show me your masculine looking female characters!!

Posted 5 years, 20 days ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by Mist-Sterious

ive seen an abundance of feminine male characters (i love em!!)  but i dont see all that many masculine female characters even though they pretty dang cool!! id love to see your masculine girls :3!!

note: when i say female i mean a character who identifies as female,not the biological sex <3

rules are 

-basically just be a decent person (its easy to do and costs you nothing :D)

-please dont post the same character more than two times within 5 months

most recent edit: 01/10/20 

05. Vaxir Sadismancer

Gets mistaken as male all the time.

Yona TheVoidScreamedBack

Raised in the 50's, after a deal with the devil went sour, Anna Lee is free in modern times to present however the hell she wants. And boy, has she always loved that greaser aesthetic!

Firro Grimm GoronGamer04

Alot of people often think Firro is a guy. She's a pirate captain who's hell bent on the destruction of the Scorpion empire

 charlie lacaille

she.................charming butch les bean. 

Paisley Knox jaasperyams

doesn't look manly, per say, but she has a rather masculine build > : o 

 Runshak AlleycatIrony

hm i guess runshak would fit! she doesn't look any less feminine than the rest of her species (i headcanon that males and females all look the same save for voice) but since everyone online and IRL assume her male, i guess she's masculine looking to most!

Kalbay TheLadyAnatola

I think that Kalbay’s design is generally gender neutral, maybe slightly on the feminine side from my perspective just because I know she’s female. But she’s been mistaken for male several times, so I guess she might be more on the masculine side from other people’s perspectives? ^^;

I can kind of see it though. She’s technically a modified Clone of another male character of mine, and her voice is probably a little more masculine sounding, or at least somewhat gender neutral, so it’s not that surprising to me that she seems a little more masculine in general.

♔ Rhodon Kuruna

Butch lesbian... 👄

 Shea O'Lawlor #13 physics

i know i have like only 2 characters i post in forum threads these days LOL but shea!! even when she comes out and begins transitioning she considers herself fairly masculine and prefers that kind of style.

 Irja Ævardóttir physics

actually also notable is irja... she is a) good to have as a physicist b) bad to have as a friend. shes in (eventual) lesbians with lea (who you might also consider somewhat masculine tho really id say shes more. not that traditionally feminine, as opposed to explicitly masculine)....

Mai Namgung bulgariansumo

As a cocky, rowdy juvenile delinquent, Mai's classmates would often (purposefully) misgender her even though she looked a lot more feminine then. Now with a fresh new haircut and access to as many suits as her heart desires as well as fortune, fame, and a functional support group Mai's presentation is celebrated instead of mocked. According to her, men wish they could be her.

Mosi Almondlover

-sobbing- why does everyone think shes a boy... shes BUTCH!!!