not really a big deal for them, sure, due to the society they live in it's pretty important that they be seen as competent, and since that tends to be implied more readily by a "man", they usually use those pronouns. They wouldn't correct anyone if they assumed anything else, just as long as you are respectful of their hard work and their skill, in the end. 

 Featherclaw Bakerinator_Old

Buff gorl

Asha Hearthrob (WIP) Werejelly

I've had people who thought Asha was a boy before so I think she counts