Sub Species


There are four seasonal sub species of eelum: beelum (spring), aquatic (summer), flutter (autumn), and shi (winter). Common traits are those that make them different from other eelum. Exclusive traits are those that only that sub species may use.

Pure and corrupted eelum are eelum of any species that have transformed into different states. If an eelum changes into either of these states, they have the option of adding exclusive traits to their design.



The smallest of all eelum species, Beelum have the special ability to shrink themselves as small as four inches in height. Many prefer to remain tiny and rarely ever reveal their true height. They are associated with spring.

All beelum have an additional pair of arms. They do not have visible ears; instead, they have four petal-like growths surrounding their nazar. Beelum are feathered, but most of their feathers appear to be very fluffy and have a texture like down. Beelum have a single stinger in their tail. They can use it as a weapon, but doing so often causes them to feel ill and requires recovery time. Beelum have the ability to float, which they will do frequently. Flowers, moss, or plants will grow in their footprints when they walk on dirt. These may be seasonal, a random variety, or always a set type. The plants vary according to each beelum.

Flowers, sweets, and pleasant smells are typically attractive to most beelum. The summons that reach them are often related to love, nature, or culinary-related contracts. Beelum can be talented with any type of magic, but all are natural born healers. Due to their lighter weight and smaller stature, beelum are rarely well-suited for any sort of combat.


Beelum share some traits with eelum, and may have any of the following traits.

Chimes : Bells or chimes in place of or in addition to tassels on the nazar.

Metal or mineral tassels : Tassels may be made of metal, glass, or gemstones of any kind. While they may sometimes appear more like earrings, they are not removeable.

No Tassels : Nazar are not decorated by any tassels.

Paper Talisman : Tassels made from paper, often bearing words or drawings to boost magical power. Typically come as a matched set for all nazar, but may only appear on one.


These traits are exclusive to beelum, and may not be used by other species of eelum.

Translucent Ears : The beelum's ears may be transparent or partially opaque.

Petal Tassels : Leaves or flower petals may dangle from the nazar instead of cloth tassels. They permanently retain their appearance, despite changes in season. Some may seem to shed small leaves or petals, but the volume of the tassel itself never changes.

Terrarium Tassels : In place of tassels, the beelum will have a hollow glass structure. It may have an opening or be fully closed, but will always contain some sort of plant life within. Some plants may have trailing vines or leaves that extend out of the terrarium. The plants inside the terrarium may not change over time, but they may be any number of type of plants, moss, or flowers.

Fuzzy Limbs

: The fluff around the beelum's wrists and/or ankles may spread as high up as their elbows and/or knees. Beelum with this trait may be more likely to get things stuck in the soft fluff.

: Any insect wing shape or style, excluding moth or butterfly wings. Wings may come in two pairs. The size between pairs may vary, but wings cannot change size. They do not hamper a beelum's ability to float in the air, but will make them more acrobatic. Typically translucent.

Cloud Tail

: A tail that appears similar to a cloud and has a ridiculously soft texture. This tail is nearly weightless, but can catch wind currents to help control a beelum's direction while floating. When a beelum with this trait is moody, it may give off small flashes of light or create a miniature rainstorm. The beelum's stinger may not always be visible in this tail.

Bunny Tail

: A short, fluffy tail. The beelum's stinger may be relatively short, or may extend further than the tail feathers.


: Beelum with this trait have more than one stinger. They may have up to seven stingers within their tails.

Floral Growth : Harmless growth of flowers, vines, leaves, moss, sprouts, or toadstools. They cannot grow from eyes, ears, or mouth, but may sprout in small patches anywhere on the beelum's body. The plants may react differently to the current season, but cannot change what type of plant they are. Maximum of two different growths allowed.


Aquatic eelum

This species is amphibious, able to live in water or land. While underwater, they breathe through small gills that are often hidden just under their feathers. They are naturally water-repellant and can dry almost immediately. They are associated with summer.

Aquatic eelum have fins, rather than feathered tails or limbs. They also have fins in place of ears. While they are not capable of any sort of gliding, they are immensely powerful swimmers and move through water with little to no effort; swimming to them is no more difficult than walking. Different types of water, such as salt or freshwater, doesn't make any difference to them. They can live in one type as well as any other. Of course, they also have the option of living on land and are not required in any way to live close to water.

Water and ice magics come naturally to aquatic eelum. They are able to learn other types as well, but often struggle with picking up things related to fire. Aquatic eelum may spend much of their childhood in rivers, lakes, or seas, which makes them incredibly curious about the things that can only be found out of water. They have a tendency to take on unusual contracts that test their abilities or force them to figure out new skills.


Trait : Coming June 2022


Trait : Coming June 2022


Flutter eelum

Flutter eelum are a petite species that rarely grow more than four feet in height. Their feathers are usually small, appearing like scales on the wings of moths or butterflies. They are associated with autumn.

A thin membrane connects their arms to their sides, in the shape of butterfly wings. They also have a matching tail and their necks are usually covered by a collar of feathers or fluff. They are the only species of eelum that does not have horns. Instead, they sport antenna that allow them to more easily sense changes in wind currents. Flutter eelum are also the only species that is capable of true flight. Thanks to their wing structure, they are able to perform various aerial feats, including backwards flight, quick turns, and amazing dive speeds.

In combat, flutter eelum have a great preference for using magic rather than physical confrontation. Many kinds of magic come to them naturally, but they are rarely compatible with water-based magic. They cannot be summoned for a contract. Flutter eelum can only sense and respond to strong wishes, often of children or those who need additional hope.


Trait : Coming September 2022


Trait : Coming September 2022


Shi eelum

Proud and powerful, shi eelum are the tallest of all eelum and can be just over seven feet in height. Shi eelum have a higher concentration of magic than other species, which means their very presence repels evil and brings good fortune. They are associated with winter.

Their size makes them sturdier and more physically powerful than other species of eelum. Their jaws have an absurd amount of strength; they are are likely to use teeth as teeth and claws, when faced with opponents. Their strong magic grants them the ability to grant blessings to others and even heal illness.

Summoners cannot make contracts with more than two shi eelum at a time, and only in pairs of opposing genders. Shi eelum are fiercely loyal; their contracts are nearly impossible for summoners to break and shi eelum will refuse to give up until their task is complete. Their contracts typically center around protection. Even without a contract, shi eelum may choose to watch over places of importance. They are especially drawn to shrines, temples, or long-standing residencies.


Trait : Coming December 2022


Trait : Coming December 2022


Pure eelum

When an eelum reaches a certain state of enlightenment, they may upgrade to a pure eelum. These eelum are accompanied by an all-seeing eye to denote their status. They repel evil more powerfully than other eelum and may hold the power to purify an individual of wicked thoughts. Their abilities are strongest around Walpurgis.

How does one reach this state? There seem to be as many answers as there are individuals, and at least half as many rumors. Some say that pure eelum had to successfully complete a thousand contracts, or performed a great heroic act; some say that they are the truest experts in their chosen subject, or that they have learned all possible magics. Pure eelum are typically secretive about it. Just because they are more powerful doesn't necessarily mean that they are any kind of holy. Pure eelum can be just as mischievous as anyone else.


Trait : Coming late April 2022


Trait : Coming late April 2022


Corrupt eelum

When an eelum succumbs to the evil that they are meant to repel, their nazars crack. They are no longer able to ward off evil of any kind. This leads to many of them falling into unlawful or even wicked ways. A corrupt eelum cannot be cured of their broken nazar. Halloween is the time of year when corrupt eelum are most likely to emerge, as that is when their powers are at their strongest.

Many eelum are afraid of becoming corrupt, but there are few who ever experience it. Those who do may claim to feel as if an unknown barrier was broken, giving them a greater sense of freedom. Although much of society is cautious around them, not all corrupt eelum are evil or even bad. Some have been able to live relatively normal lives, showing very little change outside of their appearance. And yet, there are others who fully embrace their corruption and simply fuel the rumors and fear surrounding corrupt eelum.


Trait : Coming December 2022


Trait : Coming late October 2022