show me your masculine looking female characters!!

Posted 5 years, 20 days ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by Mist-Sterious

ive seen an abundance of feminine male characters (i love em!!)  but i dont see all that many masculine female characters even though they pretty dang cool!! id love to see your masculine girls :3!!

note: when i say female i mean a character who identifies as female,not the biological sex <3

rules are 

-basically just be a decent person (its easy to do and costs you nothing :D)

-please dont post the same character more than two times within 5 months

most recent edit: 01/10/20 

Mercury Swissy

Not much of a butch but her she has an androgynous appearance and has been called "he" in the past

uzh pixiekinz

hrgh... big strong

Tungsten Irvinol

Yes, Tungar is a woman.

Yes, she crossdressed as a man for at least 2/3 of her life. 

Lucia mozaik

lucia has been edging more n more towards kashima yuu energy since 2015 tbh and now shes basically a gal who basks in attention from all genders and thinks its great/hilarious being mistaken for a bishonen ppfff

Sapprino kimmon

this is sapprino as we know sometimes it is hard to tell a female dragon from a male dragon and sapprino is one of those dragon breeds.

 Sorrel Cybluebird

Unlike most songbirds, jays usually don’t have much sexual dimorphism in their genes. Here is a girl bird that is indistinguishable from a guy bird!

Devin FuuMiku

Devin is pretty masculine, just the vibe she gives off, personality and appearance wise