Masterlist Changes

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Glyf

This thread is for ALL masterlist changes. Please fill out and post the appropriate form either here or in the discord #Masterlist category.


This is for designs that do not currently exist on the masterlist, or for designs that are ready for approval. Images should be submitted without a watermark. If you would like your reference submitted with a watermark, then a custom Eelum Accords watermark will be added. All designs will be numbered according to the order in which they are added to the masterlist. Eelum and familiars may both be submitted.

Note: if you obtained a MYO slot after February 2022, a masterlist entry will automatically be created for you. If you are looking to edit that entry, then please full out the "edit image" form instead.

!! Add a design !!

- Designer: (Individual who first created the design.)

- Art: (Credit to artist, if different from the designer.)

- Owner: (Owner's name on deviantART,, or discord. You may list all three, or choose just one.)

- Traits: (Any traits above common rarity must be listed.)

- Market Value: (The base price that the design was purchased at; designs that were not purchased should list as "trade" or "free", depending on how they were obtained.)

- Obtained: (If you have a MYO slot from before February 2022, please let me know how you obtained it!)

- Watermark: (Yes/No)


This is for designs that are already on the masterlist. Updated art is allowed, but must credit the artist if they have changed. All traits and colors must remain the same in order to be accepted. Hairstyle, gender, scars, and slight pattern alterations may be made; changes will only be denied if the character's design is drastically changed. Images should be submitted without a watermark. If you would like your reference submitted with a watermark, then a custom Eelum Accords watermark will be added. All designs will be numbered according to the order in which they are added to the masterlist.

!! Edit an image !!

- Entry: (Link or number of the existing design to be changed.)

- Art: (Credit to artist, if different from the designer)

- Watermark: (Yes/No)


This is for those who have purchased trait upgrades through the Charms Shop. Updated art is not required at time of trait change.

!! Changing traits !!

- Entry: (Link or number of the existing design to be changed.)

- Trait Add: (List NEW traits only.)

- Trait Remove: (Any trait removed from a design will be gone permanently.)

- Art: (Credit to artist, if different from the designer; only needed if new art is being included.)

- Watermark: (Yes/No, if updated art is included.)


This is only for transferring ownership from one individual to another. The previous owner must first post the "send" form, and the new owner must respond with the "receive" form to complete the transfer on Toyhouse. The transfer can also be completed by commenting on the masterlist entry of the design in question.

!! Transfer ownership - send !!

- Entry: (Link or number of the existing design to be changed.)

- New owner: (For discord, please @ the new owner)

!! Transfer ownership - receive !!

- Entry: (Link or number of the existing design to be changed.)

- New owner: (Owner's name on deviantART,, or discord. You may list all three, or choose just one.)